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8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium1 Enterprise Architecture TRS Dissemination Workshop Overview of Study, Background & Deliverables presented by Dr.

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Presentation on theme: "8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium1 Enterprise Architecture TRS Dissemination Workshop Overview of Study, Background & Deliverables presented by Dr."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium1 Enterprise Architecture TRS Dissemination Workshop Overview of Study, Background & Deliverables presented by Dr John R F Guy NATS – Chief Architect European ATM on behalf of EA TRS Study Consortium

2 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium2 Overview of Study, Background & Deliverables Some Background from SESAR Project Definition (PD) Phase Summary of Output from Service-Oriented Architecture Task Force (SOA-TF) Summary of Scope of TRS Structure of Consortium Overview of Deliverables D1 to D8 Outline of Approach Taken Summary of Deliverable D9 - Evaluation Report Taking Studys Output into Work of SESAR Development Programme

3 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium3 SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) –European air traffic control infrastructure modernisation programme –Aim is to develop new generation ATM System for 2020 and beyond –Give Europe a high-performance ATM infrastructure to enable : Safe, and Environmentally sustainable development of air transport A System that, compared with today (2005), will : –Enable 3-fold increase in Capacity –Improve safety performance by factor of 10 –Enable reduction in effects of flights on the environment by 10% –Provide ATM services to airspace users 50% cheaper SESAR is taking a Performance-driven Approach Background from SESAR Project Definition (PD) Phase (1/4)

4 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium4 System architecture work performed recommended that Enterprise Architecture (EA) & SOA techniques be used to develop, define, design & manage future European Air Traffic Management System (EATMS) Proposal based upon following principal shortcomings of current situation : –Current EATMS has fragmented design which is difficult & expensive to change –Large diversity of technologies in use throughout Systems in operational service today –Taking a bottom-up approach to making changes to individual systems to create Single EATMS for the future will never work –Need different approach to meet todays expectations of the stakeholders for taking performance-driven approach in future Background from SESAR Project Definition (PD) Phase (2/4)

5 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium5 Proposal based upon following principal shortcomings of the current situation (continued) : –Piecemeal approach which has been taken up to now to maintaining legacy systems and/or replacing them one-by-one –Been done in context of a System-design philosophy which is based upon the point-to-point exchange of information –Is fundamentally mismatched with the way in which modern information technology (IT) systems are : designed, how they function way in which they need to be procured & maintained –Approach to definition, design & evolution of an EATMS has, to date, neither led to an effective harmonisation of air navigation service providers (ANSP) systems, applications, or interfaces, nor to the creation of a true EATMS Background from SESAR Project Definition (PD) Phase (3/4)

6 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium6 None of above will be capable of enabling the proposals being developed as Future ATM Target Concept to be implemented Future relies on –being able to share information between all stakeholders (i.e., through the use of System-wide Information Management (SWIM) techniques) –Provide a high degree of connectivity to maximise the benefits of using Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) techniques Background from SESAR Project Definition (PD) Phase (4/4)

7 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium7 SESAR Concept of Operations Based on trajectory management – NOT airspace Seven major features, the first two : –System Wide Information Management (SWIM) –Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) provide foundation for : –Trajectory managed environment –Human-centric decision-making with automation support to reduce work load –Use of new separation modes to take advantage of : advanced aircraft navigation capabilities, to allow (ultimately) tasks to be delegated to pilots –Performance of Aircraft & ATM systems to be matched to achieve ATM Capability Levels –Airports to be fully integrated into the ATM network

8 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium8 Summary of Output from Service-Oriented Architecture Task Force (SOA-TF) (1/3) SOA-TF tasked to investigate EA & SOA to strengthen proposals made during PD phase & provide bridge to work of Development Phase Fundamentally different approach needs to be taken to the design & development of future EATMS To derive benefits of using modern IT solutions (not necessarily bespoke to ATM industry) to implement the Future ATM Target Concept (but starting from todays diverse legacy systems baseline), making changes to the design of, and/or replacing, systems must be done in a harmonised way and at a common level throughout the EATMSs architecture. Taking a service-oriented approach and using an Enterprise Architecture framework will enable this harmonisation to be achieved European ATM has to be seen as a single enterprise, manifest in the notion of a European ATM Enterprise Architecture (EAEA)

9 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium9 The EAEA provides a business-driven framework that allows a meaningful way to partition and manage ATM complexity, reconciling different partners business visions for ATM and creating a bridge between their business needs and their requirements for IT solutions Using a combination of EAEA and SOA will enable improvements in business agility and efficiency to be realised through a streamlining and alignment of the supporting IT infrastructure to the business Adopting EAEA and SOA approach is not a silver bullet that will immediately solve all the issues surrounding the evolution of ATM systems Moving to using an EAEA and SOA techniques implies a paradigm shift in the way the business is viewed and managed and in the way the supporting IT infrastructure is specified and developed. This will require a big cultural change, especially to management and system engineering processes Summary of Output from Service-Oriented Architecture Task Force (SOA-TF) (2/3)

10 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium10 In an EAEA/SOA and SWIM-based environment, partners give access to their systems and information to other partners within the enterprise. – Note : This means that security issues, such as authentication & access control, have to be managed at the enterprise level Concluded that adoption of an EAEA & taking a service-based approach represents a long-term strategy for change – Will challenge partners to re-engineer their organisation, processes & IT to optimise their ATM related activities as federations of relatively independent services European ATM is not the first to attempt making such a transition – Experience of other industries must be embraced to identify best practice & learn lessons Key recommendation to take an incremental approach, starting with a tightly scoped initial project, to test task force findings Summary of Output from Service-Oriented Architecture Task Force (SOA-TF) (3/3) This laid the basis of this Study

11 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium11 Summary of Scope of TRS Based upon proposal made by SOA-TF Scope limited to ATM activities on & around an Airport Study taking Demonstration approach to achieve proof of concept/approach to ATM – interpreted as producing 80/20 completeness of studys outputs Top-down approach seen as ideal, but parallel working needed to fit scope & timescale – this was acknowledged as introducing degree of risk TRS required formation of Consortium – minimum of : –1 Airspace User, –1 Airport Operator, –1 Air Navigation Service Provider, –1 Systems Supply Industry

12 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium12 Structure of Consortium Contributions provided by Consortium Partners were drawn from the following companies & organisations : –Airline Group (bmi, British Airways, easyJet, Monarch, Thomsonfly, Thomas Cook, Virgin Atlantic) –BAA –DFS –ENAV –Indra –LFV (supported by Saab / Combitech) –NATS –SICTA plus contributions from Eurocontrol SESAR Joint Undertakings (SJU) Industrial Support Function (EADS)

13 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium13 Airspace Users Airport Operator ANSP ATM Performance Partnership Business relationships Process & service relationships Operational Processes [D2] [D3] [D6] Systems & service relationships Organisational (Unit) Structure Application Services Systems [D4] [D7] Conceptual Information Model Operational (Business) Services Operational (Business) Goals Information Services Information Model [D1] [D5] [D8] PRINCIPAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN DELIVERABLES D1 TO D8

14 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium14 Outline of Approach Taken Training Workshop held immediately before kick-off of the Study Eurocontrol presented some initial results of their work done prior to the Study on : –Strategic, –Operations –Systems aspects Material presented suggested work was most mature on Operations aspects Due to breadth of scope & time limitations, decided to build upon this aspect of their work Approach taken was to develop the Operational Processes first & subsequently, draw out the Operational & Information Services In effect, starting middle out

15 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium15 Summary of Deliverable D9 – Evaluation Report Introduction Background from SESAR PD Phase & SOA-TF Development Approach & Overview of EAEA Deliverables Framework Considerations Lessons Learnt & High-level Conclusions Recommendations Proposed Way Ahead

16 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium16 Taking Studys Output into Work of SESAR Development Programme Deliverables include consolidated material from ALL Stakeholders describing : –Business goals, –Operational services, –Operational processes, –Information Services, –Information Model Output will feed WP B – Target Concept & Architecture Maintenance The results will be high-level enablers for : –Setting the architectural contexts of the ATM Performance Partnership and –Identifying operational and system aspects of realising benefits outlined in ATM Master Plan

17 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium17 OVERVIEW OF SESAR JU – WP-B TARGET CONCEPT & ARCHITECTURE MAINTENANCE Sub-WP B.0 – GLOBAL CO-ORDINATION & MANAGEMENT Sub-WP B.1 – CONSOLIDATION & CO-ORDINATION OF ATM TARGET CONCEPT B4.1 : Development & Maintenance of the ATM Performance & Business Aspects of the European ATM Enterprise Architecture B4.2 : Update and maintenance of the development of the Concept of Operations (CONOPS) and associated ATM Services B4.3 : Development of the high level logical system architecture (SOA) and the technical system architecture (SoS) Sub-WP B.5 – PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF ATM TARGET CONCEPT

18 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium18 Enterprise Architecture TRS Dissemination Workshop Overview of Study, Background & Deliverables presented by Dr John R F Guy NATS – Chief Architect European ATM on behalf of EA TRS Study Consortium THANK FOR YOUR ATTENTION

19 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium19 Recommendations for Air Transport –Stakeholders in Air Transport Industry must grow their businesses to strengthen links between them –The business plans of Users of the Network (i.e., Airspace Users, Airport Operators & Air Navigation Service Providers) must be more closely aligned through a set of service relationships –Stakeholders business planning must share common set of values, goals, incentives & risk sharing mechanisms –ATM Industry must be empowered to manage to the above values & goals by being able to make its own investment decisions & how to finance them Background from SESAR Project Definition (PD) Phase (x/x)

20 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium20 Recommendations for ATM –Need for consistent & explicit framework which links economic, commercial & operational priorities of stakeholders –Comprehensive ATM performance framework needed as basis for decision making –Address lack of flexibility to easily change systems to enable variable levels of operational ATM System capacity to be provided in real-time –Concept of a Network Plan must be developed & implemented –Explicit set of relationships to specify services, requirements & obligations between stakeholders must be created such that they become integrated partners in future ATM System –More liberalised approach to service provision & proactive approach to new infrastructure investments using asset management techniques –Interoperability to be developed & specified at service & functional levels through development of single functional architecture of the future ATM System Background from SESAR Project Definition (PD) Phase (x/x)

21 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium21 Recommendations for Institutional aspects –Need a simpler, coherent & consistent framework of legislation & regulation matched to ATM Industrys future business model –Design the institutional framework & business framework together, such that both work collectively for benefit of air transport industry as a whole –Future ATM System is likely to closely integrate air & ground systems; this will need simpler decision making mechanism & process(es) to be used to manage investment decisions – these must be designed concurrently with future ATM System –Realising expectation of a single functional architecture based upon exchange of services between stakeholders means there must be a move away from developing prescriptive, technically-oriented standards towards one taking a performance-based approach Background from SESAR Project Definition (PD) Phase (x/x)

22 8 th June 2009EA TRS Study Consortium22 Recommendations for System aspects –Design of Future ATM System must be based upon having : functional architecture defining the information flows needed between principal entities within it; clear distinction between ATM services, supporting (technical) services and physical assets which make up technical infrastructure –Applied R&D must be focused upon applications needed to achieve overall System performance targets, rather than on technological solutions to deliver them –Development of future products must be coupled with in-service support/asset management régimes to achieve a more comprehensive, coherent decision making process Background from SESAR Project Definition (PD) Phase (x/x)

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