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1 Plans for KEK/ATF 1. Introduction 2. Related Instrumentations at ATF 3. Experimental Plans for Fast Kicker R&D at ATF Junji Urakawa (KEK) at ILC Damping.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Plans for KEK/ATF 1. Introduction 2. Related Instrumentations at ATF 3. Experimental Plans for Fast Kicker R&D at ATF Junji Urakawa (KEK) at ILC Damping."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Plans for KEK/ATF 1. Introduction 2. Related Instrumentations at ATF 3. Experimental Plans for Fast Kicker R&D at ATF Junji Urakawa (KEK) at ILC Damping Rings R&D Workshop – ILCDR06, Cornell University

2 2 Pulse generator Specifications Amplitude at 50 ohm : 5 kV Rise time : 1-1.4 ns Pulse width at 50% of amplitude : 2-3 ns Maximum Pulse Repetition Frequency in burst mode : 3 MHz FID Technology has very fast and high repetition rate pulse generators. The specification meets our requirements for the high voltage pulse source. We tested the kicker performance by using the pulse PS.

3 3 Beam kick experiment at ATF DR The kicker pulse is applied to the strip-line electrode when the beam goes through the electrode. The beam kick is observed by a turn-by-turn BPM as the amplitude of the oscillation of the betatron frequency component. The kick effect is measured by scanning the pulse timing precisely.

4 4 Measurement result of FPG5-3000M The achieved resolution is 0.2  rad. Rise time~3.2ns Kick angle ~91  rad (calc.94.7  rad) Expanded horizontal scale

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6 6 After tuning of the circuit,

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8 8 ATF Introduction E=1.3GeV, N e =3x10 10 e - /bunch 1 ~ 20 bunches, Rep=3.125Hz X emit=2.5x10 -6 ( at 0 intensity) Y emit=1.0x10 -8 ( at 0 intensity) -  2.5x10 -9 in Future Emittance status

9 9 ATF Damping Ring BPM Electronics: single pass detection for 96 BPMs

10 10 Spectrum of DR BPM Signal peak at ~ 1GHz Resolution Improvement Min. resolution ~ 2µm Turn by Turn and Bunch by Bunch Signal at 1GHz

11 11 Laser wire beam size monitor in DR 14.7µm laser wire for X scan 5.7µm for Y scan (whole scan: 15min for X, 6min for Y) 300mW 532nm Solid-state Laser Fed into optical cavity

12 12 Experimental setup 1. laserwire 2. detector and collimator 3. data taking system

13 13 Laserwire setup horizontal wire vertical wire

14 14 Detector Compton scattering 28.6 MeV (max gamma energy) 23.0 MeV ( 0.2 mrad scattering angle ) gamma ray detector [70 mm ×70 mm ×300 mm ] CsI(pure) crystal 2” photo-multiplier time resolution PMT signal leading edge 0.56 nsec resolution (signal energy region) enough to separate 2.8ns spacing bunches

15 15 Beam profile by Laser wire  e 2 =  meas 2 -  lw 2  =  e 2 – [  (  p/p)] 2  :measured by Q-trim excitation

16 16 Emittance by Laser wire < 0.5% y/x emittance ratio Y emittance =4pm at small intensity

17 17 Beam kick experiment at ATF DR The kicker pulse is applied to the strip-line electrode when the beam goes through the electrode. The beam kick is observed by a turn-by-turn BPM as the amplitude of the oscillation of the betatron frequency component. The kick effect is measured by scanning the pulse timing precisely.

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19 19 Tektronix DPO7254 20GS/s Powerful Lap-top PC with huge memory National Instruments GPIB- Enet/100 DCCT, ICT DR Trigger System DR BPM Interface to transfer lots of related data ATF local network DAQ which will be made soon. ATF DR tunnelATF Assembly hall New powerful data acquisition system Transverse emittance, bunch length, tune, vacuum level, COD, energy spread, temperature, Acceleration Voltage

20 20 New powerful data acquisition system will be installed in Nov.. Tektronix, DPO7000, 20GS/sec, 500MHz to 7.25GHz, 1msec continuous signal measurements just after triggering by the step of 100psec for fast kicker study. (time resolution less than 1psec)

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25 25 Experimental Plan for study on fast kicker with multi-bunch The range from several 10 9 to 3x10 10 electrons/bunch Until 20 bunches/train, changeable from 1 to 20. Precise emittance growth measurements bunch-by bunch. Accurate beam position measurement during 1msec by the step of 100psec ; huge data will be obtained. We will start this R&D from end of Nov. in this year because new instrumentation require the check and fine tuning for one month from mid. of Oct. and fast kicker R&D has first priority. Anyway, I want to finish this study until 2007 at ATF.

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