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State and Federal Legislative and Policy Updates Alameda County Early Care and Education Planning Council July 18, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "State and Federal Legislative and Policy Updates Alameda County Early Care and Education Planning Council July 18, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 State and Federal Legislative and Policy Updates Alameda County Early Care and Education Planning Council July 18, 2014

2 1. State Budget Outcomes 2. Federal Update

3  Signed on June 20th  $156.4 billion in total state spending  Reduce debt by up to $10.7 billion in 14-15  $1.6 billion transfer to rainy day fund  Small increases for child care and CalWORKs  Higher state corrections spending trend continues

4  $264 million increase for early care and education  Increases 4 year old access to preschool: for low and moderate income families. 13,000 slots total ($102 million) 7,500 preschools slots beginning 2014-2015 AND 4,000 more slots to be added on June 15, 2015 ($70 million) 1,000 General Child Care and 500 Alternative Payment ($17 million) slots Eliminates fees for part day preschool ($15 million)

5  Funds Quality Improvement for Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten $50 million for QRIS block grants $25 million in one time professional development for preschool and TK teachers $10 million in one time loans for facility expansion $7.5 million for Community Care Licensing for 71.5 positions—10% rate increase

6  Provider Rate Increase SRR (CDE programs) 5% increase ($49 million) $34.38 per child per day to $36.11 per child per day (still less than the going rate for doggy day care) RMR (Vouchers)-($19 million) Increases rates from the 2005 survey to the 2009 survey MINUS 13% Many counties will not get increases

7  Budget restores 13,000 out of 110,000 lost since 2007-2008  $264 million vs. $429 million Assembly, $625 million Women’s Caucus, and $713 Senate budget proposals  Does not update income eligibility limits or provide increases to provider rates that would stabilize programs

8  Early Start restored to pre-2009 levels; $7.9 million in budget  Increases CalWORKs grant by 5% ($46 million in 14-15/$184 million in 15-16)

9  Goal: to provide high-quality early learning opportunities to all children so that they enter kindergarten ready  Plan:  Provide access to high-quality infant/toddler care through Early Head Start-child care partnerships;  Expanding voluntary evidence-based home visiting;  Developing a new partnership with states to provide voluntary, high-quality, full-day preschool for all 4-year-olds from families at or below 200% of the federal poverty line.

10  $650M to expand number and quality of early learning experiences for infants and toddlers  Great resources available at rams_ehsccp.html rams_ehsccp.html  Deadline: August 20, 2014  Register on and

11  Strong Start for America’s Children Act of 2013  10-year federal-state partnership to expand and improve early learning opportunities for children across the birth-to-age-five continuum  Will re-authorize Child Care and Development Block Grant  Co-sponsored by all CA House representatives

12  $500M for Preschool Development Grants + $250M through the Opportunity, Growth, and Security Initiative  Goal: will help states, local education agencies, and local governments build the fundamental components of a high-quality preschool system or expand proven early learning programs.

13  To be eligible for funding, prospective grantees must:  describe how they will expand access to children from low- to moderate-income families;  ensure an adequate supply of high-quality preschool slots and qualified teachers;  monitor for continuous improvement;  partner with local education agencies and other providers;  sustain high-quality services after the grant period.

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