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Soc/EDS 126 Part II: The School in Contemporary Perspective Topic #5: Structural Reform RRRT: The purpose of education is to meet the needs of a 21 st.

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Presentation on theme: "Soc/EDS 126 Part II: The School in Contemporary Perspective Topic #5: Structural Reform RRRT: The purpose of education is to meet the needs of a 21 st."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soc/EDS 126 Part II: The School in Contemporary Perspective Topic #5: Structural Reform RRRT: The purpose of education is to meet the needs of a 21 st Century Nation competing in a global economy” cf Jefferson!

2 Structural Reform: Redesigning the Profession and Reorganizing Schools The Critique (A Nation at Risk--the defining text) Document written by budiness leaders, higher ed; no K-12 educators Assessment of US Education: Found wanting --ANAR adopts a Combative tone: –"rising tide of mediocrity" –"committing an act of unthinking educational disarmament" Schools blamed for US economic position vis a vis Japan, Germany [N.B.: schools blamed, little discussion of changing economic, demographic conditions]

3 The ANAR Critique: Students Evidence: (1) international comparisons of students’ performance on standardized tests Math & Science Achievement Netherlands559 Sweden555 Norway536 Switzerland531 Intl Avg500 US471 Lithuania465 Cyprus447 So. Africa352

4 The ANAR Critique: Students (2) Students' lack of knowledge in geography, math etc. NB: No historical comparisons

5 ANAR Critique: Teachers: Poor Quality, Poor Preparation (SAT Scores, grades)

6 ANAR Critique: Teachers Teaching Profession Low Pay Average Annual Salaries, 81-82 ( Ca. Statewide Survey) Engineers: $22,828 Analysts: $20,566 Programmers: $20,288 Social Workers: $19,809 Teachers: $16,671

7 ANAR Critique: Teachers Teaching Profession: Low Status Rank Order of Occupational Prestige (US News & World Report, 9/81): Scientist67% Doctor62% Minister41% Lawyer37% Engineer34% Teacher30% Athlete27% Artist21% Businessman18% Entertainer18% Politician17% Journalist17% Banker17% Skilled Worker15% Salesman 6%

8 The ANAR Critique: Schools of Education Low admissions standards ("C" students) Too much pedagogy, not enough academics

9 Proposed Solutions: Improve The Profession Raise pay (this has happened, but teacher pay is still lower than other professions) Raise standards-- entrance exams (CBEST); GPAs This has happened, BUT: hasn’t really dealt with teachers' working conditions: –teacher-student ratios –promotion requires leaving teaching for administration –pay: based on seniority, not performance –isolation not even a phone in the room! What about: sabbaticals? university connections?

10 More Current Salary Information* Attorney$65,472 Engineer$61,613 System Analyst$58,529 Accountant$41,444 Teacher$37,594 *American Federation of Teachers, May ‘99

11 WANTED: College graduate with academic major (MA degree preferred). Excellent communication and leadership skills required. Challenging opportunity to serve 150 clients daily, developing up to 5 products each day to meet their needs. This diversified job allows employee to exercise typing, clerical, law enforcement, and social work skills between assignments and after hours. Adaptability helpful, since suppliers can not always deliver goods and support services on time. Typical work week: 47 hours. Special nature of work precludes fringe benefits and coffee breaks, but work has many intrinsic rewards. Starting salary $12,769 with a guarantee of $24,000 after only 14 years.

12 Where Are We Today? Is Teaching a "profession?" a "vocation?" "factory work” ? The economic language of ANAR deflects attention from the democratic project Next “waves” of reform: –(1) the debate over curriculum –(2) the “standards and accountability” reform efforts

13 Reasons Why People Choose A Teaching Career 1. Desire to work with young children 2. Interest in subject to be taught 3. Social value of education 4. Influence of other teachers 5. Long summer vacation 6. Family 7. Job security 8. Lifetime of self growth

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