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7 tasks identified Flight Arrival Interaction Detection Resolution Planning Resolution Implementation Monitoring Other Trajectory Changes Co-ordination.

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Presentation on theme: "7 tasks identified Flight Arrival Interaction Detection Resolution Planning Resolution Implementation Monitoring Other Trajectory Changes Co-ordination."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 tasks identified Flight Arrival Interaction Detection Resolution Planning Resolution Implementation Monitoring Other Trajectory Changes Co-ordination Analyse the Operational Concept Identify the Actors Identify the Tasks Application of the Capacity Metric to En-route Identify the roles and procedures for the humans in the system, Controllers, Pilots etc. Human, e.g. Tactical Controller Planning controller TMA Controller Pilot Machine elements, e.g. Trajectory Predictor Conflict Probe Datalink

2 Resolution Planning Resolution Implementation Monitoring Other Trajectory Changes Co-ordination Interaction Detection (i.e. Conflict Detection) Flight Arrival Actor 1 TC Actor 2 PC Actor 3 Trajectory Predictor Actor 3 Conflict Probe ……Actor n Actor Task Allocation of Actors to Activities

3 Perform Experiment Follow the experimental plan, observe to ensure the procedures are followed Collect the data Process Recorded Data Process the data to identify the events that occurred during the experiment Calculate Metric Application of the Capacity Metric, continued For each task determine and allocate an amount of IPL For Resolution Planning the algorithm allocates an amount of IPL dependent on the assessed difficulty or complexity of the conflict using factors such as proximity and geometry of other aircraft, proximity of aircraft to sector boundary, see next slide

4 Interaction Detection Zone Look-ahead Time Limit 7. Around the route is an interaction detection zone Direction of flight Determination of IPL for a Trajectory Update 1. Aircraft BAW1234 is planned to fly the route shown 2. Around the route is a conflict detection zone Conflict Detection Zone 3. A potential conflict exists Conflict with another aircraft Detection / Planning Occurs 4. The potential conflict is detected Resolution Implementation Occurs 6. The resolution is implemented Trajectory Edit 5. A trajectory edit will remove the potential conflict Other Aircraft 8. To determine IPL the location of other aircraft is considered Sector Boundary 9. The proximity of the sector boundary is also considered in determining IPL BAW1234

5 Tactical Controller Role Current ControlControl in advanced tool environment Sample output from the Capacity metric

6 Capacity in terms of Sector Throughput

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