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TALKING TO WOMEN DRIVERS’ A Hearst point of view.

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Presentation on theme: "TALKING TO WOMEN DRIVERS’ A Hearst point of view."— Presentation transcript:

1 TALKING TO WOMEN DRIVERS’ A Hearst point of view

2 UNDERSTANDING OUR AUDIENCE Source: Panel Motoring Survey Mar 2015

3 Our car consumers fall first into two opposing Macro Segments: ‘Functional’ and ‘Emotional’, with a third group who were ambivalent Source: Panel Motoring Survey Mar 2015 Car purchase is driven by how much a consumer feels they ‘need’ a product

4 Clear division between emotional and functional EMOTIONALS The car is an important part of their identity, it says something about them and their personality and defines them as a person. FUNCTIONALS The car plays more of a functional role, they have essentially simpler needs from a car. AMBIVALENTS Much less involved in car purchase decisions, and who are less clearly placed on the emotional vs. functional axis

5 1My Previous Car Was Too Old 2 My Car Had Regular, Recurring Or Serious Maintenance Issues 3Other 4I Fancied An Upgrade/Change 5 My Car Had Too Many Miles On The Clock Clear division amongst the segments in terms of triggers Source: Panel Motoring Survey Mar 2015 FUNCTIONALSEMOTIONALS 1I Fancied An Upgrade/Change 2My Previous Car Was Too Old 3I Just Really Wanted A New Car 4I Wanted To Treat Myself 5 My Previous Car Was Not Big Enough For Me / Family

6 Clear division between the segments in terms of purchase criteria EMOTIONALS  Attractive design  Reputation  Comfort  Luxurious spec  Tech and sound FUNCTIONALS  Price  Fuel & economy  Safety  Environmentally friendly  Small & easy to manoeuvre 5. CRITERIA


8 The accelerator and the handbrake Could you have vetoed that decision? Who was most responsible for the decision to buy the car you currently drive? Source: Panel Motoring Survey Mar 2015 AcceleratorHandbrake

9 The media advertisers use to reach car buyers Car advertising spend across all media Car advertising share by media spend Mar-Feb 15 Source: Nieslen Addynamix Car ad spend has fallen by 2.8% over last 5 years TV commands the greatest share of car ad spend taking £1 in every £2 spent Press share of advertising has fallen from 34% to 23% over the past 5 years Consumer magazines account for 5.1% all car expenditure

10 The media advertisers use to reach car buyers Car advertising pagination in consumer magazinesCar advertising share by ABC category Apr-Mar 15 Source: Nieslen Addynamix Car advertising within consumer magazines has declined 9.9% yoy

11 Hearst Consumers 60% Heavy Mag Readers Hearst Consumers 48% Light TV Viewers THEM IN MEDIA OF CHOICE Hearst Consumers 57% Light/Non readers of National Press OPPORTUNITY TO Source: Neilsen AdDynamix, TGI Clickstream Jul-Jun 14 Base: women SPEAK TO THEM IN CHOSEN MEDIA OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK TO

12 A hard to reach audience Source: Panel Motoring Survey Mar 2015 Car Advertising Can Often Be Patronising To Women Car advertising is not aimed at womenCar Companies Don't Communicate Effectively To Women

13 For the full report contact: Jane Farmery

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