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By: Jason Wells March 16, 2009. Video /cohen.autism.911.part.3.cnn?iref=videosearch.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jason Wells March 16, 2009. Video /cohen.autism.911.part.3.cnn?iref=videosearch."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jason Wells March 16, 2009

2 Video /cohen.autism.911.part.3.cnn?iref=videosearch

3 What is Autism? Autism is…. A complex developmental disability which affects communication and interaction abilities According To the Autism Society of America

4 A Little History “Autism” comes from the Greek Word “autos” meaning “self” Eugene Bleuler, Swiss psychiatrist, used the term first in 1911 1943 – Autism was first identified by Dr. Leo Kanner

5 Autism Spectrum Disorders Five overall developmental disorders that fall under this: 1 – Autism 2 – Asperger Syndrome 3 – Rett Syndrome 4 – PDD – Pervasive Developmental Disorder 5 – Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

6 Every Case Is Different Every child is different when it comes to having Autism. Therefore it makes it difficult at times to determine if one has Autism. OR which form of Autism to be diagnosed.

7 Signs of Autism Inability to speak at all or clearly (delay) Repetitive language or movements (can be both) Little or No Eye Contact Lack of Social Relationships No Many Spontaneous Thoughts (Or Imagination) Persistent fixation

8 Can Affect Any Child Autism does not select one child over another by race, gender, culture, economic status, or etc…

9 Causes Three Accepted Causes 1 – Abnormalities In Brain Structure/Function 2 – Genetic Vulnerability 3 – Environmental Factors

10 Prevalence 1 in 150 American Children 1 in 94 Boys About 1.5 million Americans have effects of autism spectrum disorder

11 Treatments Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Which is the use of positive reinforce towards the child. Been in use since the 1960s. Used to reduce behavior problems. If used early enough it can assist the child to become more independent.

12 Continued… Floortime Developed by Stanley Greenspan Basics – an adult who meets the child on their skill level (almost as if in a comfort zone) to increase social interaction

13 Continued… PECS PECS is a communication technique that assits the child to learn verbal skills by using “picture cards” Allow the child to make a sentence request items and other things by using these cards to communicate.

14 Continued… TEACCH (Training and Education of Autisitc Related Communication Handicapped Children) Tailored toward children with Autism Highly structured environment Clear sequence of activities It is believed to provide a strong framework for the long term learning process.

15 Accommodations: There are a few things that can be done inside the classroom to help an Autistic student learn. - Repeat questions/instructions - Allow for students to fix things that are unorganized - Use Patterns - Allow Extra Time - Have A Class Buddy (Someone the child is comfortable with) - Bring Visual Objects To Class - Provide Special Tools (Shorter Pencils)

16 Famous People With Autistic Traits Vincent van Gogh Wolfgang Mozart Andy Warhol Actress Daryl Hannah - “A Walk To Remember” - “Adams Family Reunion” - “Steel Magnolias”

17 Free Autism Online Course http://www.autism- Free 30 Minute Course from the Autism Society of America

18 Free PDF Booklet For Download imhautismspectrum.pdf

19 Download Materials/Links Feel free to go to my personal website and download this PowerPoint and save the sheets I handed out to your computer.

20 Resources modifications.php modifications.php =videosearch =videosearch

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