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ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Technical Aspects of OATA ACG Workshop, 17 February 2004 Bert Nijhof, Shanda Cordingley.

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Presentation on theme: "ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Technical Aspects of OATA ACG Workshop, 17 February 2004 Bert Nijhof, Shanda Cordingley."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Technical Aspects of OATA ACG Workshop, 17 February 2004 Bert Nijhof, Shanda Cordingley

2 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Logical Architecture Why Logical?

3 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Organisation (OCD/CONOPS) Goals: What must be done l work flows; l activities; l communication patterns. How is it done l assign (sub-) activities to systems or humans; l departments; l assign activities to departments. System (OATA) Goals: What are the Application Activities l relations and dependencies. How is it done l software programmes and modules; l computers; l networks; l interoperability standards. Recapitulation of Principles

4 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Old Approach: Main functions, function and sub-functions l radar data processing l flight data processing l flow management l avionics Current Approach: Objects, co-operating objects l Aircraft l Airway l Flight Plan l Sector l Radar l and the services they provide (e.g. FL change) ATM Application Activities

5 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky l The controller requests a FL change l The Flight Plan Object coordinates the change, since it knows which aircraft is flying the route F It will pose the question Can this aircraft fly on FL x to the Route Object; F The Route Object will ask the Airspace Object and the Airway Object, whether the actual aircraft equipage allows to fly on FL x. l The Flight Plan Object will change the FL or it will reject the change l Note that for this FL change the following operational issue must be solved: F what is the scope (current sector, current centre, remainder of the route) F when is co-ordination required e.g. FL Change

6 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky l The issues addressed are purely related to the Operational Use of the System l The process used is a formal Engineering Method; F Identify which Objects from the Operational Domain(s) should be represented in the system F Define the boundary of the responsibility of each object F What questions about themselves should those objects be able to answer (services) The result is a LOGICAL ARCHITECTURE! Operational & Engineering Skills required

7 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky OATA is concerned primarily with the ATM Application! Communication COTS Middleware User Interfaces ATM Application Logic ATM Application Technique Architecture Layers

8 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky l Translation of operational requirements in formal, unambiguous engineering language (No need for skills in theology to explain the meaning of plain text requirements during factory- and site-acceptance testing) l Close daily co-operation between the architects and operational experts is essential l Alignment of the requirements for all involved parties (ANSP, Airlines, Airports, Aircraft builders, ATC Systems Manufactures, etc.) l Alignment of the target dates for development by the involved parties through the Evolution plan l Organisation of a European wide buy-in Benefits of the Approach

9 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky OATA Logical Architecture A formal unambiguous specification of the operational behaviour of future ATM/CNS systems accepted by the stakeholders

10 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Progress 2 out of 6 Iterations have been completed.

11 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Iteration 1 l Airspace Management; F Use Case: Submit a Regional Airspace Use Plan for Feedback l Airport Operations F Use Case: Taxi-in of an aircraft l ATC and Flight Management F Use Case: File a Flight Plan F Use Case: Change Flight Intent to Resolve Conflict l Aeronautical Information Management F Use Case: Obtain Pre-Flight Update Briefing l Surveillance F Air and Ground Surveillance

12 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Use cases: l Submit ACC Capacity Plan for Feedback; l Resolve Ad-Hoc Conflicts; l Handle Aircraft Departure. Airport Operations (WP 4.2.7) Cross-Domain Modules Flight Manager (4.2.1) En-Route + TMA ATC Executive Planning (WP 4.2.2)(WP 4.2.3) Aeronautical Information Manager (WP 4.2.4) Configuration Manager (WP 4.2.8) ATFCM (WP 4.2.9) Aircraft Operator (WP 4.2.10) Avionics (WP 4.2.11) Aircraft Derived Data Manager (WP 4.2.12) Surveillance Ground - Air (WP 4.2.5)(WP 4.2.6) some further developments substantial development completion of bottom-up work Iteration 2 - In Progress In progress Not started

13 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky The Process

14 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Overall Architecture Development Process Logical Architecture development Operational scenarios 2011 ATM/CNS Domains Example Physical Architecture Analytic validation Safety analysis Legacy systems analysis Cross - domain synchronisation Transitionand Evolution plans Consolidated Logical architecture

15 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Iterations New Architecture Technical Review (TRG) Legacy Systems comparison Issues Architecture development New scenarios and use cases Domains initiated changes Legacy Systems analysis

16 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky top-down bottom-up ATM 2000+, OCD, OIs operational scenarios and use cases legacy system analysis, R&D results Future concepts logical modules, information view module interaction diagrams high level system requirements modules, services, information system reqs (services and NFRs) non-feasibility new ideas non-feasibility, new ideas Phase 1 Architecture Phase 1 Issues - old and new Updates to domain architectures issues, opportunities Stakeholders (ANSPs, Industry,...) with Agency support non-feasibility new ideas "current" functionality and grouping Legacy systems - current and planned AVENUE Other Consolidated Architecture R&D APIs Stakeholder plans NB: Iterative Process Process

17 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky System Wide Information Management Using Cross Domain Components

18 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Cross domain modules: l Ensure that everybody has the same information l Communicate updates immediately, everywhere l Ensure data ownership rights, etc l Are not just data stores but provide services F standardise the services that will access the shared data, rather than standardising the data, avoiding the risk that data will be used in a different way Consequently everybody interprets the data in the same way! Identification of data and functionality common to different ATM domains Built in Interoperability delivered by Cross-Domain Modules

19 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Cross-Domain Modules A common set of services and data and on top of that: l Domain specialisations (extensions) possible F domain-specific data F domain-specific services l Each physical system will need its own instance of these cross domain modules

20 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Common Flight Manager ATC Specialisation Common FM Trajectory Flight ATC FM SSR Code Tact Constraint ATFM FM Regulation Specialisation E.g. Flight Manager (FM)

21 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Common Flight Manager AFTM Specialisation Common Flight Manager ATC Common Flight Manager ATC Specialisation Common Flight Manager ATC Specialisation Common Flight Manager Airline Common Flight Manager Airline Common Flight Manager Aircraft Operator Specialisation Instantiations e.g. Flight Manager

22 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Overview of Logical Architecture

23 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Multi- lateration Aircraft Autonomous sensors Navigation Aids Pilot ADS - B ACC & APP ATCOs Airport Operator Overall Architecture: Overview TWR ATCOs Middleware & Communications Layer Air Surveillance Ground Surveillance Aircraft Navigation Aircraft Surveillance Flight Manager Configuration Manager ADD Manager Aeronautical Information Manager Aircraft En-route/APP ATC Airport Airside Operations Aeronautical Information Service ATFCM Aircraft Operations PSR, SSR Mode-S Radar ADS Airport SUR AIS AO Pilot CNS ATM Cross-Domain Modules FMP Airspace Manager Aerodrome ATC METAOC

24 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Short Term Conflict Mgt Medium Term Conflict Mgt SurveillanceFlight Management ADD Manager Aeronautical Information Management Aircraft Navigation Aircraft Operations Aerodrome ATC Configuration Manager Arrival Management Conformance Monitoring Correlation Air Traffic Controllers Aircraft Clearances, trajectories FPL creation, cancellation, modification Aircraft State Track information Arrivals/Departures co-ordination Track information Flight information Flight info, update, co- ordination, transfer Conflicts, advisories Alerts Airspace Airspace configuration data Sequence, advisories Flight information Alerts Correlation information a/c performances ATC Architecture: Overview

25 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Flight Plan Management Constraint Management Coordination Management Flight Data Management SSR Code Management Trajectory Management Flight Manager Decomposition

26 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Details of Flight Data Management

27 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Questions?

28 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Ground Surveillance Flight Management ADD Manager Aeronautical Information Management Aircraft Operations Configuration Manager Ground Traffic Context Aircraft Surface Movement Planning Conflict- Infringement Detection Ground Traffic Information Airport Operations En-route / APP ATC Track Information Aircraft State FPL creation, cancellation, modification A/c characteristics Alerts Planning Information Flight information Alerts Arrivals/Departures co-ordination Planning Information Flight information Aerodrome Configuration Data Aerodrome Context Traffic Situation Aerodrome Data Aircraft Navigation Aerodrome ATC Overview Air Traffic Controllers Pilot

29 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Flight Management Aeronautical Information Management Aircraft Operations Configuration Manager Aerodrome ATC Aerodrome Data Stand & Turnaround Management Aerodrome Configuration Data Flight information Airport Operator Stand and Turnaround plan Traffic situation and stand allocation plan Co-ordination messages Airport Airside Operations Overview

30 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Aeronautical Information Management Airspace Management Airspace Manager Airspace Use Plan Aeronautical information Network Manager Airspace Use Plan Airspace Management Overview (other of ATCFM TBD)

31 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Flight Briefing Meteo Service Provider Aircraft operator Pilot Flight Management Aeronautical Information Manager Configuration Manager Aeronautical Information Service provider Flight information Flight briefingFlight briefing updates AIS messages (NOTAM, etc) Meteo information Configured Aeronautical information Aeronautical information Flight Briefing Overview (other aspects of AIM TBD) Aeronautical Information Service provider

32 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Air Surveillance Overview ADD Manager Aircraft Navigation Configuration Manager Air Traffic Controllers PSR, SSR Mode-S Radar ADS Multi- lateration Target Acquisition Track Manager Sensor Manager TIS-B Manager En-route / APP ATC Flight Management Flight information Surveillance Configuration Data ADS Report Pilot Raw target data Sensor Status TIS Report Track information Aircraft State SDR Raw target data Sensor data

33 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Ground Surveillance Overview ADD Manager Aircraft Navigation Configuration Manager Air Traffic Controllers ADS-B Multi- lateration Ground Target Acquisition Ground Track Manager Ground Sensor Manager Ground TIS-B Manager Aerodrome ATC Flight Management Flight information Surveillance Configuration Data ADS-B Report Pilot Raw target data Sensor Status TIS Report Track information Aircraft State SDR Raw target data Sensor data Airport Surveillance Detection Equipment

34 ACG Workshop, 17 Feb 2004 – OATA and Single European Sky Ground Surveillance ADD Manager Aircraft Navigation Air Surveillance En-route / APP ATC Aerodrome ATC Aircraft State Request of information Aircraft State Aircraft state Request of information Aircrasft state Request of information Aircraft Derived Data Manager Overview

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