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Objective ITY-AGVCS2 ESSIP Plan 2013 Oscar ALFARO DSS/EIPR 13.09.2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective ITY-AGVCS2 ESSIP Plan 2013 Oscar ALFARO DSS/EIPR 13.09.2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective ITY-AGVCS2 ESSIP Plan 2013 Oscar ALFARO DSS/EIPR 13.09.2013

2 ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-AGVCS2L2 Objective ITY-AGVCS2 Explanation What is new or has changed since previous ESSIP edition Link to European ATM Master Plan Most important SLoA(s) Finalisation Criteria and Closed Questions Supporting Material ESSIP Report 2012 Objective Coordinators Analysis, recommendations, tips & tricks Conclusions Links and contacts

3 ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-AGVCS23 Explanation The objective is based in Regulation (EU) No 1079/2012 and mandates: the conversion of all* 25 kHz frequency assignments to 8,33 kHz by 12/2018 all* radios and voice communication systems need to be 8,33 kHz- capable by 12/2017 * There are multiple exemptions and derogations and specific requirements for State aircraft (see field Derogations for each SLoA) The objective complements previous ITY-AGVCS which covered the requirements above FL195, this objective extends the mandate down to the ground. It has an interim target for frequency conversions for AT, DE, FR, IE, IT, LU, HU, NL and UK to be achieved by 12/2014 (see REG02 & ASP02) Applicable to EU+ States

4 ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-AGVCS24 What is new or has changed since previous ESSIP edition N/A (New objective)

5 ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-AGVCS25 Link to European ATM Master Plan [CTE-C5]- 8,33 kHz Voice communications Air-Ground: VHF 8.33 kHz is mandated in all continental airspace to support increases in traffic.

6 ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-AGVCS26 Most important SLoA(s) N/A (all)

7 ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-AGVCS27 Finalisation Criteria and Closed Questions N/A (See objective description) No additional closed questions other than the established finalisation criteria

8 ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-AGVCS28 Supporting Material As specified in SLoAs detailed descriptions

9 ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-AGVCS29 ESSIP Report 2012 N/A (new objective)

10 ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-AGVCS210 Objective Coordinators Analysis, recommendations, tips & tricks Read carefully the SLoAs definitions and derogations Note that there are many instances where notifications to the European Commission are required Note that REG02/ASP02 apply only AT, DE, FR, IE, IT, LU, HU, NL and UK

11 ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-AGVCS211 Conclusions N/A

12 ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-AGVCS212 Conclusions Objective Coordinator: Oscar ALFARO; +32 2 729 4665 Octavian CIOARA; +32 2 729 3282

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