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Promotion and Tenure Philip Ganderton Senior Associate Dean College of Arts and Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Promotion and Tenure Philip Ganderton Senior Associate Dean College of Arts and Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotion and Tenure Philip Ganderton Senior Associate Dean College of Arts and Sciences

2 Outline Mentoring Department expectations Annual reviews Teaching and Research, Service Mid-probationary review Promotion and tenure review Research semester

3 Mentoring Required Start in first semester Depends on department – individual – committee Can be changed

4 Department Expectations Varies by discipline and department Should be shared first semester Chair to ensure senior faculty use it!

5 Annual Reviews Conducted by Chair Input from faculty Input from mentor Peer evaluations Goes into file, reviewed by Committees

6 Teaching Breadth Depth Peer evaluations, Student evaluations Teaching Portfolio

7 Research Grants Fellowships in Humanities Graduate students Research semester

8 Service Minimal, but essential Chair’s responsibility Category 4: Personal characteristics (1.2) “Service and personal characteristics are important but normally round out and complement the faculty member’s strengths in teaching and scholarly work.” (1.2.4) “This category relates to the personal traits that influence an individual’s effectiveness as a teacher, a scholar, or creative artist, and a leader in a professional area. Of primary concern are intellectual breadth, emotional stability or maturity, and a sufficient vitality and forcefulness to constitute effectiveness.” (also mentions collegiality, morality and ethical behavior.)

9 Mid-Pro Review On a six-year clock, begins in the fall of the third year, decision in May usually. Three-level review – Department (faculty, committee, Chair) – College (committee, Dean) – Provost (committee, Provost) Negative decisions

10 P&T Review Timetable set in offer letter. – Can be shortened, limited events to lengthen Three-level review (extra input) – External letters – Department, College, Provost Role of Chair

11 Conclusion Be engaged and active Use the mentoring system Check with Chair constantly Take control of the process, the rewards are valuable!

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