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Click Here to Type Folio Title Type in here a brief description of your project. Add a picture of your project here.

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Presentation on theme: "Click Here to Type Folio Title Type in here a brief description of your project. Add a picture of your project here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click Here to Type Folio Title Type in here a brief description of your project. Add a picture of your project here

2 Folio Contents

3 Statement of Intent Main purpose and/or function of my Project : How I will use my Project? What I need to investigate? How will I know that my Project is successful? Motivation for the choice of my Project:

4 Research and Investigation What I need to research and investigate? How will I investigate these areas? What are the Parameters of my Design? What are the Possibilities?

5 Research and Investigation Research Method DescriptionApplicationJustification Catalogues Reference Books Internet Search Industry experts Interviews Magazines Previous designs

6 Project Development Concept Sketch Positive Points Negative Points Evaluation Concept One Concept Two Concept Three

7 Final Design Sketch

8 Research and Investigation Final Concept Sketches Analysis and Evaluation

9 Selection & Justification of Resources-Materials Identification What? Analysis Because? Justification Why?

10 Selection & Justification of Resources- Components Identification What? Analysis Because? Justification Why?

11 Selection & Justification of Resources- Tools Identification What? Analysis Because? Justification Why?

12 Selection & Justification of Resources- Processes Identification What? Analysis Because? Justification Why?

13 Timeline Plan Term 4 Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10 Brainstorming Ideas Research Ideas & EvaluationSketches and draft drawings Term 1 Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10 Working Drawings & Evaluation Major Project - layout/planning/production Term 2 Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9 Major Project - layout/planning/production Evaluation Term 3 Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6 Diary/Costing/Folio structureProject Presentation

14 Finance Plan ResourceEstimated Cost Date Purchased Actual Cost Progressive Total Totals

15 Industrial/Commercial Practices Practices in Industrial/Commercial Setting Practices used in my MDP Research In an Industry/Commercial setting the four main types of research would be practiced.  Descriptive Research: explains and describes the current situation, this may be carried out by interviews, surveys and analysis of data.  Historical Research: carried out to reconstruct events that happened in the past, this may be carried out by diaries, past records and autobiographies.  Experimental Research: is research that occurs as a result of planned experiments.  Operational Research: involves evaluating the performance of an operating system ie. The environmental impact as a result on a product. In an Industry/Commercial setting the source research data collected can be divided into two sections. Primary and Secondary data. Primary data is research conducted first hand, ie. Interviews and surveys. Secondary data is data obtained as a result of other people’s research, ie. Mass media(newspapers, radio etc), published materials(textbooks and journals), other resources(Internet, diaries and photographs) Research can be classified as either quantitative research, or as Add your content here

16 Industrial/Commercial Practices Qualitative research. Quantitative research is research that gathers data that can be expressed in statistical or numerical form. Where as Qualitative research examines people's feelings about a particular issue or event. In an Industrial/Commercial setting testing and experimentation must be carried out. The basic experimental procedure includes:  Establishing the aim  Working out the most appropriate method  Conduct the experiment  Collating the results  Drawing a conclusion Development In an Industrial/Commercial setting after the research has been conducted the industry would gain a statistical analysis, which involves classifying and interpreting numerical facts. These conclusions that are drawn from the statistics prove or disprove the hypothesis. In an Industrial setting the researcher needs to be constantly aware of where the data came from and what they hope to learn from it if they are to make valid conclusions. Once the research has been conducted, along with the testing and experimentation the interpretation and presentation of the data found has to be carried out. The interpretation of data should point out the significance of the information in relation to the research composed. This involves clarifying significant aspects, common elements, tendencies, trends, unexpected results and relationships between data. Enter your content here

17 Industrial/Commercial Practices When presenting, the data should be presented in a way that is appropriate to the information, and the results should be clear and easy to read. Qualitative data is reported in text, with properly structured sentences etc. Quantitative data is usually reported in table, chart or graph format. These can include pie charts, histograms, and a range of graphs including pyramid, line, column, or bar and would be generated using computer spreadsheets. The ethics involved within the Industrial/Commercial setting would include:  Invasion of Privacy  Confidentiality  Misleading Information  Intellectual Property, including - patents - trademarks - designs - copyright - trade secrets Enter your content here

18 Occupational Health & Safety Issues Practices in Industrial/Commercial SettingPractices used in my MDP Hazards are anything that can potentially cause harm to anyone working within an organisation. To reduce injury due to hazards there are a set of guidelines called Risk Management. These guidelines are:  Identifying Hazards  Assessing the risks  Eliminating or controlling hazards  Ongoing monitoring and reviewing of hazards. Hazards may be identified through various techniques such as:  Workplace inspections  Injury and incident investigation  Safety reviews  Day to day observations In an Industrial/Commercial setting there are Legislative requirements; this refers to what must be done to satisfy the law. There are a multitude of Federal and State laws and regulations in relation to health and safety and there are penalties for organisations and individuals that are found guilty of breaching these laws. The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 This Act aims to reduce the high level of workplace injury and to ensure employers consult with their employees to make certain the workplace is safe and without risk. The purpose of the OH&S Act is to protect employees and the general public but its primary aim is to protect the health, safety and welfare of people in the workplace environment. Enter your content here

19 Occupational Health & Safety Issues Practices in Industrial/Commercial SettingPractices used in my MDP The Act aims to:  Ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees  Protect other people at the workplace, such as visitors  Promote a working environment that suits employees’ physical and psychological needs.  Provide a framework of protection that uses regulations, codes of practice, standards and joint consultation. In an Industrial setting Occupational Health and Safety work best when the principles of health and safety are incorporated into the organisation’s overall plans and strategies. This is achieved when both the employee and employer participate in the process. In a Commercial setting some key organisations are:  The National OH&S Commission  Standards Australia International Limited.  NSW WorkCover Authority  The Worker’s Compensation Advisory Council of NSW  The OH&S Council of NSW  The National Safety Council of Australia.  The NSW Department of Fair Trading.  The Fair Trading Tribunal. Enter your content here

20 On Going Evaluation Log Date: What I Intended to achieve at this point: What did I actually manage to achieve: Evaluation:

21 Appropriateness of Design Materials Identification What? Use Because? Appropriateness Why?

22 Appropriateness of Design Components Identification What? Use Because? Appropriateness Why?

23 Appropriateness of Design Process Identification What? Use Because? Appropriateness Why?

24 Concept Drawings Concept Sketch Positive Points Negative Points Evaluation Concept One Concept Two Concept Three

25 Final Design Sketch

26 Concept Drawings Final Concept Sketches Analysis and Evaluation

27 Design Drawings Design Drawing Type ReasonJustification/Evaluation Drawing One: Drawing Two: Drawing Three:

28 Final Design Drawings

29 Working Drawings

30 Materials Quantities and Cutting List- Materials Material Number Required Cost per ItemTotal Cost

31 Materials Quantities and Cutting List- Hardware Hardware ItemNumber Required Cost per ItemTotal Cost

32 Materials Quantities and Cutting List- Other Resources ResourceNumber Required Cost per ItemTotal Cost

33 Record of Production This is the section where you stick in photographs of you producing your Major Project

34 Production Diary Term 4 Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10 Term 1 Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10 Term 2 Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9 Term 3 Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6

35 Relationship of MDP to the Statement of Intent Did I do what I said I would in my Statement of Intent? Did I do a good job on my MDP?

36 Application of Practical Skills Practical Skill usedWhere I used itWhy I used it

37 Utilisation of Industrial Processes Research and Development Industrial Practices used in my MDP Production Methods Industrial Practices in my MDP

38 Utilisation of Industrial Processes Tools and Equipment Industrial Practices in my MDP Management Structures Industrial Practices in my MDP 1.Planning 2.Organising 3.Implementing 4.Evaluating

39 Utilisation of Industrial Processes Quality Control Industrial Practices in my MDP Financial Control Industrial Practices on my MDP

40 Utilisation of Appropriate Materials MaterialWhy I used itEvaluation

41 Use of Appropriate Technology Technology UsedReason for UseJustification

42 Problems in Production ProblemSolution

43 Problems in Production ProblemSolution

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