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IMPLEMENTING DQR A Practical View 19 February 2013 Danijela Maksimovic CAD Republic of Serbia.

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Presentation on theme: "IMPLEMENTING DQR A Practical View 19 February 2013 Danijela Maksimovic CAD Republic of Serbia."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMPLEMENTING DQR A Practical View 19 February 2013 Danijela Maksimovic CAD Republic of Serbia

2 DQR Specification EC Regulation 73/2010 (ADQ IR) EC Regulation 552/2004 (Interoperability) Data Quality Requirements (DQR) Specification Data Assurance Level (DAL) Specification Article 6 (1) Annex IV Part A Article 6 (2) Annex IV Part B

3 Advantages Combines requirements from different ICAO Annexes Brings safety to AIS into more details Connects with DAL Specification Annex C can be used in oversight process

4 Parties involved Article 2 (2) of ADQ IR: ANSPs Aerodrome and heliport operators Surveying companies Electronic terrain and obstacle data providers Procedure designers

5 State Role (general) Represents users community To adopt DQR Specification as MoC for ADQ IR To regulate compliance with DQR HL To coordinate all the requirements among relevant State entities (interested parties) To communicate externally (ICAO, other States, EUROCONTROL)

6 State Role (detailed 1) To adopt DQR Specification To ensure compliance of ANSP(s) with DQR HL To ensure compliance of other entities with DQR HL (recommended) To inform EUROCONTROL on differences To cover insufficient requirements To validate DQRs within national context

7 State Role (detailed 2) Maintenance of DQR HL: Changes supported by safety assessment Internal and external consultations Proposal for the modification communicated to EUROCONTROL Periodical checks of DQR Specification

8 Coordination issues – internal All data users concerned Expectations from non-aviation entities (eTOD providers) Oversight of all the activities Continuous process (maintenance and revision) Revision of existing (?) formal arrangements

9 Coordination issues – external EAD conformance with DQR Specification Mechanisms for external coordination Level of detail with regard to ICAO non-compliance

10 Safety issues Safety in relation to aeronautical data/information AISP staff not safety-trained Safety assessment carried on by AISP staff or other (ATM, CNS and/or SAF) ANSP experts? Provision and use of data via EAD Special attention must be paid to data with multiple use

11 Mechanisms - internal Existence of supporting regulatory framework Use of safety-related experiences from other ANSs (ATM, CNS) Training requirements for AISP and other staff Awareness campaign (WSs, Meetings) Compliance Checklists Enforcement of formal arrangements

12 Mechanisms - external Rely on available guidelines and methodologies Share experiences and best practices among States Public consultations Assess the need for cross-border coordination

13 Need for external support? Management of coordination between States Exchanging experiences (WSs) Training for AISP staff (safety) EAD-related issues

14 Higher level of data quality requirements vs treatment of differences Key point: coordination – internal and external Safety in the context of AIS operations Need for management of coordination among States (EUROCONTROL?) Summary

15 Thank you for your attention!

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