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BTSP Monitoring Fall PANC October, 2013. Introductions Martha Anderson, Region 4 Karol McNeil-Horton, Region 6 Cindi Rigsbee, Region 5 Monica Shepherd,

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Presentation on theme: "BTSP Monitoring Fall PANC October, 2013. Introductions Martha Anderson, Region 4 Karol McNeil-Horton, Region 6 Cindi Rigsbee, Region 5 Monica Shepherd,"— Presentation transcript:

1 BTSP Monitoring Fall PANC October, 2013

2 Introductions Martha Anderson, Region 4 Karol McNeil-Horton, Region 6 Cindi Rigsbee, Region 5 Monica Shepherd, Region 7 and 8

3 Why monitor? NCDPI expects LEAs/Charters to be in compliance with the policy to support beginning teachers. BTSP Monitoring was partnered with Title II Monitoring but is now separate as Title II has been realigned with Federal Programs Division of NCDPI.

4 Monitoring Cycle –The Title II Monitoring Process and BTSP Monitoring are five year monitoring cycles. –The first five year cycle for Title II and BTSP Monitoring began in 2006-07 and concluded in 2010-2011. –2011-2012 was the beginning of the new five year cycle. –2013-2014 is the third year of the second five year cycle AND the first year of independent BTSP monitoring.

5 2013-2014 Monitoring Visit Schedule LEAs AnsonBladen Elkin CityGaston GatesHoke LeeNash-Rocky Mount New HanoverNorthampton OrangeRobeson Rowan SalisburyRutherford StokesSurry Weldon CityWhiteville City WilkesWilson Yadkin

6 2013-2014 Monitoring Visit Schedule Charters Washington MontessoriArapahoe Wilmington Prep AcademyResearch Triangle Charter Academy Hope ElementaryCrosscreek Charter Exploris MiddleHenderson Collegiate Magellan CharterRaleigh Charter High Southern Wake AcademyAcademy of Moore Bethany Community MiddleChatham Charter Pace AcademyRoxboro Community HawbridgeThe Woods Charter Graystone DayCarolina International Lake NormanMetrolina Scholars BridgesPine Lake ArtSpaceBrevard Academy Mountain Community

7 Monitored LEAs and Charters What to expect?

8 Preparing for Monitoring Regional Education Facilitator (REF) will contact the HR Director and/or BT Coordinator (LEAs) or Principal (Charters) announcing the monitoring visit. REFs will coordinate scheduling with LEA/Charter, including visit dates, interview, and exit conference. LEA/Charter will arrange a meeting space for the team and will gather and organize documentation (BT lists, BT files, supporting evidences) needed for the visiting team. LEA/Charter will send prepared survey links to BTs and Mentors prior to the visit.

9 After a Monitoring Visit A final monitoring report will be sent to the district within 30 business days of the visit. The LEA will have 30 days to respond and 90 days to implement changes to address areas of concern. Technical Assistance Visits will occur periodically after the monitoring visit to monitor response to areas of concern and to offer support as needed.

10 Monitoring Visit Team Want to join us? We would love to have you!

11 As a team member you should expect to: Attend the visit on all assigned days. Review documentation provided by the LEA/Charter (files, supporting documents, survey responses). Interview appropriate personnel to gather data for the monitoring report. Use professional judgment NOT personal preference. Come to consensus with the team regarding the monitoring report, commendations, recommendations for improvement, and areas of concern. Be reimbursed by DPI for your mileage. Be impressed! Grow professionally!

12 Documents BTSP Monitoring Report Sample Evidences Tally Sheet LEA/Charter Checklist Areas of Concern Follow-up

13 BTSP Monitoring Report

14 BTSP MONITORING REPORT  Completed on site during the visit  Changed structure of the Report  Developing, Proficient, Accomplished, Distinguished  BT Files Reviewed  30% of Previous Year’s BT 1s, 2s, 3s  Shared with LEA/Charter during Exit Conference  Sent electronically to Superintendent and BT Coordinator after the visit

15 BTSP MONITORING REPORT  Areas of Concern  Resources needed to address these areas  Recommended opportunities for improvement  Commendations

16 Sample Evidences

17 BTSP Monitoring Sample Evidences NCSBOE Policy TCP-A-004 Evidence or documentation to support rating: 4.00 Induction Requirements Materials/Documentation:  Evidence of allocated funds  BT Orientation agendas  Mentor support documentation: mentor logs; mentor assignment list  PDP (hard copy or online)  Documentation of teacher observation/evaluation (hard copy or online)  BTSP Peer Review documentation  BTSP Plan  BT Surveys  Teacher Working Condition survey results Personnel:  BT Coordinator  HR Director  BTs  Mentors

18 Tally Sheet

19 BTSP Monitoring Tally Sheet Beginning Teacher Support Tally Sheet BT Name/School Area of Licensure Provided a Mentor Mentor Trained Provided Evaluation Orientation (within two weeks) Completed PDP with signatures Administrator Observations PreConf Obs Obs Obs w/post w/post w/post (within ten days) Observations spaced throughout year Peer Observation Peer Trained Annual Evaluation by Administrator Provided BT Orientation

20 LEA/Charter Checklist

21 Workspace Interviews Surveys Documents for Review Beginning Teacher Records

22 Surveys REFs send survey link prior to visit LEAs/Charters send survey link two weeks prior to visit to: BT1s, BT2s, BT3s from last school year Mentors who served BTs last school year REFs share survey information with monitoring team

23 Areas of Concern Follow-up

24 Any unchecked boxes in the Developing and Proficient columns are Areas of Concern LEAs/Charters will be provided a workplan template to address the Areas of Concern Completed Workplan Template must be submitted to REF within 90 days

25 Conclusion Questions? Thank you for your continued support! Please contact us if we can help! Monitoring instruments will be sent to the district and are posted on the REF wiki. (

26 Contacts for Support Regional Education Facilitators Sonya Rinehart, Northeast Region Kay Thompson, Southeast Region Erika Newkirk, North Central Region Martha Anderson, South Central Region Cindi Rigsbee, Central Region Karol McNeil-Horton, Southwest Region Monica Shepherd, Northwest & West Region

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