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CRDS Budapest First ATM R&D Workshop - 27 and 28.01.2003 1 One Sky for Europe EUROCONTROL CONCLUSIONS A momentum has been created A small step towards.

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Presentation on theme: "CRDS Budapest First ATM R&D Workshop - 27 and 28.01.2003 1 One Sky for Europe EUROCONTROL CONCLUSIONS A momentum has been created A small step towards."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRDS Budapest First ATM R&D Workshop - 27 and 28.01.2003 1 One Sky for Europe EUROCONTROL CONCLUSIONS A momentum has been created A small step towards the first (?) ATM Network of Excellence Needs Universities CEATS Next steps short term longer term

2 CRDS Budapest First ATM R&D Workshop - 27 and 28.01.2003 2 One Sky for Europe EUROCONTROL Universities Safety Human Factors (workload, capacity, …) Human Machine Interface Route charging Conflicts Communication / Infrastructure Airports

3 CRDS Budapest First ATM R&D Workshop - 27 and 28.01.2003 3 One Sky for Europe EUROCONTROL CRDS - R&D in support of CEATS Safety Human Machine Interface Economics and Statistics Civil-Military Co-ordination Simulator Tools

4 CRDS Budapest First ATM R&D Workshop - 27 and 28.01.2003 4 One Sky for Europe EUROCONTROL CRDS - Short Term R&D Catalogue of (undergraduate) thesis subjects on CRDS Website scope, objectives, deliverables prerequisites, effort estimate, duration Traineeship Financial support up to +/- 600 /month Minimum 3 weeks up to a maximum of 4 months. Exceptional extensions to a maximum of 12 months

5 CRDS Budapest First ATM R&D Workshop - 27 and 28.01.2003 5 One Sky for Europe EUROCONTROL CRDS - Long Term R&D The CRDS (°) can offer : expertise in Function Block of Airspace and Advanced Concepts logistic support: IT equipment, ATM data,... passport to EUROCONTROL (EEC, CRCO, CFMU, EATMP, …) the decisive element for 6th FP proposals Enlargement Mobility of researchers Social and Economic impact of R&D programmes (°) with support from other CEATS units

6 CRDS Budapest First ATM R&D Workshop - 27 and 28.01.2003 6 One Sky for Europe EUROCONTROL Next Steps ?

7 CRDS Budapest First ATM R&D Workshop - 27 and 28.01.2003 7 One Sky for Europe EUROCONTROL Next steps Create a Regional Grouping with a small number of specialities Identify which Consortia to join Marketing in Brussels, Eurocontrol and European Commission Marketing at events Set up a Web Site Workshop with Industry

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