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Terrain and Obstacle Databases Working Group (TOD WG)

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1 Terrain and Obstacle Databases Working Group (TOD WG)
ADQ implementation workshop Alexandre Petrovsky Eurocontrol 28 May 2013

2 TOD WG Objectives Facilitate and coordinate TOD implementation in ECAC taking into account operational requirements and applications Collate, analyse and identify causes of difficulties arising during TOD implementation in the States Develop and recommend action to resolve these difficulties Advise EUROCONTROL (AIM/SWIM Team) and ICAO on TOD implementation.

3 Aerodrome/Heliport (Recommendation)
eTOD – ICAO standards Area 1 = State (2008) Area 2 = TMA (2015) Area 4 = CATII/III RWY (2008) Area 3 = Aerodrome/Heliport (Recommendation) 3 3

4 Status of implementation of TOD in ECAC

5 Status of TOD Area 1 and 4 implementation
TOD Area 1 (2008) : Checks: Availability Terrain dataset Blue: Availability Obstacle dataset TOD Area 4 (2008): Dark Green: Completed Yellow: Partial Grey: No CAT II/III RWY

6 Implementation drivers
Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) / Minimum Safety Altitude Warning (MSAW) Instrument Flight Procedure Design Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control systems (A-SMGCS) Aeronautical Charts / On-board DB Flight simulator, obstacle management Synthetic Vision System

7 Needs of operators

8 TOD requirements in ADQ IR
Article 2 Scope 1. … It shall apply to the following aeronautical data and aeronautical information: electronic obstacle data, or elements thereof, where made available by Member States; electronic terrain data, or elements thereof, where made available by Member States; 2. This Regulation shall apply to the following parties: …; public or private entities providing, for the purposes of this Regulation: iii) electronic terrain data; and iv) electronic obstacle data

9 - electronic obstacle/terrain data, or elements thereof, where made available by Member States

10 Example Area 1 obstacle dataset completeness
Area 1 obstacles collected prior to TOD requirements, published in ENR 5.4 “Air Navigation (En-Route) Obstacles” Difficulties obtaining metadata for obstacles existing prior to TOD Options: Don’t provide – no metadata Provide – caveat for missing metadata User perspective: “better to have something rather than nothing” TOD WG conclusion: obstacle datasets for Area 1 (the minimum being the data published in ENR 5.4) could be provided with clear documentation on missing/unknown values and with a statement about associated liabilities.

11 Example Area 1 obstacle dataset

12 Other issues related to ADQ
Providers outside aviation area Terrain/Obstacles datasets provider: National Geodetic Agency Military authority Number of data originators for obstacles Terrain data set format No common format defined TOD WG action: Compile a list of user and provider preferences for terrain data formats

13 Terrain dataset format: TOD WG analysis
Analysed formats: GeoTIFF, DTED, USGS DEM, ESRI Grid, ASCII Grid, Raw binary, ASCII XYZ, City GML, Shape, TIN etc. None fully met ISO series requirements as required by ICAO and ADQ But, all formats could be used by the existing GIS for the exchange of data. Next-intended user’s preferred format: GeoTIFF & Metadata

14 TOD implementation advances in ECAC Identified issues related to ADQ :
Summary TOD implementation advances in ECAC Identified issues related to ADQ : Reluctance to ‘make available’ TOD due to additional ADQ requirements better to have no data or partly compliant data? example with Area 1 obstacle completeness ADQ requirements for non-aviation TOD providers ‘fit-for-purpose’ requirements? Terrain formats User most preferred format

15 More information about TOD:

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