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CCT Certification Process 2012 NCSLI Workshop and Symposium Shawn Mason.

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Presentation on theme: "CCT Certification Process 2012 NCSLI Workshop and Symposium Shawn Mason."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCT Certification Process 2012 NCSLI Workshop and Symposium Shawn Mason

2 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 2 CCT Certification Process Topics Covered: The four steps in the Test Development process The objectives of the Test Specification, Item Writing, Item Review, and Exam Review workshops Steps in how to prepare and pass the CCT Exam Recertification Process

3 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Training Objectives and Lessons Learned: Gain a better understanding of the development process Have the tools to prepare and pass the CCT exam Know what to do to maintain your certification

4 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Background: ASQ certification is a formal recognition by ASQ that an individual has demonstrated a proficiency, and comprehension of a specific body of knowledge. Certified Calibration Technician tests, calibrates, maintains and repairs electrical, mechanical, electromechanical, analytical and electronic measuring, recording and indicating instruments and equipment for conformance to established standards. 4

5 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Background Continued: Many industry job description and education requirements for a Metrologist or Engineer include the following: 2 year (AAS) degree in Metrology Engineering or equivalent education or military training Four year degree with course in Physics and Algebra (CCT) Certified Calibration Technician 5

6 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Background Continued: Fourteen steps in the Test Development process 50 (SME) Subject Matter Experts are involved in some phase of the exam development process First step is to recruit qualified individuals, then maintain their status Attended four Workshops in the Test Development process: Test Specification, Item Writing, Item Review and Exam Review 6

7 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Volunteers: Recruit qualified individuals Certified in a specific exam (CCT) Provide valuable input Ability to attend complete 2-day workshop session 7

8 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Volunteers Continued: Good team and communication skills New and experienced volunteers Not teaching/authoring exam review materials Many Industries (Diversity) 8

9 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Certification vs Certificate: ASQ CertificationTraining Certificate Requires passing an exam based on a body of knowledge Attending particular training or course by a particular training provider at a particular point in time Exam formerly administrated under scheduled conditions Course content as demonstrated by student’s participation and the specific provider’s knowledge assessment method ASQ Trademarked certificationCan be referenced on a resume for a job application ASQ certifications recognized by 125 corporations Employee’s recognition of the completed training based on the training provider

10 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Test Specification: The objective of the Test Specification Workshop is “To use the TASK and KNOWLEDGE identified in the Job Analysis to establish categories of information representing the Body of Knowledge (BOK) required for the certification being tested”. 10

11 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process 11

12 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Test Specification: Review (BOK) Body of Knowledge Topics and depth for each category Review references Subtext for each parameter –What will be tested –Not what the candidates need to know –Provide more in depth explanation –Direction for item writers Number of questions for each topic Topics to be removed

13 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Test Specification Continued: 13

14 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Item Writing: The objective of the Item Writing Workshop is “To write VALID and RELIABLE items, for use in evaluating a candidate’s knowledge and ability or skill level on a variety of topics”. 14

15 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process 15

16 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Item Writing: Review Item Writing Manual Comprehensive collection of instructions and information Verify validity of the question –Test question classification, reference, and rationale Items (question) for each (BOK) Write extra questions for future exams

17 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Item Review: The objective of the Item Review Workshop is “To ensure the quality of newly created items, as well as items rejected in subsequent reviews”. 17

18 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process 18

19 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Item Review: Review raw question Verify part of (BOK) Body of Knowledge Verify and update the reference Rewrite items Verify only one correct answer Reviewing item for clarity, accuracy, appropriateness, and diversity

20 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Exam Review: The objective of the Exam Review Workshop is “To produce a final exam that meets the test specification and accepted assessment standards”. 20

21 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process 21

22 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Exam Review: Take two exams Same number of questions Same time frame Same open book references –Fill out comments –Note if more than one correct answer –Verify references Maintain Reliability: Test Length Consistency in Test Administration Clarity of the Questions Appropriateness of the Questions

23 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Maintain Reliability Continued: Equators Control measure 25 to 30 questions from previous exam Problem items: Test questions reviewed Score all Remove

24 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process

25 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process

26 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process

27 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process CCT Prep for Exam: CCT Primer Book, Quiz CD and the Solutions Text from the Quality Council of Indiana Other possible CCT resources: Workplace Training @, ASQ @, Emc3 Solutions, Gary Meyer @ ASQ Website to review Body of Knowledge, References, and purchase the appropriate Reference Materials 27

28 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process CCT Prep for Exam Continued: Study and take quizzes Take quiz in lowest question amount first Work your way up to 25-30 questions Complete all sections Study time should be about 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months to cover all of the material 28

29 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process CCT Prep for Exam Continued: 3 Day Refresher class (just before the Exam) Practice the full exam without the primer questions (just before the exam) 29

30 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process CCT Prep for Exam Continued: Organize your reference materials by tabbing each section per the BOK Bring the following minimum reference materials: NCSLI Z540-1, ISO/IEC 17025, Metrology Handbook, Fluke Calibration Philosophy in Practice, Measure for Measure ISBN 188979600X (units of measure), primer book without the quizzes (have index ready), and a designated calculator List of NCSLI RP’s 30

31 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process CCT Prep for Exam Continued: Easy questions first and save the hard ones for last Always go with your first instinct 31

32 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Maintaining your Certification: ASQ requires that you recertify every three years, either by journal or exam Recertification by RU is a process of obtaining a minimum of 18 recertification units (RU’s) within a three year period 32

33 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Maintaining your Certification Continued: The certification journal is listed on the ASQ Website, 33

34 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Maintaining your Certification Continued: Example Journal: Full Time Employment10.8 RUs Company sponsored training (2) 6.0 RUs ASQ or NCSLI section meetings (3 per qtr) 2.7 RUs Total 19.5 RUs 34

35 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Maintaining your Certification Continued: 35

36 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Maintaining your Certification Continued: 36

37 Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally CCT Certification Process Questions? 37

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