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Housing Services Forum1 HMOs Planning Update Legal Changes 6 th April - Introduced Use Class C4 (HMO up to 6 occupants) Tightened the definition of a single.

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1 Housing Services Forum1 HMOs Planning Update Legal Changes 6 th April - Introduced Use Class C4 (HMO up to 6 occupants) Tightened the definition of a single household within Use Class C3 (dwellinghouse). Occupants must be related to claim C3 use. 1 st October – Amended the GPDO to allow conversion from C3 to C4 without the need for an application. In effect - loss of planning control for HMOs (up to 6 occupants)

2 Housing Services Forum2 HMOs Planning Update Legal Challenge. Application for Judicial Review Lodged with High Court. Claimants - MKC, Oxford and Newcastle City Councils. Witness statements from five other Councils and the National Organisation of Residents Associations. Initial Oral Hearing Expected January 2011.

3 Housing Services Forum3 HMOs Planning Update We are therefore advising landlords The GPDO as amended was apparent law on 1st October and this granted planning permission for a property to be used as an HMO up to 6 people. However we and other councils believe the amendment is illegal, and a Court ruling will determine this. Any expense that property owners incur as a result of acting on this apparent permitted right in relation to a change of use from C3 to C4 in the meantime, is entirely at their own risk. We believe the door is still open to the possibility of quashing the legislation completely following a JR hearing hopefully.

4 Housing Services Forum4 HMOs Planning Update Possible Outcomes JR succeeds – Planning control is maintained, all HMOs will require planning permission and any existing can still be enforced against. JR fails – The only Planning control of HMOs (up to 6) would be if MKC introduce an Article 4 Direction to withdraw the Permitted Development right. A decision with regard to the introduction of the Article 4 Directions to be made 6 th December 2010. Because of the risk of compensation claims, it is likely the Article 4 Direction will be introduced, but with 12 months notice. During this time officers will also be working on a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to help with determination of applications especially in relation to the effects on the character of the area.

5 Housing Services Forum5 HMOs Planning Update Once Planning Power is restored All new HMOs will require planning permission. Applications will be assessed against Policy including the new SPD. Main considerations of an HMO application. 1) Numbers of existing authorised HMOs in the area. (Character) 2) Parking (assessed against the parking standards). 3) Amenity issues (bin storage, clothes drying, cycle storage) 4) Noise Assessments. (Insulation quality of property) Only applications which comply with policy will be permitted.

6 Housing Services Forum6 HMOs Planning Update Correct Procedure for Landlords If considering purchasing a property, speak to the planning HMO team first to seek an informal opinion on the likelihood of permission. If favourable, apply for planning permission and speak to PSH regarding the requirements under Housing Act Legislation. If planning permission is granted then works as specified in planning conditions and the requirements under Housing Act Legislation can be undertaken. When all works are completed, Tenants can move in.

7 Owner considers using or buying a property as an HMO Owner Contacts Planning & Private Sector Housing Before Commencing Use Planning Officers give advice in relation to the likely success of an application Private Sector Housing officers give advice in relation to works required to meet requirements of the Housing Act 2004 and associated guidance Unlikely to get permission on this property. Owner is advised to find an alternative property. If it appears to meet policy a planning application is requested. Application Submitted Planning Permission Granted Planning Permission Refused. Owner should find an alternative property or Appeal. Works must be undertaken in accordance with the Schedule of Works provided by PSH as well as any planning conditions. Tenants can move in Licensing application approved if applicable Appeal Lost Appeal Won Property Cannot be used Correct Procedure For Landlords Setting up an HMO

8 Housing Services Forum8 HMOs Planning Update The End Any Questions



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