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Welcome to. Expectations  No talking while I am talking or introducing a lesson  Raise your hand when wishing to share answers  Be in your seat before.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to. Expectations  No talking while I am talking or introducing a lesson  Raise your hand when wishing to share answers  Be in your seat before."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to

2 Expectations  No talking while I am talking or introducing a lesson  Raise your hand when wishing to share answers  Be in your seat before the bell rings  Bring materials to class everyday  Once bell rings, work on problem on the board

3 Typical Day  Work on question on the board  Go over homework questions for 10 minutes  Check in homework assignments  Assign lunch detentions for missing homework  Introduce lesson  Work on lesson  Activity using a graphing calculator

4 Homework Policy  Homework will be checked daily  If homework is not complete, lunch detention will be assigned that day or announced the next day.  tutor will be made available for assistance on homework. This may replace current homework assignment  Failure to complete homework on a regular basis will result in parent contact then referral to office.

5 Test and Quiz Policy  There will be a quiz after three sections in the chapter. There will be a chapter test at the end of the chapter  80% of the class grade is based on tests/quizzes  Notecards may be used on the tests and quizzes  Re-takes will be made available

6 Re-take Quiz or Test Policy  Corrections on old quiz or test must be made  Homework for that section must be completed with a score of 3 or better  The better of the two scores will be recorded  Tests and quizzes must be retaken during SRT or lunch/homeroom time

7 Homework Assistance 

8 Passes  Each student will be given a Pass Book for passes  Passes may be used for nurse, restroom, office, locker  Three passes will be given each nine weeks.  A Tardy will be assigned for need to use more than 3 passes or lost Pass Book

9 Good Luck  Fill out survey and turn into folder  Make Pass Book for Semester 1

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