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“Refusing to Settle” How To Get More Out of Your Life.

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Presentation on theme: "“Refusing to Settle” How To Get More Out of Your Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Refusing to Settle” How To Get More Out of Your Life

2 New Year 2015 NEW YOU? That is a question that only you can answer…… What is on your spiritual & personal bucket list this year?

3 1. High Octane Faith is all about what you fill up with this year 2. High Octane faith begins with what decisions you make about how much spiritual fuel you put in and what type you fill up with. 3. Greatest decision you can make this year is to decide that you will make consistent visit to the fueling station. 4. There cannot be extended periods of time where we fail to stop by the pump. 5. Old school describe high octane as “high test” fuel. We all need “high test” or challenges in our lives.

4 What Is Your Current Condition? Rapidly progressing Moderately progressing In Neutral In A Rut Standing Still Indifferent Focused Focused but not executing

5 High Octane Faith - Ask & Can Answer Clearly…..

6 Let’s Look Go Deeper…. Book Of Numbers Chapter 32

7 Book Of Numbers Background – Second Generation of God’s People – Years of wondering in wilderness – Reason for wondering: Lack of faith of previous generation. Low to No Octane in their faith – Moses still their leader, but at the end of his leadership. – Let’s pause to understand our service cycle as servants of God. – What do we learn from Moses’ leadership, God’s plans, and how we fit into the plans

8 Background Cont- 12 Tribes currently headed towards promise They have not crossed the Jordan into Canaan they are operating in region close to Gilead, known as the Transjordan area. Gad & Reuben are tribes that have been blessed with livestock and herds Someone comes up with what appears to be a great idea to Gad & Reuben, stay in Gilead area and don’t permanently cross over into Canaan. They put their heads together!

9 Let’s Think Deeper & Discuss What do you think about the decision or request?

10 Some Implications to Consider Latching on to the first thing you see or that appears good can be limiting. Lock on Lock Out High Octane faith works on developing a clear vision for their lives and God’s purpose for their lives. – “IF YOUR VISION IS NOT CLEAR, YOU WILL FOLLOW WHATEVER VISION COMES ALONG.”

11 Have You Ever Adopted? The agendas and suggestions of others Doing what the crowd does Too lazy or afraid to think for self The “Oh that’s a good idea” syndrome End up doing what everyone else is doing

12 Time To Come In for A Landing Argument for a clearer vision this year – Need something to keep looking forward to – Creates positive expectancy – Keeps us from wasting away and self destructing – Prevents us from shutting down – Keeps us on course and out of the “Thank God It’s Friday club.” – Prevents us from lingering in the past – Prevents continuous duplication of past behavior – It builds resiliency to set-backs How many can you handle Positive expectancy of doing good and winning

13 Burning Question: Why Did Gad & Reuben settle their? Better question: Honestly, where have you settled, why, how do we keep moving. – Have you chosen what you want, or what God wants for you? – Are you where you want to be, or where God wants you to be? – Are you settling for what works because of the work involved? – I’ll take this instead of that, what is good enough?

14 Burning Question: Why don’t, Why won’t you? – Level of excellence is directly related to what you get use to – Kid concept: If you’re lucky, they only do what you tell them (Our spirit is the same way) – Energy, effort, enthusiasm, drive, creativity all shut down at good enough – See the new, so you can get dissatisfied with the old. – Raise your standards and expectation

15 Mediocrity wants you to show the proof before it can believe High Octane faith believes without all the evidence….

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