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1 CARE/ASAS Achievements and future activities Francis Casaux CARE/ASAS manager on behalf of EUROCONTROL.

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1 1 CARE/ASAS Achievements and future activities Francis Casaux CARE/ASAS manager on behalf of EUROCONTROL

2 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 20042 References CARE/ASAS Action Plan document –Version 5.0 – 6 November 2004 CARE website –

3 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 20043 CARE/ASAS Initial Objectives Promote co-operative work on ASAS within Europe Establish a common view on ASAS applications Support the validation of the strategic line of action related to transfer of separation responsibility to the cockpit identified in the ATM Strategy for 2000+ Make the best use of the wide range of competencies which are required to address all the issues Avoid the duplication of R&D efforts

4 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 20044 CARE/ASAS Management –CARE manager : Mick van Gool (EUROCONTROL SD/ESC) –CARE/ASAS manager : Francis Casaux (CENA) CARE/ASAS Management Board –composed of ASAS experts (EUROCONTROL HQ, EEC, ATS providers, R&D centres, Universities) –who advise the CARE/ASAS manager, initiate the work, follow the progress, evaluate the results –Observers : European Commission, IATA, Airbus, JAA –Coordination with EATM programmes and domains Eighteen meetings from October 1999 to November 2004

5 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 20045 CARE/ASAS Management CARE/ASAS Action Plan (CA/99-001) –Activities: Description and status –Relationship with EATM programmes/domains –Relationship with EC and EC funded projects –Relationship with Action Plan 1 (and 18) of the FAA/EUROCONTROL R&D Committee Reference Document List (CA/00-010) –66 deliverables available through the CARE website E-mail lists (CA/01-026) –CARE/ASAS Management Board –CARE/ASAS Interest Group

6 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 20046 CARE/ASAS Management Three levels of cooperation –Level 1 - Exchange : Organisations exchanged information on R&D work. There was no CARE/ASAS funding. –Level 2 - Cooperation : The objective was a more efficient use of the existing resources within each organisation. Calls for Interest were issued to define the work. There was no CARE/ASAS funding. –Level 3 - Collaboration : Organisations were working together on the same R&D project. A common funding was necessary. The work to be performed was defined and agreed at the CARE/ASAS Management Board level. Calls for Tender were issued. Four projects were conducted.

7 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 20047 Activity 0 - Communications CARE Website: –Regularly updated –Vehicle for the four CARE/ASAS calls for tender Communication activities –Reporting within EUROCONTROL (e.g. R&D Review Group, ODIAC, etc.) and outside (e.g. SCRSP) –CARE/ASAS CD-Rom –Dissemination of CARE/ASAS deliverables –Dissemination of information related to ASAS (e.g. ATM R&D seminar, ANConf/11) Technical Interchange Meeting on ASAS (coordinated with AP1) –November 1999 - NASA/Ames –November 2000 - Brétigny –October 2002 - NASA/Ames Activities continued through the ASAS Thematic Network

8 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 20048 Activity 0 - Communications ASAS Thematic Network: ASAS-TN (2003-2004) –Involving the industry (i.e. aircraft, avionics & ATM) and pilot/controller professional associations –ASAS-TN events: 1st workshop - Rome - April 2003 - ASAS Operational improvements – Dream or Reality? 2nd workshop - Malmö - October 2003 - ASAS what does it mean operationally? 3rd workshop - Toulouse - April 2004 - ASAS Making it happen (Airborne and Ground Functions for ASAS Implementation) Seminar - Brighton - October 2004 - ASAS Time for Decisions - The Way Forward –ASAS-TN website : http://www.asas-tn.org ASAS-TN2 on ASAS and ADS-B applications (2005-2007)

9 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 20049 Activity 1 - Problem Dimensions Initial objectives –Review of the existing work on ASAS –Analysis of the degree of validation achieved so far –Identification of areas needing further work Cooperative work –Call for tender issued in February 2000 –Consortium of nine organisations lead by NLR –Report (CA/00-012) delivered in November 2000 and disseminated in April 2001 via mail and internet –Main results presented at the ASAS TIM in November 2000 In stand-by since April 2001 –The yearly Tableaux de Bord from ASAS-TN2 should provide similar information on an annual basis

10 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 200410 Activity 2 - Validation Framework Initial objectives –Comparison of studys results –Development of an approved validation framework (scenarios, metrics and tools) EEC was leading this activity –Several meetings and teleconference were held Cooperative work –EEC, CENA, Glasgow University –A report (CA/01-020) Towards a validation Framework for ASAS applications was delivered in June 2001

11 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 200411 Activity 2 - Validation Framework Collaborative work –Call for tender issued in July 2001 –VF project - Consortium of five organisations lead by NATS –Several technical deliverables (e.g. scenarios, system and human performance metrics, validation framework) –Dissemination forum in October 2002 at EEC –Final report (CA/02-036) delivered in November 2002 and disseminated in March 2003 via internet In stand-by since May 2003 –ASAS applications are similar to any ATM applications –Validation work is conducted at project level (e.g. NUPII) –Validation Plan Drafting Group was set up by the EUROCONTROL ADS programme

12 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 200412 Activity 3 - Safety Initial objectives: –Phase 1 - Influencing parameters for airborne separation minima and first attempt of quantification NLR was leading this activity –Several meetings and teleconference were held Cooperative work –Glasgow University, CENA, NLR –A report (CA/01-019) Investigation of Experience in Modelling and Determining Separation Minima was delivered in June 2001

13 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 200413 Activity 3 - Safety Collaborative work –Call for tender issued in August 2000 –ASM (Airborne Separation Minima) project - Consortium of five organisations lead by Sofréavia –Several technical deliverables (e.g. OSEDs and OHAs for two ASAS applications, Estimation of safe separation criteria) –Dissemination forum in December 2001 at EEC –Final report (CA/01-018) delivered in April 2002 –The ASM project extension study delivered its report (CA/02- 041) Lessons learnt from the OSED/OHA activities and hazard brainstorm in September 2002 –All results disseminated in March 2003 via Internet

14 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 200414 Activity 3 - Safety In stand-by since May 2003 –Work done within AP1 on Safety and ASAS applications –The EUROCONTROL ACAS programme launched the IAPA (Implication on ACAS Performances due to ASAS implementation) project –The EUROCONTROL ADS programme launched: The ASFA (Airborne Surveillance Functional Architecture) project A safety analysis project on six Package I applications A project on the definition of separation minima using ADS-B –The MFF (Mediterranean Free Flight) project released some safety work and a safety workshop was planned

15 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 200415 Activity 4 - ASAS Application Definition Initial objectives –Support the definition of ASAS applications –Started in October 2001 Cooperative work –Document on terminology (CA/02-039) Applications and Services delivered on February 2002 –CENA developed the document (CA/02-037) Review of ASAS applications studied in Europe which was delivered on February 2002 –Support to the OSED Drafting Group created by the EUROCONTROL ADS programme (2003) –Support to the RFG (Requirement Focus Group) activities (2003-2004) European co-chair for RFG/2, RFG/3 and RFG/4 Working papers related to ANConf/11 (CA/04-064) and ICAO standards (CA/04-065)

16 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 200416 Activity 4 - ASAS Application Definition Collaborative work –Call for tender issued in April 2003 –FALBALA project - Consortium of five organisations (including three ANSPs) supported by three airlines and lead by Sofréavia –Several technical deliverables (e.g. TMA traffic analysis, airborne perspective analysis, operational workshop and operational benefits) –Dissemination forum in July 2004 in Haren –Final report (CA/04-061) delivered in July 2004 –All results disseminated in September 2004 via Internet –FALBALA extension study proposed to the EUROCONTROL CASCADE programme

17 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 200417 Activity 5 - ASAS Application Implementation Initial objectives –Support the implementation of ASAS applications –Started in September 2001 Cooperative work –Participation to the IATA/NLR initiative called Free Flight Working Group – Operational –Participation to EUROCAE/WG51 and RTCA/SC186 –Elaboration of a consensus and development of the document (CA/02-040) Description of a first package of GS/AS applications endorsed by JCB (Joint Coordination Board) in September 2002 –Elaboration of a consensus and development of the document (CA/02-042) Proposal for working arrangements to develop Package I applications delivered to JCB in July 2003

18 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 200418 FAA/EUROCONTROL Action Plans related to ASAS R&D co-operation between the USA and Europe –FAA, MITRE, NASA –EUROCONTROL, R&D centres, ANSPs Action Plan 1 was dedicated to ASAS applications since 1999 AP1 Deliverables –Technical Interchange Meetings –Document Principles for the Use of ASAS applications (PO-ASAS) delivered in June 2001 –Document Safety and ASAS applications (SAF-ASAS) delivered in March 2004 AP1 successfully terminated in March 2004

19 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 200419 FAA/EUROCONTROL Action Plans related to ASAS AP18 terms of reference (ToRs) –Result of the merge of AP1 on ASAS and AP10 on ADS-B –Planned deliverables: Development of a document ASAS Concept of Use (CoU-ASAS) Support to RFG activities –Signature of ToRs started in June 2004 Future organisation? –AP18 focused on one or two Package I applications –AP22 focused on ASAS R&D activities

20 Eighteenth CARE/ASAS Management Board meeting – Haren - 26 November 200420 CARE/ASAS Achievements Creation of a community from R&D to industry with a communication tool: the ASAS Thematic Network Significant work on the definition, the validation, the safe design and the safety assessment of ASAS applications European contribution to the PO-ASAS and the SAF-ASAS documents Elaboration of an international consensus on Package I

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