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Notebook page 31 Properties of Matter. Physical and Chemical Properties Physical Properties: Characteristics you can observe that do not change the identity.

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Presentation on theme: "Notebook page 31 Properties of Matter. Physical and Chemical Properties Physical Properties: Characteristics you can observe that do not change the identity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notebook page 31 Properties of Matter

2 Physical and Chemical Properties Physical Properties: Characteristics you can observe that do not change the identity of the substance. Ex: Stretch, Melt, Boil Chemical Properties: Characteristic that indicates if a substance can undergo a chemical change. Ex: Flammable, React to Light

3 Physical and Chemical Changes Physical Change: Change in size, shape or state of matter without changing the identity of the matter. Ex: Iron absorbs heat and changes from solid to liquid (state of matter change) and glows red. Chemical Change: Change of one substance to another. Ex: Eggs decompose giving off hydrogen sulfide H₂S

4 Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes The teacher will assign one of the following: 1.Physical Property 2.Chemical Property 3.Physical Change 4.Chemical Change Write down your assigned words. Come up with your own example in a sentence. Share your example with the class.

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