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Key Principles for Growing e-Learning Teacher Capability in NZ schools A Pilot Project With a focus on meeting the needs of Māori students

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1 Key Principles for Growing e-Learning Teacher Capability in NZ schools A Pilot Project With a focus on meeting the needs of Māori students

2 Kathe Tawhiwhirangi Warren Hall Anne Sturgess Ehara i te toa takitahi engari i te toa takitini My strength is not mine alone but that of the multitudes

3 Whakatauki Ki mai ki ahau he aha te mea nui i tenei ao Te tangata! Te tangata! Te tangata! Ask me what is important in this world – It is people! It is people! It is people!

4 ICT PD ➞ BeL PLD Began in 1999 - 23 Schools  finishes 2012 (3yr contracts) PLD reviews from 2007 o BES, Helen Timperley et al o ERO Managing PLD reports Evidence based PLD (student outcome focus) Regionally delivered and co-ordinated Reduction of centrally funded PLD Increase in differentiated PLD

5 1.Accelerates student achievement with an urgent focus on Māori, Pasifika and students with special education needs 2.Is flexible and responsive to the diverse identity, language and culture needs of students 3.Is based on evidence of student needs within a school or kura 4.Has clear and measurable outcomes for students 5.Is based on The New Zealand Curriculum 6.Builds sustainable school-wide inquiry and practice within schools in collaboration with school leadership, parents, whānau, iwi and communities 7.Increasingly considers the role of ICT in PLD delivery and student outcomes MoE’s 7 Core Principles for PLD

6 Vision Capabilities for living and lifelong learning The New Zealand Curriculum identifies five key competencies: thinking using language, symbols, and texts managing self relating to others participating and contributing

7 Using language, symbols, and texts… The aim is that NZ students will confidently use ICT (including, where appropriate, assistive technologies) to access and provide information and to communicate with others.

8 Why? MOE decision to move to a regional model of PLD provision. Feedback and data from this trial will allow the BeL team to make informed decisions regarding the structure, documentation and processes for the new way of working.

9 To achieve this we needed to… Develop an operational PLD model, Provide feedback about the e-LPF, Trial the Facilitator Tool, and Operate in a blended manner. We also needed to listen to and learn from schools and communities involved in the Pilot Project

10 Selection criteria… Looked for 15 schools who were: Not Current ICT PD clusters working within another PLD contract such as literacy or leadership and assessment High percentage of Māori students (Koha Team)

11 Our 5-step plan was to… 1.Determine the nature and extent of their needs (gathering data) (Teacher Beliefs, eLPF). 2.Discuss causes where appropriate. 3.Start with the primary unmet need (Analysis). 4.Apply the right intervention to address the need (Guide & Grow) 5.Evaluate current levels of functioning on each need/outcome (Review).

12 What we actually did… Invited participation Built relationships Joined in Got to know the community Manaakitanga Contributed – eLPF, digital stories, brought in expertise Grew the community – VLN, TKI, digi-stores Worked with others Kotahitanga Walked alongside teachers, students & the community in their learning. Helped teachers grow in competence & confidence Rangatiratanga

13 What does this mean in practice? Manaakitanga Kotahitanga Rangatiratanga Manaaki tētahi i tētahi KNOW the community of the school Identity, Language & Culture Moving forward together Collaboration (various forms/people/groups) Interdependence Whanau/school partnership Sustainability and growing capabilities Utilising the ‘knowledge’ of the whānau/wider community

14 There’s a lot going on in schools So…offer something that will make a difference

15 A balancing act Helping Hinderin g No way forwardNot sustainableExpert model Tools, skills & Knowledge first Helping Hinderin g Empowering Rangatiratanga Learning Together Kotahitanga People First Manaakitanga Expert Model

16 Schools found it helpful When the facilitator: Built relationships with a wide range of people. Timetabled. Left set tasks & trusted teachers to take responsibility for their own learning. Kept notes during other PLD sessions. Brought expertise into the school. Guided rather than told.

17 Recommendations from Pilot Schools Face-to-face engagement Acknowledge that teachers are busy Include the wider community Allow time – be organised Build capacity by bringing in expertise Use both personal and online involvement Make time for principal to debrief with facilitator regularly

18 Manaaki Whenua, Manaaki Tangata, Haere whakamua Care for the land, Care for the people, Go forward. Haere ra: Kathe Tawhiwhirangi, Anne Sturgess & Warren Hall

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