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The Age of Exploration 1400-1625. During the Crusades, Western European countries (Spain, England, France, Portugal) made pilgrimages to holy lands which.

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1 The Age of Exploration 1400-1625

2 During the Crusades, Western European countries (Spain, England, France, Portugal) made pilgrimages to holy lands which brought them in contact with Middle Eastern countries and the goods they sold from Asian lands. Strong new European governments along with the interest and money created by these new goods helped to start the Age of Exploration. Why did it take the Europeans until the 1400’s to begin to explore? YouTube

3 Technology The Printing Press invented in the 1450’s Better maps from a wider range of sources The Compass allowed sailors to determine their direction The Astrolabe could determine your latitude using the stars

4 Technology Cont. New sailing technology – Triangle sails, stern rudder, able to hold more supplies and could sail into shallow water. This new ship was called a Caravel

5 Economics European countries were making money from trade with Asia and the Middle East but it was very expensive. Europeans wanted to find new trade routes to Asia so they could cut out the middle men in Italy and the Middle East, allowing them to make more money. European countries also wanted to start colonies in these countries to find natural resources (wood, iron, gold, spices). Mercantilism was also a factor. This was the idea that the richer a country is, the more powerful it becomes.

6 The Growth of Ideas Thanks to the Renaissance, the general population became more curious about the world around them. This helped grow a desire to explore. During this time there were also new ideas that would help support exploration (banking, a value of knowledge and consolidation of city-states). Religion also played a part in both the Renaissance and motivation for exploration. Some political leaders (like Queen Isabella of Spain) looked at exploration as a chance to spread Catholicism to new lands and people.

7 Famous Explorers Leif Erickson Viking explorer who found current day Canada around the year 1000 Archeologists have found remains of Viking settlements near current day Newfoundland Europeans were unaware of these voyages so Columbus received credit for discovering the Americas Clip 1 Clip 2

8 Famous Explorers Prince Henry “The Navigator” of Portugal Founded the first Sea College in 1420 Helped train new explorers

9 Famous Explorers Vasco De Gama The first Explorer to complete an eastern sea route to India (Asia) in 1498. Sailed from Portugal Clip 1

10 Famous Explorers Christopher Columbus Expedition backed by Queen Isabella and Kind Ferdinand of Spain for religious and economic reasons. Was trying to find a route to Asia. Sailed in 1492 with the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria They reached the Bahamas (West Indies) first on October 12, 1492. Then in later voyages Cuba, Jamaica and South America Believed they were in Asia Clip 1


12 Columbian Exchange Exploration brought together the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa with the peoples of the Americas for the first time. This contact lead to an exchange between these cultures of plants, animals, diseases and ideas. This became known as the Columbian Exchange.

13 Famous Explorers Pedro Cabral Was the first to reach Brazil and claimed it for Portugal in the early 1500’s Today Brazilians largely speak Portuguese instead of Spanish due to their influence

14 Famous Explorers Ferdinand Magellan First person to circumnavigate the world in 1520-1523 Originally set sail with 5 ships and 200 men. Magellan found a strait through the Americas which allowed him to sail around the world. As a result of the extended time and numerous hardships only 1 ship and 18 men survived the journey. Magellan was killed in the Philippines during the trip. Clip 1

15 Famous Explorers Amerigo Vespucci Began mapping the coast of South America in 1499 Discovered through the use of his maps that they were not in Asia but had found a new continent. Geographers named the continent after him. Clip 1

16 Famous Explorers Juan Ponce De Leo’n Landed in Florida in 1513 which lead to the first Spanish settlement and Spanish claim to North America His writings inspired the myth of the Fountain of Youth Clip 1

17 Famous Explorers John Cabot Sent by the English in 1497 to find a northern route to Asia Landed in current day Newfoundland, Canada English used his settlement as their claim to North America Clip 1

18 Famous Explorers Samuel de Champlain Established a settlement in current day Quebec, Canada for the French. This lead to the French claim to North America The French were interested in North America for its fishing and fur trade with the Native Americans

19 Famous Explorers Henry Hudson Hired by the Dutch in 1609 to find a passage through the Americas. His exploration would lead to settlements by the Dutch in current day New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia This would lead to the Dutch claim to North America Clip 1


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