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 On your own, quickly fill out the worksheet provided using page 227 as a guide.  Keep this sheet in your notes. You will need to refer back to it.

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3  On your own, quickly fill out the worksheet provided using page 227 as a guide.  Keep this sheet in your notes. You will need to refer back to it several times as we read the next few pieces.

4  Write your own definition of the word Rebellion.  What is the connotation of the word? Is it negative or positive?  List some examples of how rebellion can be (or has been) a positive thing.

5  Describe a time in which you stood up for something you believed in, even when others wouldn’t.

6 AP Standard 1. Analyze and interpret samples of good writing, identifying and explaining an author’s use of rhetorical strategies and techniques

7  Using informational text from the unit, make a convincing argument for which text makes the most effective use of rhetoric.

8 The Classical Argument  Exordium – draws in reader  Narration – provides background  Partition – defines parameter of the argument (make claim)  Confirmation – offers support (evidence/reasons)  Refutation – responds to opposing positions  Peroration – concludes, compelling people to think or act

9 Classical Argument Example  The WGA and AMTP are at odds over digital rights royalties.  The WGA should be paid for new media broadcasts.  1988 was the last renegotiation for the WGA; the DVD market was in its infancy and digital rights were unheard of.  WGA members make 2 cents per DVD sold. They make 0 cents from digital rebroadcasts.  The studios will lose money, but they make billions and none will fold by a 2 cent increase in writer’s pay.  Writers should be paid for digital media rights and paid more for DVD sales.

10 Claim Support Counterargument s

11 As you view two videos, fill in your charts with the claim, support, and counterargument as it is presented. Mystery Men koIA koIA The Lorax 3iaxg 3iaxg

12 Classical Argument chart  Exordium –  Narration –  Partition –  Confirmation –  Refutation –  Peroration –

13  Get into Baseball groups  A a group, read “The Declaration of Independence”  Create another chart and write down the all the parts of a classical argument from Thomas Jefferson’s declaration.

14 Rhetoric  Persuasive appeals: ethos-the standing of the writer or speaker  Pathos;appeals to emotion  Logos-appeals to reason-facts, logical statements  Language analysis: diction (word choice)-strong, vicious verbs, why present tense, negative diction  Syntax(sentence structure like parallelism and repetition etc  Images (allusion, imagery, simile, metaphor, personification etc)

15  Write an argumentative essay that includes all of the parts of a classical argument and at lease one of each of the following elements:  Persuasive appeals: ethos-the standing of the writer or speaker  Pathos;appeals to emotion  Logos-appeals to reason-facts, logical statements  Language analysis: diction (word choice)-strong, vicious verbs, why present tense, negative diction  Syntax(sentence structure like parallelism and repetition etc  Images (allusion, imagery, simile, metaphor, personification etc)

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