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Using Standing Setting in evaluation: Exploring differences between the ordinary and excellent Janet Clinton University of Auckland, New Zealand University.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Standing Setting in evaluation: Exploring differences between the ordinary and excellent Janet Clinton University of Auckland, New Zealand University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Standing Setting in evaluation: Exploring differences between the ordinary and excellent Janet Clinton University of Auckland, New Zealand University of Connecticut 2009

2 The chocolate chip cookie exercise

3 Chocolate chip standards of success CharacteristicPoorBasicGoodExcellent Chewy centre Health factor Number of chips Size The x factor

4 Aims Explore judgment of success Illustrate standard setting as an approach to systematically judge levels of success Demonstrate that standard setting can be a powerful tool in program evaluation in either large or small evaluations Standard setting particularly useful in health settings

5 What is a standard? A standard is a statement about whether a performance is good enough for a particular purpose Evaluation is about judgments

6 The judges

7 How have we done this in the past? The use of benchmarks to understand success:  Common practice  Developed from literature reviews & input by stakeholders however  Often inaccurate or not representative The lack of strong evidence and diverse cultures often makes the process of determining standards difficult

8 Praying……….

9 What is standard setting? Standard setting is a means of systematically harnessing human judgment to define and defend a set of standards

10 Standard setting methodology Describes the attributes of each category e.g., what makes a program fall into the category of excellent A process of rationally deriving, consistently applying, and describing procedures on which judgments can be made The process decides on a “cut-score” that then creates distinct and defensible categories e.g., pass/fail, allow/deny, excellent/poor.

11 Theoretical basis & method Based on theories of judgment analysis & attribution theory Used in educational measurement e.g. Jaegar, 1997 Methods ◦ Angoff ◦ Bookmark ◦ Hofstee ◦ Lens Modelling The method has to be: Defensible Credible Supported by body of evidence in the literature Feasible Acceptable to all stakeholders All about the process and the right fit

12 Standard Setting in an Evaluation of National Chronic Care Management Initiatives

13 The project  Understand best practice of chronic care management programs --- nationally.  Develop a user friendly best practice workbook: e.g. COPD, Stroke, CVD & CHF ◦ The evidence---Literature review ◦ What is happening---Stock take survey ◦ Key stakeholders--Expert interviews ◦ Acceptable practice--Standard setting exercise ◦ Evaluation of individual programs or sites ◦ Development of a best practice work book

14 Applying the methodology Conducted Stand Setting Workshops ◦ 5 sites around NZ ◦ Invite experts/stakeholders ◦ Group and individual rating exercises ◦ Analyze the assessments ◦ Define a standard ◦ Determine success indicators

15 Preparation work 1.Understand the evidence base for success 2.Develop a set of dimensions 3.Develop profiles of programs 4.Plan the workshops 5.Determine the composition of stakeholders 6.Develop assessment rubrics—scoring schedule

16 Exercise 1 Importance of each factor ◦ Rank the importance of the factors that make up best practice ◦ Present the information back ◦ Discuss as a group e.g. missing dimensions


18 Site W

19 Regional Comparison Regions

20 The Exercise 2: Round 1 Form representative groups Describe and discuss the dimension Read the profiles & make a judgment about the standard of the dimensions Rate the dimensions Each individual records the reason or explanation for their choice


22 Analyzing the information Analyze all the information ◦ Present the information back to the established groups of mixed stakeholders ◦ Individual information was returned

23 Exercise 2: Round 2 Information returned Groups discuss their individual choices Aim to get group consensus on rating best practice of dimensions Information recorded along with the explanations

24 Roles defined, attendance at meetings; program spokes person No collaboration with PHO or NGOs No plan to disseminate info to community Results for each profile

25 Analysis of results Regression to determine importance of dimensions Create a matrix of explanations first by individuals then by group consensus Consult the evidence & the experts Determine the ‘cut scores’ for each assessment area—used the bookmark method

26 NMeansd Engagement of leadership 4795.231.81 Focus on health (inequalities) 4794.972.09 Collaboration 4784.961.86 Adherence to clinical guidelines 4774.881.95 Conceptual understanding 4754.762.00 Community links 4754.671.86 Attention to effectiveness / outcomes 4764.652.03 Attention to efficiency / cost / output 4684.632.01 Delivery design system 4694.401.70 Decision support systems 4784.391.79 Knowledge transfer 4764.211.81 Overall 4804.721.76 Overall means

27 Factor analysis Individuals Groups Program & Organization123123 Community links.92.06-. Collaboration. Focus on health inequalities. Conceptual understanding.61-. Delivery design system. Engagement of leadership. Effectiveness/Efficiency Attention to efficiency -.03.97-.03.04.91-.02 Attention to effectiveness. Information Decision support systems. Adhere to clinical guidelines.05.21.59-.11.67.32 Knowledge transfer. Factor inter correlations Program11 Efficiency/Effectiveness.621.681 Information.66.681.38.511

28 Across the exemplars


30 The standard DimensionLimitedBasicReasonably good Excellent Collaboration No work with community No evidence Hospital focus Poor referral system Low engagement with Maori low levels of trust Little primary/ secondary integration Recognises weaknesses Evidence of partnerships Good initiatives Community approach evidenced Whole system collaboration Lots of alternatives Leadership No champion Poor management Lack of evidence Some leadership No champions Foundation of leadership Strong clinical leadership Weak champions Identified problems but no change Evident leadership at program Strong champions Evidence of vision

31 Did it work? Analysis illustrates that we can create cut scores for basic through to excellent. We can define the judgment Have an explanation or criteria for each level

32 Reactions to the workshops ◦ We have a voice ◦ Systematic ◦ Inclusive for roles, regions & view ◦ Useful for self review ◦ Hard work ◦ We got nothing ◦ This is dangerous ◦ Stupid! Variable

33 Draw backs Resource intense Analysis can be problematic Time Pressures Setting league tables in health Scary

34 Consequences Creates a benchmark for judgment Validates research through practice Understand different views of success Facilitates self-review Encourages learning Encourages an evaluation perspective

35 Working with Community groups Adapt the process Need 8-10 in group Great focus of the explanation Qualitative analysis Preparation takes community into account Use of evidence to build rubrics & exemplars Feasibility-Propriety- Accuracy-Utility

36 Final word Not so much ◦ the METHOD as the PROCESS

37 The judgment

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