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TECH - SAVVY Educating Girls in the New Computer Age.

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Presentation on theme: "TECH - SAVVY Educating Girls in the New Computer Age."— Presentation transcript:

1 TECH - SAVVY Educating Girls in the New Computer Age

2 Overview Tech-Savvy combines:  the insights of 14 commissioners  findings from the online survey of 90 teachers  qualitative focus group research with more than 70 girls  reviews of existing research

3 “When it comes to today’s computer culture, the bottom line is that while more girls are on the train, they aren’t the ones driving.” PAMELA HAAG PAMELA HAAG

4 Alarming Statistics

5 Report’s major conclusions Computer technology - Girls find programming classes tedious and dull, computer games too boring, and violent, and computer career options uninspiring. Computer games – Girls have clear and strong ideas about what kinds of games they would design :games that feature simulation, strategy, and interaction. Computer fluency – Gender equity cannot be measured by how many girls send e-mail, use the Internet, or make PowerPoint presentations. Gender equity means using technology proactively, being able to interpret the information that technology makes available, and being a lifelong learner of technology.

6 …more conclusions Teacher education – The “drive by” approach to teacher training focuses on the technical properties of the hardware; it does not emphasize educational applications or innovative uses of computing for each subject area. The high-tech workplace –When women, who make half the workforce, account for only 20% of those with information technology credentials, it is a clear sign that we have to make computers and technology relevant across the job market to nontraditional users.

7 Key recommendations Transform pink software: Software does not need to be designated for boys or girls; it should focus on the many design elements and themes that engage a broad range of learners. Look to girls and women to fill the IT job shortage: Girls are an untapped source of talent to lead the high-tech economy and culture. Curriculum developers, teachers, technology experts need to cultivate girls’ interest by infusing technology concepts into subjects areas ranging from music to history to the sciences.

8 …more recommendations Prepare tech-savvy teachers: Professional development for teachers need to emphasize more than the use of computers as productivity tool. Educate girls to be designers, not just users: Engage girls in “tinkering” activities that can stimulate deeper interest in technology. Change the public face of computing: Media, teachers need to make the public face of women in computing correspond to reality rather than stereotype.

9 … and even more Create a family computer: Among other things, place computers in accessible home spaces. Think about shared or family centered activities on the computers, rather than viewing its use as an individual or isolated activity. Set a new standard for gender equity: The new benchmark for gender equity should emphasize computer fluency: girls’ mastery of analytical skills, computer concepts, and their ability to imagine innovative uses for technology across a range of problems and subjects.

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