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2.5D Mattepainting. Why did I pick this project? I have always been interested in art of all kinds. Under my education time here in skellefteå I have.

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Presentation on theme: "2.5D Mattepainting. Why did I pick this project? I have always been interested in art of all kinds. Under my education time here in skellefteå I have."— Presentation transcript:

1 2.5D Mattepainting

2 Why did I pick this project? I have always been interested in art of all kinds. Under my education time here in skellefteå I have done a few 3D projects and it has been a lots of fun and interesting, but now I felt like I wanted to try something else. I have always admired artist and their skill to paint cool 2D paintings. So therefore I decided to explore the art of 2D and try to become a better 2D artist. I have always liked cool environments and matte paintings. So it really felt like the right thing to do to make a 2.5D Matte Painting.

3 Goals Improve my paintingskills overall. Make a 2.5D mattepainting and a short clip when you fly over the a landscape. Lern about camera mapping. Hopefully have something to add to my showreel.

4 Software Photoshop – Mattepainting. Maya – Modeling. Fusion – Put everything together, add particle effects. Adobe Premiere – Soundeffects?

5 How will i manage to finish this project? Tutorials on the internet. Paint in photoshop to improove my skills. Look at Mickes project from last year when he did a 2.5D mattepainting. Backup from my menthor, micke. Help from teachers and students.

6 Reference materials Mickael Widegrens project that he did last year Cgtalk Internet!

7 Mood I am a bit unsure what kind of mood i am going to have in my final picture, here are a few refimages that i will use:

8 More refimages

9 And here I have bin trying to do quick sketches of what other people haver done, just to improve my skills. You might recognize a few of them.

10 Sketches



13 Storyboard 1.Camera fading in pointing down move forward over water. 2.Camera tilt up, you can se the waterfall and some trees. 3.Camera swoshing over the waterfall, and glides over the landscape.

14 Landscape sketch

15 Whats important in an 2.5D mattepainting Try to copy the look of an ordinary photo. Good composition. The focal point in the middle of the picture. Small animations like: cars, people, birds, sonds, and particle effects. These things will improve the look of the picture and it will look more realistic.

16 Analys Problems? Am I satisfied with what i have done so far? How will I continue this project?

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