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Session 6 EUROCONTROL, SES unit May 2013

2 Objectives of the Workshop
Brief on the latest relevant developments Provide a platform for stakeholders to share views concerning: approach to implementation, lessons learned, best practices, implementation difficulties Initiate creation of a 'pan-European' overview concerning ADQ implementation Brief on mechanisms for monitoring and audit Identify requirements for potential future implementation support activities. Aeronautical Data Quality - Implementation in Europe

3 Overall notes – Summary key points (1)
Good attendance at this workshop gathering key regulated parties Excellent and open presentations highlighting current stakeholder approaches, progress and implementation difficulties Clear demonstration of effort applied and commitment to implement ADQ confirming that the underlying concept of ADQ is fully valid Numerous challenges were highlighted ranging from initial lack of management commitment, legacy issues, some initial originator “reluctance”, oversight issues through to huge impact stemming from technical changes or new systems to be put in place Key issue in Member States (MS)/Organisations appeared to be the ADQ Timelines. European Commission will need to better understand the current status achieved in MS: Question is to how can this be achieved? Could a dedicated ADQ questionnaire be helpful to ascertain a consolidated view. Once having achieved this, discussions to address notified implementation difficulties may be arranged in coordination with SSC. Aeronautical Data Quality - Implementation in Europe

4 Overall notes – Summary key points (2)
Time at WS was limited to discuss all detailed questions that were raised Agency will extract more detailed questions/aspects from the presentations and answer them separately A number of specific support requirements for continued generic stakeholder support were collected and those will be analysed, prioritised and actioned The method for individual stakeholder support was outlined and will have to be further addressed: States/Organisations are requested to raise specific needs back to the Agency, ideally through the ADQ-ISC Detailed aspects raised - example AIXM: There is a need for additional guidance on e.g. AIXM Business Rules and Metadata in the ADQ context Workshop will be organised to address those issues Aeronautical Data Quality - Implementation in Europe

5 Overall notes – Summary key points (3)
Agency will publish the presentations, conclusions on the web after the WS and all participants will be informed. Stay engaged and ensure that your State regulator engages in the ARWG - this is an important group. Let us know your views and share issues also after the WS make use of the ADQ-ISC address Very many thanks to Presenters and your input This made the WS “information rich” Aeronautical Data Quality - Implementation in Europe

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