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Of the Bible.  Hebrew  The Hebrew word for parable: MASHAL ( MAWSHAWL ) Simile; poem; proverb; adage – a short statement expressing a general truth.

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Presentation on theme: "Of the Bible.  Hebrew  The Hebrew word for parable: MASHAL ( MAWSHAWL ) Simile; poem; proverb; adage – a short statement expressing a general truth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Of the Bible

2  Hebrew  The Hebrew word for parable: MASHAL ( MAWSHAWL ) Simile; poem; proverb; adage – a short statement expressing a general truth. A saying usually of metaphorical nature. - The word occurs approx. 39 times in the O.T. - EXAMPLE: Job 27:1; 29:1 DEFINING A PARABLE

3  Job 27:1 ¶ Moreover Job continued his parable, and said, Job 29:1 ¶ Moreover Job continued his parable, and said,

4  English Words used in KJV for “ MASHAL ” “proverb” (19 times) “parable” (18 times) “byword” (1 time) “like” (1 time)

5  Greek  One Greek word for parable: PARABOLE ( PARABOLAY ) Simile; proverb; adage; comparison; placing beside or together A narrative usually of fictitious nature. - The word occurs approx. 50 times in the N.T. - EXAMPLE: Matt. 15:15; 24:32 DEFINING A PARABLE

6  Matt. 15:15 Then answered Peter and said unto him, Declare unto us this parable. Mt 24:32 ¶ Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

7  English Words used in KJV for “ PARABOLE ” “proverb” (1 time) “parable” (46 times) “figure” (2 times) “comparison” (1 time)

8  Greek  Another Greek word for parable: PAROIMIA ( PAR-OY-MEE-AH ) Proverb; adage An illustration usually of fictitious nature. - The word occurs approx. 4 times in the N.T. - EXAMPLE: John 10:6; 16:25 DEFINING A PARABLE

9  John 10:6 This parable spake Jesus unto them: but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them. John 16:25 These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father.

10  English Words used in KJV for “ PAROIMIA ” “proverb” (3 times) “parable” (1 time)

11 Of the Bible

12   A parable is an utterance that involves a comparison WORKING DEFINITION

13   A parable is an illustration of one subject by another WORKING DEFINITION

14   A parable is a symbolic story, saying or narrative of common life that conveys a moral or a lesson WORKING DEFINITION

15  REMEMBER REMEMBER that parables sometimes denote: a true history, or an illustrative sketch from nature; sometimes a proverb or adage; a truth darkly or figuratively expressed; a type; or a figure. INTERPRETING PARABLES

16  In the interpretation of a parable, its primary truth, main scope and lesson are chiefly to be considered. The minute particulars and details of the parable are not the main focus, but the meaning behind it. INTERPRETING PARABLES

17  The THREE main questions to ask are: (1)What is the parable saying? (2)What did it mean then? (3)What is applicable to my life? INTERPRETING PARABLES


19  “The rich man, the poor man & the little lamb” (2 Samuel 12:1-9) A Familiar O.T. Parable

20  The rich man The rich man: Who does he represent? MAIN CHARACTERS DAVID

21  The poor man The poor man: Who does he represent? MAIN CHARACTERS URIAH

22  The ewe lamb The ewe lamb: Who does the lamb represent? MAIN CHARACTERS BATHSHEBA

23  To whom was the parable directed? What was the parable depicting? What was the lesson or moral of the parable? PARABLE MESSAGE

24  “THE SOWER” (Matthew 13:1-23) A Familiar N.T. Parable

25  The sower The sower: Who does the sower represent? MAIN CHARACTER EVANGELIST, PREACHER, WITNESS, BELIEVER

26  The seed The seed: What does the seed represent? KEY ELEMENTS THE WORD, THE GOSPEL

27  The way side The way side: What does it represent & what happened? KEY ELEMENTS A person who hears but does not understand and is then distracted by the devil

28  The stony places The stony places: What does it represent & what happened? KEY ELEMENTS A person who hears, understands & receives message but was not rooted & grounded

29  The thorny places The thorny places: What does it represent & what happened? KEY ELEMENTS A person who hears, understands & receives message but was overwhelmed by circumstances & falls away

30  The good ground The good ground: What does it represent & what happened? KEY ELEMENTS A person who hears, understands & receives message & is a doer of the word, grows by it & produces more fruit.

31  To whom was the parable directed? PARABLE MESSAGE MULTITUDES (EVERYONE)

32  What was the parable depicting? PARABLE MESSAGE The various responses & results than can occur when the word is preached.

33  What was the lesson or moral of the parable? PARABLE MESSAGE Spread the Word (gospel) and it will accomplish what it wills. The results will speak for themselves.

34  “THE TREES” (Judges 9:1-21) PARABLE #3

35  Who was the speaker of the parable? KEYNOTE SPEAKER JOTHAM (Judges 9:7)

36  Who was Jotham? KEYNOTE SPEAKER The youngest son of Jerubbaal & brother of Abimelech (Judges 9:1-5)

37  To whom was the parable directed? AUDIENCE THE MEN OF SHECHEM (Judges 9:7) (Judges 9:7)

38  The trees The trees: Who does the trees represent? KEY ELEMENTS THE MEN OF ISRAEL (Judges 8:22-23)

39  The olive tree The olive tree: Who does the olive tree represent? KEY ELEMENTS GIDEON (Judges 8:22-23)

40  How does Gideon fit into this picture? KEY ELEMENTS Gideon is Jerubbaal!! (Judges 7:1; 8:35)

41  How does Gideon relate to the other characters? KEY ELEMENTS Gideon is the father of Jotham & Abimelech (Judges 8:30-31; 9:1;5)

42  The fig tree The fig tree: Who does the fig tree represent? KEY ELEMENTS GIDEON’S SON (Judges 8:22-23)

43  The vine The vine: Who does the vine represent? KEY ELEMENTS GIDEON’S GRANDSON (Judges 8:22-23)

44  The bramble The bramble: Who does the bramble represent? KEY ELEMENTS ABIMELECH (Judges 9:16-18)

45  Cedars of Lebanon Cedars of Lebanon: Who does the cedars represent? KEY ELEMENTS THE MEN OF SHECHEM (Judges 9:15; 20)

46  Olive tree’s response (vs.9) Olive tree’s response (vs.9): Shall I leave the sweet, safe, quiet, useful pursuits and my significant role, for the sake of becoming a ruler? No thank you! INTERPRETATIONS

47  Olive tree Olive tree: This tree was the most useful of all the trees in the forest. A tree yielding oil, used not only in food, but in various ways in the worship of God and in the consecration of men to public office such as kings, and priests, and prophets. INTERPRETATIONS

48  Fig tree’s response (vs.11) Fig tree’s response (vs.11): Shall I leave my productive service that is important to others & myself to rule people? No thank you! INTERPRETATIONS

49  Fig tree Fig tree: The fruit of this tree is the sweetest or most luscious of all fruits. A full-ripe fig, has an indescribable sweetness; so much so that it is almost impossible to eat it, till a considerable time after it is gathered from the trees, and has gone through an artificial preparation. INTERPRETATIONS

50  Vine’s response (vs.13) Vine’s response (vs.13): Shall I forsake my vital contribution, which is appreciated by God & men, to rule over people? No thank you! INTERPRETATIONS

51  Vine Vine: Wine was used for worship, celebrations, banquets and weddings, and in its proper context and moderate usage; God and people were pleased with it. INTERPRETATIONS

52  Bramble’s response (vs.15) Bramble’s response (vs.15): If you make me king & follow me; then you may expect protection under my government. But if you defy me, I will destroy you; especially you men of Shechem! YES thanks a lot; I’ll take the job! INTERPRETATIONS

53  Bramble Bramble: This was a rough, prickly shrub or bush that was too low to give shelter to any tree; and so far from being able to consume others, that the smallest fire will reduce it to ashes in a short time. INTERPRETATIONS

54  Jotham’s judgment (vs. 19-20) Jotham’s judgment (vs. 19-20): If you have done right by Gideon & his sons then you & Abimelech will be alright, but if not; you & Abimelech will be at war & eventually destroy each other. (Judges 9:22-23; 49-56) INTERPRETATIONS

55  What was the parable depicting? PARABLE MESSAGE The conspiracy of Abimelech & the men of Shechem to set up Abimelech’s kingdom & erase Gideon’s seed; thus leading to their own destruction.

56  What was the lesson or moral of the parable? PARABLE MESSAGE Those who seek to fight against others & unlawfully take what doesn’t belong to them, will one day be cut down.

57  Those who are most unfaithful and worthless in private life, are often most anxious for promotion to public life; and those who promote them, may expect through them to reap the fruit of their folly. PARABLE MESSAGE

58 Of the Bible

59  “THE TARES OF THE FIELD” (Matt. 13:24-30; 36-43) PARABLE #4

60  The sower The sower: Who does the sower represent? MAIN CHARACTERS JESUS

61  The enemy The enemy: Who does the enemy represent? MAIN CHARACTERS SATAN

62  The reapers The reapers: Who does the reapers represent? MAIN CHARACTERS ANGELS

63  The servants The servants: Who does the servants represent? MAIN CHARACTERS Other ANGELS

64  The field The field: What does the field represent? KEY ELEMENTS THE WORLD

65  The tares The tares: Who does the tares represent? KEY ELEMENTS Unbelievers / Sinners / Wicked people

66  The good seed The good seed: Who does the good seed represent? KEY ELEMENTS SAINTS / BELIEVERS

67  The wheat The wheat: Who does the wheat represent? KEY ELEMENTS SAINTS (Growing body of believers)

68  The harvest The harvest: What does the harvest represent? KEY ELEMENTS END OF THE WORLD

69  To whom was the parable directed? PARABLE MESSAGE MULTITUDE / DISCIPLES

70  What was the parable depicting? PARABLE MESSAGE Jesus who first planted the gospel in the world, sent forth his saints to be witnesses in the world & church.

71  PARABLE MESSAGE The unbelieving sinners being influenced by Satan, oppose the saints & try to discredit their ministry and the work of the gospel.

72  PARABLE MESSAGE The righteous and the wicked will remain in the world & church until the end comes when God will separate the wicked unto eternal damnation & the righteous to eternal happiness.

73  What was the lesson or moral of the parable? PARABLE MESSAGE The children of God will not go unrewarded and the children of Satan will not go unpunished.

74  What was the lesson or moral of the parable? PARABLE MESSAGE God knows those who are his and one day God will clean up church and the world.

75 Of the Bible

76  “THE BARREN FIG TREE” (Luke 13:6-9) PARABLE #5

77  To whom was the parable directed? AUDIENCE MULTITUDE / DISCIPLES (Luke 13:1; 12:1)

78  The vineyard owner The vineyard owner: Who does he represent? MAIN CHARACTERS GOD: Father / Jesus

79  The dresser The dresser: Who does he represent? MAIN CHARACTERS Jesus / Ministers / Leaders

80  The fig tree The fig tree: What does it represent? KEY ELEMENTS Jews / Unprofitable servants

81  The vineyard The vineyard: What does it represent? KEY ELEMENTS Judea / Wider communities / The world

82  Vineyard owner: God the Father The dresser: Jesus Fig tree: Jews Vineyard: Judea Summary of theory 1

83  Vineyard owner: Jesus The dresser: Ministers / Leaders Fig tree: Unprofitable servants Vineyard: Communities / World Summary of theory 2

84  God placed his messengers to win souls, be witnesses & work for him; but some have not done anything. As a result the request to remove the unprofitable messengers was given, but the plea came to give opportunity for repentance & growth. If results come then fine; but if no results come, then the messengers shall be removed or judged. INTERPRETATION

85  If those who enjoy the means of grace neglect them, and bring forth no fruits of holiness, God, in due time, will remove all such blessings from them, and leave them to endless barrenness and death. LESSON APPLICATIONS

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