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Performance Diagnostics using STATSPACK data 18-May 2006 Tim Gorman SageLogix, Inc. N. CA Oracle Users Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Diagnostics using STATSPACK data 18-May 2006 Tim Gorman SageLogix, Inc. N. CA Oracle Users Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Diagnostics using STATSPACK data 18-May 2006 Tim Gorman SageLogix, Inc. N. CA Oracle Users Group

2 Agenda Configuring STATSPACK optimally About the STATSPACK repository Analysis using the STATSPACK repository

3 Configuring STATSPACK What’s missing from the standard installation script “spcreate.sql” in “$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin”? Purging Configuration of data sampling levels and thresholds Purging STATSPACK data Can’t retain data forever, after all… Recommendation: retain at least one major business-cycle of performance data Standard script “sppurge.sql” must be run manually… Recommendation: Script “sppurpkg.sql” available at EXEC SPPURPKG.PURGE(14) Oracle10g finally includes a procedure providing similar functionality EXEC STATSPACK.PURGE(TRUNC(SYSDATE - 14), TRUE)

4 Configuring STATSPACK Configuration of data sampling levels and thresholds Snap Level Thresholds Snap level determines which information is gathered Basic database performance statistics SQL statement activity SQL execution plans Segment-level I/O statistics Latch details Thresholds keep too much information from being gathered Some gathered information can scheduled below specified thresholds SQL statement activity Segment-level I/O statistics

5 Snap Level Level 0 (i.e. any value < 5)  Database performance statistics only Level 5  Level 0 plus SQL execution info  Default level of data gathering for all versions of STATSPACK  Recommended level for Oracle8i and below.. Level 6 ( introduced in Oracle9i )  Level 5 plus SQL Plan info Level 7 ( introduced in Oracle9i )  Level 6 plus segment-level usage info  Recommended level for Oracle9i and above… Level 10  Level 5, 6, and 7 plus detailed parent/child latch statistics MetaLink note #149121.1 Gathering a STATSPACK Snapshot

6 Data gathering thresholds SQL statements are gathered if any of these thresholds are exceeded ThresholdDefault valueFor busier systems… Number of executions100>= 1,000 Number of parse calls1,000same Number of disk reads1,000>= 10,000 Number of buffer gets10,000>= 100,000 Size of sharable memory1 Mbytesame Version count20same

7 Data gathering thresholds Segment-level statistics are gathered if any of these thresholds are exceeded ThresholdDefault valueFor busy systems, recommended value Number of physical reads1,000Same Number of logical reads10,000Same Number of “buffer busy waits” 100Same Number of row-lock waits100Same Number of ITL waits1001 Number of CR/CU blocks shipped (RAC) 1,000Same

8 Data gathering thresholds Metalink note #153507.1 - Oracle Applications and STATSPACK Contains good suggested threshold values for a busy and complex database But the note does not suggest a good method for setting the parameters SQL*Plus script “spparms.sql” (found online at provides code for updating SQL thresholds in the STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER table Uses settings suggested in the MetaLink note… Also sets SNAP_LEVEL…

9 Using STATSPACK But using STATSPACK isn’t all about the reports provided by Oracle The single main report requires some advance knowledge of a time period in which problems are occurring… Keep in mind that there is an amazing repository of information that can used for broad general analysis as well as specific targeted investigations Think of some interesting questions that arise during a troubleshooting session What changed between then and now? Is the current behavior an anomaly or normal for this environment? How much of resource XXX are we using? How much have we used over time?

10 Using STATSPACK In general, STATSPACK data will not provide a specific answer to a specific solution It is too high-level, too aggregated However, it can provide a general idea Enough to zero in on what should be examined more closely So….. Use STATSPACK data to: Generalize the problem(s) Eliminate irrelevancies (!!!!) View trends from a high level Use extended SQL Tracing (event 10046, level > 1) to: Examine individual processes minutely Determine exactly what is happening in a specific process

11 STATSPACK repository Number of tables has expanded with each version About 30 tables in Oracle8i About 40 tables in Oracle9i About 55 tables in Oracle10g Not counting “control tables” used by STATSPACK itself Each of these tables can be considered a FACT table in a subject area of a dimensional data model Lone dimension is STATS$SNAPSHOT “time” dimension Each of the “fact” tables in the repository are keyed by SNAP_ID, which can be translated to SNAP_TIME by joining to STATS$SNAPSHOT SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER

12 “snapshots” and cumulative data Each time the packaged procedure STATSPACK.SNAP is run, it captures the current values in the V$ views Stores the current values in the corresponding STATS$ table SNAP_IDSNAP_TIMEVALUE 435510-Feb 2005 13:00875,543,322 435610-Feb 2005 14:00875,543,421 435710-Feb 2005 15:00875,648,888 435810-Feb 2005 16:00733 435910-Feb 2005 17:003,321,333

13 “snapshots” and cumulative data The standard STATSPACK report Calculates the “difference” or “deltas” between any two “snapshots” using PL/SQL logic But this type of data prevents reporting and analysis across many snapshots Cannot simply summarize The cumulative data is not additive Cannot analyze across instance restarts All statistics are reset to zero after restart

14 “snapshots” and cumulative data Cumulative data needs to be converted into “deltas” somehow… SNAP_IDSNAP_TIMEVALUEVALUE_INC 435510-FEB 2005 13:00875,543,322 435610-FEB 2005 14:00875,543,42199 435710-FEB 2005 15:00875,648,888105,467 435810-FEB 2005 16:00733 435910-FEB 2005 17:003,321,3333,320,600

15 Analytic windowing functions “LAG()” function to the rescue! LAG (,, ) OVER ( PARTITION BY clause ORDER BY clause [ ROWS | RANGE ] windowing clause ) Creates the concept of a “current row” in relationship to preceding rows A set of related rows is created with the PARTITION BY, ORDER BY, and windowing clauses

16 Analytic windowing functions select snap_id, snap_time, value, lag(value, 1, 0) over (partition by dbid, instance_number name order by snap_id) prev_value from where … order by …

17 Analytic windowing functions If current is greater than (or equal to) previous then use delta else use current If=> decode(greatest(value, lag(value, 1, 0) over (partition by dbid, instance_number, name order by snap_id) Equals => value, Then => value - lag(value, 1, 0) over (partition by dbid, instance_number, name order by snap_id), Else => value)

18 sp_systime_9i.sql Written to mimic the top-level logic of the YAPP report Response-time = Service-time + Wait-time Script “sp_systime_9i.sql” uses analytic windowing functions to produce this report LAG() function to calculate “deltas” between snapshots RANK() function to find the “top N” calculated “delta” values RATIO_TO_REPORT() function to calculate percentages on the returned “delta” values on the whole The intent of the report is to show, day-by-day or hour-by- hour, where the database instance is spending the most time

19 sp_systime_9i.sql Daily breakdown (top 10 time consumers) Service, Non-Idle Idle, Seconds % of Day or Wait Name Spent Total ------ -------- ----------------------------------- ------------------- ------- 22-AUG Service SQL execution 28,842.92 67.39 Service Recursive SQL execution 4,480.52 10.47 Wait db file sequential read 3,598.26 8.41 Wait db file parallel write 2,441.00 5.70 Wait direct path read 1,096.21 2.56 Wait db file scattered read 1,019.07 2.38 Service Parsing SQL 382.46 0.89 Wait log file parallel write 343.28 0.80 Wait log file sync 179.09 0.42 Wait control file parallel write 111.12 0.26

20 sp_systime_9i.sql Hourly breakdown (top 3 time-consumers) Service, Non-Idle Idle, Seconds % of Day Hour or Wait Name Spent Total ------ ------ -------- ----------------------------------- ------------------- ------- 28-AUG 17:00 Service SQL execution 270.65 84.62 Wait log file sync 10.87 3.40 Service Parsing SQL 7.16 2.24 18:00 Service SQL execution 189.92 82.56 Wait log file sync 9.79 4.26 Wait db file sequential read 5.70 2.48 19:00 Service SQL execution 106.07 81.84 Wait log file sync 4.85 3.74 Wait db file sequential read 4.46 3.44 See listing…

21 top_stmt4_9i.sql Latest in a line of stored procedures to produce a “top N SQL statements” report Can be sorted by: logical I/Os + (100 * physical I/Os) elapsed time logical I/Os physical I/Os Each of these can be cumulative for the time period sampled or per execution

22 top_stmt4_9i.sql Beginning Snap Time: 11/29/04 11:00:03 Page 1 Ending Snap Time : 12/01/04 10:00:02 Nbr of Snapshots: 48 Date of Report : 12/01/04 10:55:30 Total Logical Reads: 580,110,532 Total Physical Reads: 2,816,050. Module: " ? @ihe3 (TNS V1-V3)". SQL Statement Text (Hash Value=1397201706) ------------------------------------------ 0 SELECT level, series_id, parent_id, series_name, type, 1 constraint_flag, facilitator_page, series_text_3, display_order 2 _num, master_series_id, series_keyword, instructor_id FROM c 3 m_series_instance WHERE reg_code = :reg_code AND type = 4 :block_type AND status = 'active' START WITH pa 5 rent_id = 0 CONNECT BY parent_id = PRIOR series_id. : Disk Buffer Cache Hit DR Per BG Per CPU Per Ela Per : Reads Gets Ratio Runs Run Run Run Run : ----- ------ --------- ---- ------ ------ ------ ------ : 2,040,353 253,437,801 99.19% 3,071 664 82,526 1.47 8.06 : (72.454%) (43.688%)

23 top_stmt4_9i.sql. SQL execution plan from "11/29/04 11:00:03" (snap #481) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |* 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | | |* 1 | FILTER | | | | | |* 2 | CONNECT BY WITH FILTERING | | | | | |* 3 | NESTED LOOPS | | | | | |* 4 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | CM_SERIES_INSTANCE_IDX4 | 69 | 207 | 1 (0)| |* 5 | TABLE ACCESS BY USER ROWID | CM_SERIES_INSTANCE | | | | |* 6 | NESTED LOOPS | | | | | |* 7 | BUFFER SORT | | 69 | 8418 | | |* 8 | CONNECT BY PUMP | | | | | |* 9 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| CM_SERIES_INSTANCE | 69 | 8418 | 2 (50)| |* 10 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | CM_SERIES_INSTANCE_IDX4 | 69 | | 1 (0)| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See listing…

24 Additional scripts Generic reporting enablement sp_delta_views.sql Based on STATS$SQL_SUMMARY and STATS$SQL_PLAN top_stmt4_10g.sql, top_stmt4_9i.sql, top_stmt4_8i.sql, run_top_stmt4.sql sphistory.sql Based on STATS$SEG_STAT & STATS$SEG_STAT_OBJ sp_buffer_busy_waits.sql, sp_itl_waits.sql, sp_row_lock_waits.sql, sp_gc_waits.sql Based on STATS$PARAMETER sp_parm_changes.sql Based on STATS$SYSSTAT sptrends.sql Based on STATS$SYSTEM_EVENT sp_evtrends.sql Based on STATS$LATCH_MISSES sp_latch_misses.sql

25 General methods Start with “sp_systime” report for initial high-level analysis on a day-by-day basis, with hour-by-hour detail Whatever consumes the most time, follow up with other analysis scripts If “SQL execution”, “Recursive SQL execution”, “db file … read” events are significant, find “top N SQL” using TOP_STMT4 report If “latch free”, drill down with “sp_latch_misses.sql” If “buffer busy waits”, drill down with “sp_buffer_busy_waits.sql” If “row lock waits”, drill down with “sp_row_lock_waits.sql” If RAC (GC) waits, drill down with “sp_gc_waits.sql” If ITL waits, drill down with “sp_itl_waits.sql” If “redo *” wait-events, check out “sp_avg_redo_write_time.sql” For trending on other wait events, use “sp_evtrends.sql” script For trends on statistics, use “sptrends.sql” script

26 Northern CA Oracle Users Group Questions? Discussion? Please fill out the evaluation forms? Website: Scripts and presentation can be downloaded from Else, email me… :-)

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