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Nonfiction to Fiction & Prose to Verse. Discuss a common theme present in TKAM, a nonfiction piece, and a poem/song. Choose 1 work from each of the categories.

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Presentation on theme: "Nonfiction to Fiction & Prose to Verse. Discuss a common theme present in TKAM, a nonfiction piece, and a poem/song. Choose 1 work from each of the categories."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonfiction to Fiction & Prose to Verse

2 Discuss a common theme present in TKAM, a nonfiction piece, and a poem/song. Choose 1 work from each of the categories (novel, nonfiction, and poetry/songs) and find 1 theme that connects them all. Write a 5 paragraph essay (following the format and criteria discussed in class) that shows the thematic connection between the 3 pieces. Remember to follow the rules of formal writing. Identify/cite examples from each selection and explain how those examples demonstrate the theme. Each body paragraph should discuss one work. Your thesis statement should include the 3 pieces, their authors, and the one theme they all have in common. Directions:

3 Choose 1 work from each of the following categories, and find 1 theme that connects them all. A (The Novel)B (Nonfiction)C (Poetry/lyrics) To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech (pg 494) FDR’s “First Inaugural Address” (pg 503) Maya Angelou’s “New Directions” (pg 35) Lian Dolan’s “Carry Your Own Skis” (pg 476) “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson “If” by Rudyard Kipling “Desiderata” by Max Ehrmann “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou “Where is the Love” by Black Eyed Peas Example thesis statement: A, B, and C all convey the theme of __________.

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