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What is Emergence? And Why Should You Care? Philip Gorski Yale University Critical Realism Network

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Presentation on theme: "What is Emergence? And Why Should You Care? Philip Gorski Yale University Critical Realism Network"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Emergence? And Why Should You Care? Philip Gorski Yale University Critical Realism Network alismnetwork/ @EngageCR

2 Key Questions What is emergence? What are the different types of emergence? How does social emergence differ from physical and biological emergence? What are the main arguments for and against emergence? What does social emergence mean for social theory and social research?

3 Types of Emergence Epistemological emergence: qualitative patterns. Chaotic emergence: new structures. Ontological emergence: new powers.

4 Domains of Emergence Physical emergence: spatial relations between physical parts. Biological emergence: spatial and temporal relations between physical and functional parts. Social emergence: spatial, temporal and intentional relations between physical, functional and symbolic parts.

5 Social Structure: A Generic Definition Human Persons Human Symbols Human Artifacts

6 Three (BAD) Arguments against Emergence Skeptical: “Seeing is believing.” Reductionist: Methodological Individualism Epistemological: “Just you wait!”

7 A (Better) Hermeneutic Argument against Emergence Ontological: Nature vs. Culture. Methodological: Observation vs. Interpretation Epistemological: Objective vs. Subjective. Constructivist: Mind-Independence vs. Mind- Dependence.

8 Some Realist Counter-Arguments for Emergence The hermeneutic description of science is a misleading caricature. The hermeneutic account of agency is overly romantic. The hermeneutic vision of social science is insufficiently pluralistic. The hermeneutic emphasis on perspectivalism is too subjectivistic.

9 Social Emergence: Practical Implications Methodological Pluralism: No “gold standards.” Social Theory as Social Ontology. Formal Causation: “Constraining and Enabling.” Social Structure: Recovering the Material Dimension.

10 Summing Up Emergence: “whole is greater than the parts.” A Spectrum: pure aggregativity, qualitative patterns, new structures, new powers. Social Emergence: spatial, temporal and intentional relations between physical, functional and symbolic parts.

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