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Truman Doctrine. Baltimore Polytechnic Institute April 23, 2014 A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green.

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1 Truman Doctrine

2 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute April 23, 2014 A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green

3 The students will be able to analyze the events of the late 1950s by describing the impact of the Eisenhower administration on the American people

4 Objectives: Indicate how America reacted to Pearl Harbor and prepared to wage war against both Germany and Japan. Describe the mobilization of the American economy for war and the mobilization of manpower and womanpower for both the military and wartime production. Describe the war’s effects on American society, including regional migration, race relations, and women’s roles. Explain the early Japanese successes in East Asia and the Pacific, and the American strategy for countering them. AP Focus Early in the war, Germany, Japan, and Italy have considerable military success. The Allies, except for France, which had surrendered in 1940, are fortunate not to be overwhelmed completely. Fearing that they will be disloyal, President Roosevelt orders the detention of Japanese Americans, a serious violation of basic American civil rights.


6 CHAPTER THEMES Unified by Pearl Harbor, America effectively carried out a war mobilization effort that produced vast social and economic changes within American society. Following its “get Hitler first” strategy, the United States and its Allies invaded and liberated conquered Europe from Fascist rule. The slower strategy of island-hopping against Japan also proceeded successfully until the atomic bomb brought a sudden end to World War II.

7 Evaluate the impact of the Federal Defense Highway Act of 1956. Be sure to use evidence to support your evaluation.

8 1. On page 962, explain the position of the political cartoon. Be sure to cite specific examples to support your position. 2. Describe the impact of Sputnik I and Sputnik II on the American people. 3. Explain the political cartoon on page 963. What evidence is the artist referring to and what is the cartoon revealing to us? 4. Read the primary source on page 965. Why did JFK feel the need to address his religion to a group of Houston Protestant ministers? 5. Explain the outcome of the 1960 election and identify reasons for the Kennedy victory. 6. Read the primary source on page 966 and explain what Ike was telling the American people. 7. Read, “Examining the Evidence” and describe the impact of the shopping mall as the new town square.

9 Limited Federal Government Cut back on Truman’s military buildup military spending 10% of GNP oil fields went to state control attempted to curb the TVA Dixon/Yates controversy private power company to build a generating plant to compete with the public utility born during the Great Depression HEW-free distribution of the Salk anti-polio vaccine as “socialized medicine” Federal Highway Act of 1956 42,000 miles of highway $27 billion dollars Mobilize the troops anywhere Killed the train

10 Landrum-Griffin Act 1959 bring labor leaders book for financial shenanigans and bullying tactics The Teamsters and Hoffa caused the conversation for reform to occur

11 Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh/Viet Minh French colony, but by 1954 the U.S. paid nearly 80% of the French war in Indochina ($1 billion/year) Battle of Dien Bien Phu-March 1954 Vietnam nationalists surround the French garrison Ike stayed out, even though Nixon, Dulles and the Joint Chiefs favored intervention Split Vietnam at the 17 parallel with elections in 2 years Ngo Dinh Diem propped up in the South at Saigon Elections never happened Aid to Diem provided he undertook social reforms

12 West Germany joined NATO in 1955 Warsaw Pact in 1955 USSR left Austria in 1955 and Khrushchev denounced dead Joe Stalin Hungarian Uprising in 1956 Iran Shah put in place in 1953 by the CIA Mohammed Reza Pahlevi Suez crisis (Nationalism) Egypt wanted a dam on the upper Nile Nasser flirted with the communists and Dulles pulled the money Nasser nationalized the canal and no oil could get to Britain and France and they assaulted Egypt in Oct. 1956 OPEC formed in 1960-Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran and Venezuela

13 1954-CIA directed coup ousted a leftist government in Guatemala As long as you were fighting communists, everything is OK Fulgencio Batista-encourage huge investments of American capital Castro took control in 1959 and began dolling out American owned property U.S. stopped importing Cuban sugar Castro continued confiscating U.S. owned land USSR found an ally/satellite in Cuba

14 1. Begin 1950’s chart 2. Complete Korean Conflict Chart

15 Read Chapter 35 Prepare for 5 question reading check on Tuesday

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