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8 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158.

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Presentation on theme: "8 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 2015 Lost Leaders: Women in the Global Academy Professor Louise Morley Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research (CHEER) University of Sussex, UK

2 Women Vice-Chancellors: Leadership or Being Led? 8 October, 2015

3 Diversity = Representational Space? Norm-saturated (essentialised) policy narratives add more under-represented groups into current HE systems = distributive justice/ smart economics organisational and epistemic transformation. Gender as a demographic variable. Development of a sociology of absences. 8 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 2015

4 Some Provocations Why/ How has gender escaped the logic of the policy turbulent global academy? is women’s capital devalued/ misrecognised in the knowledge economy? is leadership legitimacy identified? do cultural scripts for leaders coalesce/collide with normative gender performances? are norm-saturated narratives constructing who is intelligible as leaders? are informal practices e.g. networks, head- hunters’ searches reproducing privilege? does decision-making lack transparency/ accountability? 8 October, 2015

5 An Affective Load/ Identity Work What narratives circulate about leadership? Loss, sacrifice, conflict? Power, influence, privilege? Unliveable lives? Working with resistance, recalcitrance, truculence, ugly feelings. Colonising colleagues’ subjectivities towards the goals of managerially inspired discourses. Managing self-doubt, conflict, anxiety, disappointment & occupational stress. = Restricting, not Building capacity and creativity. 8 October, 2015

6 Expanding the Theoretical Lexicon Barad’s (2007) ‘intra-action’ examines: how differences are made/ remade stabilised and destabilised how individuals exist because of the existence of given interactions Leaders made via power relations/ politics of difference. Ahmed (2010) - Happiness: is a technology/ instrument re-orientates individual desires towards a common good. Leadership = sign of vertical career success. Berlant’s (2011) cruel optimism: Depending on objects that block our thriving. Leadership = normative fantasy and/or a bad object of desire. 8 October, 2015

7 Optics and Apparatus What is it that people don’t see? Why don’t they see it? What do current optics/ practices/ specifications reveal and obscure? Leadership Potential Observable, separate static structure? Struggle for value/ intelligibility? Co-production? 8 October, 2015

8 A Two-Way Gaze? How are women being seen e.g. as deficit men? How are women viewing leadership e.g. via the optic of neo-liberalism/ austerity/ unliveable lives? 8 October, 2015

9 Evidence Rigorous Literature Review - Leadership Foundation in Higher Education (Morley, 2013) Transcribed Panel/ Group Discussions in British Council Seminars (Hong Kong, Tokyo and Dubai). 20 questionnaires: Australia, China, Egypt, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Turkey. ( Morley, 2014) What makes leadership attractive/unattractive to women? What enables/ supports women to enter leadership positions? Personal experiences of being enabled/ impeded from entering leadership? 8 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 2015

10 Why is Senior Leadership Unattractive to Women? The expanding, audited, neo-liberalised, competitive, performance-driven, globalised academy. Being ‘Other’ in male-dominated cultures. Oppositional relationship between leadership and scholarship. The signifier ‘woman’ reduces the authority of the signifier ‘leader’. Navigating between professional and domestic responsibilities. Women lacking capital (economic, political, social and symbolic) to redefine the requirements of the field (Corsun & Costen, 2001). 8 October, 2015

11 Gendered Research/ Prestige Economy 71% of researchers globally are men 29% women (UNESCO, 2012). Women less likely to be: Journal editors/cited in top-rated journals (Tight, 2008). Principal investigators (EC, 2011) On research boards Awarded large grants Awarded research prizes (Nikiforova, 2011) Conference keynote speakers (Schroeder et al., 2013). Women likely to be: Cast as unreliable knowers (Longino, 2010). Tasked with inward-facing responsibilities. Research resources/opportunities: competitively structured replicate/reproduce gender hierarchies. 8 October, 2015

12 Women Reflexively Scanning Women Are Not/ Rarely Identified, supported, encouraged and developed for leadership. Achieving the most senior leadership positions in prestigious, national co- educational universities. Personally/ collectively desiring senior leadership. Attracted to labour intensity of competitive, audit cultures in the managerialised global academy. Women Are Constrained by socio-cultural messages Entering middle management. Often located on career pathways that do not lead to senior positions. Burdened with affective load: being ‘other’ in masculinist cultures navigating between professional and domestic responsibilities. Hearing leadership narratives as unliveable lives Often perceiving leadership as loss. Demanding change.

13 Manifesto for Change: Accountability, Transparency, Development and Data Equality as Quality - equality should be made a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in quality audits, with data to be returned on percentage and location of women professors and leaders, percentage and location of undergraduate and postgraduate students and gender pay equality. Gender equity achievements should be included in international recognition and reputation for universities in league tables. Research Grants - funders should monitor the percentage of applications and awards made to women and to actively promote more women as principal investigators. The applications procedures should be reviewed to incorporate a more inclusive and diverse philosophy of achievement. Gender implications and impact should also be included in assessment criteria. Journals - Editorial Boards, and the appointment of editors, need more transparent selection processes, and policies on gender equality e.g. to keep the gender balance in contributions under review. Data - a global database on women and leadership in higher education should be established. Development - more investment needs to be made in mentorship and leadership development programmes for women and gender needs to be included in existing leadership development programmes. Mainstreaming - work cultures should be reviewed to ensure that diversity is mainstreamed into all organisational practices and procedures. 8 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 20158 October, 2015

14 Disqualified, Desiring or Dismissing Leadership? Women leaders = Contextual discontinuity Interruptive in their shock quality Situational logic of career progression/ upward mobility. Normative fantasy about what constitutes success. Socially articulated and constituted by a social/ policy world that many women do not choose/ control. Perceived as structurally and culturally restorative/promotional of the status quo. Not an object of desire.

15 8 October, 2015 Making Alternativity Imaginable/ Leading Otherwise? Can leadership: narratives technologies practices be more than discursive performances/repetitions of: values regulative norms of new public governance/austerity/HE reform narratives? equate more with liveable lives for women? be more generous, generative and gender free?

16 8 October, 2015 Follow Up? Morley, L. (I2014) Lost Leaders: Women in the Global Academy. Higher Education Research and Development 33 (1) 111–125. Morley, L. (2013) "The Rules of the Game: Women and the Leaderist Turn in Higher Education " Gender and Education. 25(1):116- 131. Morley, L. (2013) Women and Higher Education Leadership: Absences and Aspirations. Stimulus Paper for the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. resources/published-research/2013- research.cfm Morley, L. (2013) International Trends in Women’s Leadership in Higher Education In, T. Gore, and Stiasny, M (eds) Going Global. London, Emerald Press. CHEER

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