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Assessment of Aero-BGAN Study Status NexSAT Steering Group 31st May 2005.

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2 Assessment of Aero-BGAN Study Status NexSAT Steering Group 31st May 2005

3 Work Breakdown Structure Separate presentation

4 Work package timings

5 Status of the study - WP 1 BGAN has been designed with a specific performance taking into account capability of satellites and business models –it will offer a service to all mobile users - land, sea and air –AeroBGAN (or SwiftBroadband) is the aeronautical offering –similar to the philosophy for existing AMSS SBB to support safety services

6 Status of the study - WP 1 Key features –Optimised for small mobile terminals –Assigned bandwidth in the small spot beams is highly flexible - can be dynamically assigned. –System allows both shared and exclusive use of a nominal 432 kbit/s bearer –Maximum instantaneous BGAN throughput is 450Mbit/s per satellite –Designed and specified to 5 deg working elevation angle –Transition between spot beams on the same satellite is seamless –Satcom delivers IP data latency to the passenger of between 600 and 800 ms SBB to support safety services

7 Status of the study - WP 1 Potential safety services for voice and packet mode data - using range of aircraft antenna types –High gain 266 to 500 kb/s Rx 332 to 492 kb/s Tx –Intermediate gain 200 to 344 k b/s Rx 192 to 332 kb/s Tx –Low gain 36 to 50 k b/s Rx 21 to 55 k b/s Tx SBB to support safety services

8 Status of the study - WP 1 These are the basic data throughputs –initial service (around 2006) will not have priority –enhanced service (around 2010) could have priority and pre-emption Some aspects of the system performance can be changed How can this powerful capability be used for ATS? SBB to support safety services

9 Status of the study - WP 1 Requirements versus Pragmatism Clear requirements are hard to find –Macondo requirements are difficult to trace –Work under FCS is helping but a long way to go –Therefore adopting a pragmatic approach for example, can a voice end-to-end delay of 600mS be of use somewhere in ECAC? In low density airspace this may be acceptable SBB to support safety services

10 Application of satellite communications Airport High Low TMA High Low En-route High Low Oceanic/ Remote High Low Data Voice If system meets latency of requirements can be met – voice ~ 600mS;data >800mS Requirements cannot be met Can meet some data applications SBB to support safety services

11 Status of the study - WP 2 Classical Aeronautical Service New arrangements for INMARSAT –SBB Service for Safety –INMARSAT Plans –Commitment to Longevity/Service Continuity –Competition in the SBB World ICAO Perspective Liaison with Regulators Institutional Risks & Risk Mitigation Spectrum Issues Institutional and Business Model

12 Status of the study - WP 4 Costs and Charges –Capital and recurring costs for air and ground for all elements in the end-to-end service delivery model –Order of magnitude investment costs for all elements in the service delivery chain –Service pricing Identification/discussion of end-user service pricing (billing model) scenario options –E.g. flat fee versus traffic volume based Costs and Charges

13 WP3 Presentation P

14 Future steps All deliverables will be sent to NexSAT SG members for review and comments as they are produced –Comments will be taken into account –Study completed by the end of 2005 Final results of the study will presented at the next NexSAT SG

15 Any questions?


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