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March 8th and 9th 2006 AGCFG / NEXSAT Meetings Toulouse 1 SATCOM FOR ATM ESA Initiative to promote an ATM dedicated Satcom.

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Presentation on theme: "March 8th and 9th 2006 AGCFG / NEXSAT Meetings Toulouse 1 SATCOM FOR ATM ESA Initiative to promote an ATM dedicated Satcom."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 8th and 9th 2006 AGCFG / NEXSAT Meetings Toulouse 1 SATCOM FOR ATM ESA Initiative to promote an ATM dedicated Satcom

2 AGCFG / NEXSAT Meetings Toulouse March 8th and 9th 2006 2 The Environment for R & D activities on Aeronautical Satcom Eurocontrol are exploring satcom systems for ATM, both commercial and dedicated solutions SESAR Study phase is now underway ESA is adjusting its action plan accordingly

3 AGCFG / NEXSAT Meetings Toulouse March 8th and 9th 2006 3 ESA Action Plan The Satcom for ATM business case study Flight opportunities for a Satcom for ATM demonstration payload

4 AGCFG / NEXSAT Meetings Toulouse March 8th and 9th 2006 4 Satcom for ATM business case study (1) Programmatics 100% ESA funded (ARTES 1 programme) 12 months 450 KEuro Open competition Invitation to tender out in March 2006 Study objective Establish a convincing business case for a, satellite based, complementary system in order to provide over Europe the additional A/G communication capacity required, in line with forecasted traffic increase.

5 AGCFG / NEXSAT Meetings Toulouse March 8th and 9th 2006 5 Satcom for ATM business case study (2) Inputs to the study A/G communication requirements and traffic forecasts over Europe will be compiled from existing data (primarily based on Eurocontrol COCR document) Technical concept and system architecture will be derived from existing knowledge Outputs from the study Deployment scenarios for a satellite based system providing the necessary capacity complement over Europe Service provision scenarios for ATS and AOC Costing of the various elements both capital investment and running costs Broad-line comparison with alternative ground based systems Requirements for a service demonstration, promotion programme

6 AGCFG / NEXSAT Meetings Toulouse March 8th and 9th 2006 6 Flight opportunities for a Satcom for ATM demonstration payload (1) Assumptions A service demonstration programme is needed to validate the Satcom for ATM concept and will be specified as a study output Emphasis will be placed on demonstrating quality of service and high latitude coverage capability A demonstration communication payload will be dimensioned in the study Foreseeable Flight opportunities ESA have an approved ALPHABUS large GEO platform programme ESA have an approved ALPHASAT (Payload) programme to fly on the proto-flight of ALPHABUS ESA have the funding approved for a small GEO satellite ESA have a payload programme for the small GEO satellite along the same lines as ALPHASAT

7 AGCFG / NEXSAT Meetings Toulouse March 8th and 9th 2006 7 Flight opportunities for a Satcom for ATM demonstration payload (2) Mission Selection Criteria Missions are Telecommunication missions funded on a partnership basis between ESA and prospective operators Phase A studies are now being started for three prospective ALPHASAT payloads, one of which has an aeronautical communication dedicated payload. Securing a flight for Satcom for ATM Specific public funding will be needed for non commercial missions Stakeholders having interest in Satcom for ATM are strongly encouraged to make their interest widely known to potential sponsors (ESA Member states, EU, …)

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