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 This photo represent the bourgeoisie on times of Goya. We can see a child with his nobles parents and a peasant that come with a hamper with grapes.

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3  This photo represent the bourgeoisie on times of Goya. We can see a child with his nobles parents and a peasant that come with a hamper with grapes for the nobles eat grapes. In this picture Goya use light and intenses colours. This picture is dealer and care.

4  In this photo appear a woman, she is sitting, and how the name indicate, she is a dairywoman. Goya represent this picture with light colours. The picture is made with a lot of fragility and care. This photo and the previus photo was painted for Goya when he didn't be sick.

5  Goya painted this picture when he didn't be sick, because rather the picture was more dark and not with lights colours. In this photo appear the king FERNANDO VII with the royal cape.

6  Goya painted this picture in1820-1823, in these years Goya was sick, he became deaf and the war also perjudiced him. In this years Goya painted with black, therefore the picture is dark.

7  This picture represent an image about the war, in this time Goya was sick. We can see people and the police, they killed to the people. In this photo contrast the colours dark(the sky) and the lights colours (the limelight and the central person).

8  In this picture, we can see two men flighting with sticks. Goya painted this because when he was sick, he only painted wars and with black colour.


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