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Pre-Class What good was the backbone of the Trans-Saharan Trade? What were the effects of this trade?

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Class What good was the backbone of the Trans-Saharan Trade? What were the effects of this trade?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Class What good was the backbone of the Trans-Saharan Trade? What were the effects of this trade?

2 Trans-SaharaN Trade Salt for Gold

3 Trans-Saharan Trade on sheet Trade across the Sahara Salt for Gold



6 10,000 years ago the Sahara was fertile grassland.

7 The desert formed slowly over thousands of years.

8 Desertification: Land is turned to desert. The Sahara is still growing. on sheet

9 Most people migrated out to sources of water.

10 The Nile River



13 The Nile’s regular flooding produced fertile land. This led to farming.


15 Some adapted to the desert: Pastoralists (nomadic herders) learned to domesticate animals, but did not settle in villages. on sheet



18 The Sahara separated the north from the south and two cultures developed.

19 Trade was limited to the Nile Region.


21 Introduction of the camel from India began a new age of trade.

22 The introduction of the camel to the West- Africans around 750 AD. They were practically built for Saharan trade and travel, and were vastly superior to the horse in their forte. They could carry heavy loads for seemingly endless distances, were able to keep their footing on sandy terrain and also could go for long periods of time without water.

23 Caravan: group of desert merchants, especially in northern Africa and Asia, crossing the desert together for safety, usually with a train of camels on sheet






29 Three trade zones developed on sheet

30 1.Mediterranean -maintained contact with Middle East and Europe Traded: Mediterranean food manufactured products and iron


32 2. Sahara: Pastoralist culture – Traded salt for gold to the north and south


34 Taoudenni



37 Saharan salt is either mined as at Taoudenni or evaporated from salt pans as at Taggiddan n' Tessoum. The reddish earth containing salt is stirred up with water in large pans. As the earth settles the water is scooped off into smaller pans where it is evaporated leaving salt. The bottom photograph shows the salt caravan which crossed the Erg du Ténéré from Bilma to Agadez.





42 3. Sahel- Traded gold, ivory, and animal skins from the south





47 Rise of West African Kingdoms (chart): Ghana Mali Songhai



50 Ghana West Africa Founded by Soninke Powerful army –paid a tax for safety Gold for Salt trade (Bebers) Decline: Almoravids attacked and broke into smaller states (1076- 1235)



53 At around 1075, the kingdom of Ghana met its end. Muslim Berbers, calling themselves Almoravids, were unhappy with the ways of the Ghanaians. Therefore they declared a holy war upon them, or jihad with ultimately lead to the destruction of the kingdom.


55 Mali West Africa Established by Mandingos (Malinke) and founded by Sundiata Controlled trade Mansa Musa (1312-1337):strong army; Islam; Pilgrimage to Mecca (Crash Course Video) (Crash Course Video) Timbuktu Decline: weakening of central power (1400’s) – Crash Course Video Mansa Musa

56 Between the 13th and 14th century, the kingdom of Mali emerged. According to African oral histories it was founded by Sundiata who lived ruled Mali from 1230- 1255.







63 Songhai West Africa Trade Sunni Ali – Gao and strong military Askia Muhammed Timbuktu Decline: ethnic conflicts; 1591: Moroccan army

64 Manuscripts of mathematics and astronomy found in Timbuktu. Tomb of Askia

65 Ghana 100 ADShona people leave Nigeria because of a population explosion. 200 ADGhana founded 350 ADGhana learns to smelt iron. 400 ADTrading centers arise in West Africa 700 ADGhana was the first trading kingdom. 800-1000 AD"Golden Age" of Ghana. 1042 ADArabs from North Africa start war with Ghana Mali 1240 ADGhana part of Mali 1324-1325Mansa Musa pilgrimage to Arabia. Songhai 1400'sSonghai controlled land that had been part of Mali. 1464 ADSultan Sunni Ali rules Songhai from city of Gao. 1493 ADKing Askia Muhammad, who succeeded Sunni Ali 1591 AD1591 Morocco seizes Songhai's gold mines. 1700 ADShona people settle in Zimbabwe

66 Closure: How did trade contribute to the rise of strong African Kingdoms? Trade = wealth = strong armies = expand empire = maintain trade routes and benefit from diffusion

67 The Bantu Migration People from Northwest Africa called Bantu began moving southward around 1000BC


69 *Bantu is a language type and ethnic group on sheet

70 *They arrive in Southern Africa during the 18 th Century, where they were known as the Xhosa and the Zulu.


72 East African city-states East Coast Africa below Equator –Malindi, Mombasa, Zanzibar Monsoons (Crash Course Video) Crash Course Video Monsoons (Crash Course Video) trade with Islamic kingdoms and India Swahili: a mixture of the local Bantu languages and Arabic. on sheet Zimbabwe gold Decline: Portuguese 1500’s




76 Zimbabwe Southern Africa between Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers Means: Great Stone House Shona: probably unified diverse group of people Gold trade Decline: 1400’s ?




80 Trade, (controlled by the Muslims of North Africa) found its way to Europe. This got Europe’s attention.


82 Europe began looking for the source of gold and a route around Muslim control of trade.

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