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Title Teachers’ Motivation: A Portrayal of Teaching as a Profession Presented by Dr. Shiv Ram Pandey.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Teachers’ Motivation: A Portrayal of Teaching as a Profession Presented by Dr. Shiv Ram Pandey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Teachers’ Motivation: A Portrayal of Teaching as a Profession Presented by Dr. Shiv Ram Pandey

2 Con… Purpose of the Study The main purpose of this study is to find out the factors that motivate teachers; the relation of motivation with professionalism of teachers and to identify whether teachers’ professionalism affect on quality education.

3 Con… Research Questions: I have formulated the following main research questions for the process of enquiry. 1) What are the factors that motivate teachers? 2) What is the relation of motivation with professionalism of teachers? 3) What makes teaching as a profession? 4) To what extent teachers’ professionalism affect quality of education?

4 Con… Significance of the Study Being a teacher, what I have hoped from this study is that it will help me a lot to motivate towards my profession. In the same way, this study will give greater benefit to the teachers to make their teaching profession stimulating, relevant, meaningful and successful. It will help to ameliorate the education system in the higher secondary schools.

5 Con… Furthermore, this study will add some bricks of advantages to those people who are directly and indirectly involved in this profession. Lastly, I hope this research will help Nepalese researchers to be aware of new approaches of qualitative research in the content of Nepalese Education System.

6 Review of Literature Thematic review Empirical review Theoretical review Books Journal Articles Internet Theoretical framework

7 Research methodology This study is mainly based on primary data. It is a qualitative study. Therefore, data is collected on the basis of in depth and uninstructed interviews. I will also follow observation and focused group discussion with the teachers. The guiding questionnaires will focus on the issues of teachers’ motivation in their profession.

8 Con… The interview will be conducted in the higher secondary schools of Kathmandu valley both urban and rural taking the sample of ten teachers both male and female, who may be trained or untrained and experienced or inexperienced. Selection of teachers with different level will be done purposively hoping that from their stories a true picture of teachers’ motivation would come out.

9 Con… I have endeavored to adopt qualitative and interpretive approach to portray Teachers’ Motivation in the higher secondary schools. What I believe is that the methodology isn’t independent and universal: rather it depends on the nature of research problem and is derived from ontological, epistemological and phenomenological underpinnings. As a result, I will deal with the ontological, epistemological and phenomenological considerations; and the methodology for the research problem.

10 Con… My ontological belief My ontological assumptions are substantially nominalists. Specially, I hold the view that the notion of objective world is due to one’s observational and theoretical standpoint for explaining the nature of reality. To me there is not universal meaning of motivation. It is contextual. Each individual perceive and explain it differently. I will proceed my research study depending on this ground.

11 Con… My Epistemological belief My Epistemological beliefs have been formed according to the notion of a postmodern constructivist standpoint which describes to the notion of representing multiple subjectivities to communicate the subtle, tacit and subjective nature of knowledge with readers. By positioning me in this epistemological ground. I will proceed my research project.

12 Con… Phenomenological Considerations I propose to use qualitative research methods to investigate my research questions. Qualitative research is based on the phenomenological paradigm which uses a variety of interpretive research methodologies (Best and Khan 1993). The notion of phenomenological deals with the study of the development of human consciousness and self-awareness within the frames of observed phenomenon (Gubrinma Holstein, 2000). In the context of educational research, phenomenology implies examining the lived experiences of pedagogical contexts (van Manen, 1990).

13 Con… Clandinin and Connelly’s (2000) emphasis is on the reflection of educative experiences for improving the practice of teachers educators. By standing on this ground, I will consider the subjective portrayal of the educative phenomenon, which are the sources of my lived experiences; Connelly and Clandinin (1990) suggest that qualitative inquiry relies more on apparency, verisimilitude and transferability.

14 Con… Facilities and Resources I will use the following facilities and resources during my research. Books/journals from KU Library, TU Central Library and other libraries. Computer and Internet facilities at KU and other places.

15 Con… Timing The following table shows the timing for accomplishing my research on time TasksMonth Theoretical Review May Data Collection June Interpretation June Submitting the first draft July Receive feedback and edit July Final Submission July Viva defenseJuly

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