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School Drinking Policy By. Demi Pope, Ryan Thomas, Courtney Murr, & Alonzo Thomas.

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2 School Drinking Policy By. Demi Pope, Ryan Thomas, Courtney Murr, & Alonzo Thomas

3 Jason Hunt Quarterback on football team Drinking problem Liked to party and drink Dates Carrie Shows up to football games intoxicated Athletic privileges Got hurt in homecoming game Denies drinking problem

4 Coach Wilson High school football coach Knew rumors of Jason's drinking problem Gets sued by Jason's parents Should have suspended Jason Was too fixated on the homecoming game

5 Lisa Kent She is honest and responsible Very active in ADF teens Saw Jason drinking in a car Told coach Wilson of Jason's drinking Felt Jason was getting special privileges

6 Carrie Edens Jason's girlfriend Cheerleader Had a party Everyone's favorite choice for homecoming queen Didn’t want alcohol at her party Noticed alcohol on Jason's breath Worried about Jason's drinking problem

7 Jason's Parents Sued coach Wilson for negligence They were worried about Jason They were angry with the coach for letting Jason play They noticed changes in Jason's behavior

8 Relevant laws file Illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to consume alcohol It is illegal for a person to sell liquor to anyone under the age of 21 It is illegal at ask anyone under the age of 21 to buy alcohol

9 Physical impact of Alcohol Some of the effects drinking alcohol can have on a 150- pound person Girls and women are typically more affected by alcohol than boys and men (Even when they’re the same size or weight)

10 Two drinks: blood alcohol concentration (BAC).05 percent Less inhibition Some changes in judgment and decision making Loosened restraint Dulled senses

11 Eight drinks: blood alcohol concentration.20 percent Significant impact on motor functions Significant impairment of judgment, perception, and ability to retrieve and record memories Blacking out Nausea

12 Twelve drink: blood alcohol concentration.30 percent Impairment of brain’s ability to manage even basic bodily functions Confusion Stuporous Behavior Possible Alcohol Overdose Blacking out Passing out

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