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Муниципальное образовательное учреждение средняя школа № 99 имени дважды Героя Советского Союза А. Г. Кравченко Тракторозаводского района Волгограда Конкурс.

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Presentation on theme: "Муниципальное образовательное учреждение средняя школа № 99 имени дважды Героя Советского Союза А. Г. Кравченко Тракторозаводского района Волгограда Конкурс."— Presentation transcript:

1 Муниципальное образовательное учреждение средняя школа № 99 имени дважды Героя Советского Союза А. Г. Кравченко Тракторозаводского района Волгограда Конкурс проектов на английском языке «Мои увлечения, моё творчество – мой путь к самосовершенствованию.» Автор конкурсной работы: Виктория Корж 9 б класс ( ) Руководитель конкурсной работы : Полупанова О.В. (olenka_solnyshco@mail/ru)

2 Hello! My name is Victoria Korzh. I am 16 years old. I live in the hero city of Volgograd and I study at school No 99. Since the early childhood I am fond of drawing. When I was 6 I entered the Fine art studio, and having passed the initial level of training, I was admitted to Children's Art School No. 3. After four years of training there, I successfully graduated from it. I got acquainted with such directions as abstract art, classical and modern art, primitive art, graphic and plastic arts, sculpture, batik and weaving. I participated in many creative competitions, and since recent time I am fond of tailoring.

3 Still life. 2013. (charcoal) My first work in charcoal. Drawing is executed before my final examinations at art school.

4 Still life. 2014. (marker) This drawing won the regional competition of graphics.

5 Anna. 2014. (pencil) This work became my start in drawing portraits. I enjoy to draw portraits of my relatives, friends and simply familiars, because I learn to understand people, their thoughts, feelings and souls.

6 Maria. 2014. (pencil) Portrait of my friend Maria who graduated from Art school with me. For a long time she persuaded me to portray her, but I refused because of my inexperience. Nevertheless, on the termination of Art school, I decided to draw her portrait and gave it to Maria as a keepsake of our friendship and cheerful moments spent together.

7 Mother. 2014. (water-colour pencils) Portrait of my beloved mother which I executed in one of my favourite techniques - water-colour pencils.

8 Assya. 2014. (water-colour, grey pencils) My little friend - my beloved cat.

9 Landscape. The Moskva River. City of Bronnitsy. 2013 (oil) My first work as oil, on a format 60x70 canvas.

10 Pansies. 2014. (oil) Drawn as a gift on anniversary of my form-master and my favourite teacher.

11 Tulips. 2014г. (oil)

12 Autumn. 2015. (oil) Favourite season of my dear granny. The picture is painted as a gift for her.

13 At sunset. 2014. (oil) When I leave somewhere with my family, I try to take my sketch-book, paints and canvases with me whenever possible. This year I was lucky and I managed to impress my feelings at sunset over the Mediterranean Sea. Plain-air work

14 Orchid. 2014. (oil) My harderst and perhaps my beloved creation, on which I represented my favourite flower. I worked on it for 3 months but I do not think that the time was lost in vain.

15 Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra. 2013 (water-colour) Plain-air work. In 2013 some students of our Art school visited Rostov –the- Great. I was amazed and enchanted by the majesty of this Church, the beauty of surrounding and tried to get it down on the canvas.

16 Self-portrait. 2014. (pencil)

17 These were just a few of my numerous works. I put my thoughts, feelings, my mood and my inner world into my hobby. It is not only my hobby…I can say that it’s a great part of my life. Nevertheless, in the future I want to connect my life with some other profession,not an artist, drawing will always be my most favourite hobby. Thanks for your attention!

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