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FAA / Eurocontrol TFM/CDM Technical Interchange Meeting

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1 FAA / Eurocontrol TFM/CDM Technical Interchange Meeting
David J. Hurley, Air Traffic Control System Command Center Mark Libby, National Operations Manager October 30, 2001

2 ATCSCC Current Operations
Floor Layout -Functionality ATCSCC Traffic Management Tools Strategic Planing Process Future Objectives

3 Weather TCA Severe WX SPT West Area East Area NBAA ATA Military Notams
Large screen wall side ATCSCC operations floor layout 2001 Weather TCA Severe WX SPT West Area East Area NBAA ATA Military Notams Office side NOCC, AVN

4 ATCSCC Traffic Management Tools

5 Enhanced Traffic Management System (ETMS)
Traffic Situation Display (TSD)

6 Traffic Situation Display (TSD)
4 Playbook - 51 Routes

7 Flight Schedule Monitor FSM
Monitors airport demand and capacity balance Provides common situation awareness between FAA and airlines Provides traffic flow management options to the ATCSCC Issues ground delay programs (GDPs), ground stops(GSs) and other traffic management initiatives. Provides data analysis capability .

8 Operational Information System (OIS)

9 ATCSCC Web Site

10 Departure Spacing Program

11 Route Management Tool

12 Playbook Used by SPT to coordinate routes during severe weather and other constraining situations Often used in SPO and other advisories

13 Diversion Recovery (Pathfinder/User Hotline)
Web site is monitored by the Tactical Consumer Advocate (TCA) position To minimize the impact of system disruptions. Goal: to ensure that flights that have already been penalized by having to divert to another airport, do not receive additional penalties or delays.

14 Weather and Radar Processor (WARP) Graphic Display

15 Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) Graphic Display
[Corridor Integrated Weather System (CIWS)]

16 Collaborative Convective Forecast Product (CCFP)

17 Strategic Planning Process
Severe Weather SPT

18 Strategic Planning Process
History Compared to 1998, cancellations and lengthy delays increased sharply in 1999 To mitigate this situation in 2000 the FAA and airlines agreed to work together in identifying and implementing operational improvements to enhance system performance. Objective Establish a daily collaborative planning process for the National Airspace System (NAS), with special emphasis on severe weather planning. Elements Information sharing Strategic planning Exchange of real-time information between airlines and the FAA

19 SPT is responsible for construction of the Strategic Plan of Operations (SPO). The SPT meets by teleconference every two hours to review the SPO. Weather Forecast - (CCFP) Telcons Feedback Telcons every Two (2) hours Evaluate Execution Evaluate Advisories SPO’s

20 Future: Collaborative Stages for Congested Airspace TFM
Goal: Users file around congestion/impact areas; ATCSCC monitors NAS and makes necessary adjustments Preemptive User Action Collaboration on TFM restrictions (Strategic Planning) TFM action (Tactical) Current Time 6 +hr. 6 hr. 4 hr. 2 hr. Time to Congestion

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