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Mrs. Kim Ross Math Class Room 8

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1 Mrs. Kim Ross Math Class Room 8

2  My Goals: ◦ To share my love of math with students ◦ To stress the importance of effort  Highly Qualified in math and science for grades 7-12  13 th year at Emerson Middle School

3  Weighted Average ◦ 10% Participation/Organization ◦ 25% Homework ◦ 65% Tests/Quizzes

4  Limit the number of absences  Ensure that all homework is completed  Encourage your son or daughter to ask for help if something doesn’t make sense in class and/or mistakes were made on the homework  Remind your son or daughter to do the extra credit before it’s needed

5  Zero points: student had no work to show me on the day it was due  1point: answers only with no work shown to support the answers  2 points: less than half the problems attempted with work shown  3 points: about half the problems attempted with work shown  4 points: most problems attempted with work shown  5 points: all problems attempted with work shown

6  Time is NOT provided in class to finish homework  Time IS provided to go over any questions the following day  Graded on completion, not accuracy

7  Homework is checked in class  Homework should be used by students as a tool to gauge their understanding  Students need to ask for help as needed  Help is available at Homework Club after school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays

8  Non-linear and Inverse Functions  Integers and Equations  Systems of Equations  Exponential Functions  Quadratic Functions  Pythagorean Theorem  Geometry Formulas

9  Solving Equations  Linear Functions  Linear Inequalities  Systems of Equations and Inequalities  Exponential Functions  Polynomials  Quadratic Functions  Radical Functions  Rational Expressions

10  Very structured and fast paced  Lower than a C- average for semester grades will result in recommendation to retake Algebra I in 10 th grade  Midterm in January and final exam in June

11  3-ring binder  LOTS of paper  Pencils and erasers

12  Can calculators be used? ◦ Yes! Work still needs to be shown to support answers but calculators are OK to use as a tool.  Are calculators required? ◦ NO! All homework can be completed without the use of a calculator!  How can my son/daughter get help? ◦ Homework Club after school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays ◦ From a classmate ◦ Set up an appointment with me  What should my son/daughter do if they don’t understand the homework? ◦ Look at examples done in class and try to follow the same set-up ◦ Take a short break and come back to the problem ◦ If the answers are available, see if working backwards helps ◦ Copy down the directions, the problem and write why they can’t do the problem



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