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Quiz 1 Answers What is a morpheme? It is the smallest unit of meaning that can be free or must be bound. What is the difference between a free and bound.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz 1 Answers What is a morpheme? It is the smallest unit of meaning that can be free or must be bound. What is the difference between a free and bound."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz 1 Answers What is a morpheme? It is the smallest unit of meaning that can be free or must be bound. What is the difference between a free and bound morpheme? Free morpheme is the smallest unit of meaning that can exist on its own as a word. E.g.: fish. Bound morpheme must be attached to a free morpheme in order to have meaning. It alters or modifies the stem. E.g.: fishing

2 What is an inflectional morpheme? These are bound morphemes that changes the grammar of a word. Running What is a derivational morpheme? These are bound morphemes that changes the word class. Quickly: adjective to adverb What is the difference between content and function words? Open class/ content words carry meaning. They readily admit new members as words are created and changed. Nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs Closed class/ function words do not readily admit new members. They have limited use and not change. They act as the grammatical glue of a sentence. Pronouns, prepositions, auxiliary verbs, conjunctions

3 Morphology and word class quiz 2 2. “Fat” in line 2 belongs to which class of words? “Fat” in line 2 is an adjective. What does it express? It is use metaphorically to describe the governments greedy nature within the issue of gambling. 3. “Whilst” in line 3 belongs to which class of words? It is conjunction. What function does it have in this context? It serves to link the government’s greed with the idea that they are pretending that they have no part in this issue of gambling. It suggests that the government is deliberately neglecting their responsibilities.

4 5. “Should” in line 10 belongs to which class of words? It is an auxiliary verb. In combination with the verb “taking” what message is the writer trying to convey? In combination with the word “taking”, the writer conveys that the government has an obligation to take care of their people at the moment but are not. 6. In lines 14 and 15, “legalising” and “taking” is in what tense? It is in the present progressive tense. In using this tense what does the writer achieve? Using this tense the writer suggests that the result of the government’s actions are current and will be continuous if action is not taken.

5 8. In line 18, what is the effect of using the inclusive pronoun “we”? In using the inclusive pronouns, the writer involves the audience in the issue of gambling AND encourages them to collectively take action because the government has not. 9. What is the function of the text? The function of the text is to criticise the government’s lack of action against the issue of gambling and implore the community to take responsibility.

6 10. How does the context and the intended audience influence the expression and content of the article? The writer elicits the dangers associated with gambling to the wider community. The writer effectively selects their expressions in order to arouse an emotional response from the reader. As result, connotative nouns such as “disease” and “crime” are used to evoke outrage against the targeted group, the government, who are equally as effected. The audience are led to distrust the government who lack the ability act lawfully. The writer intends to separate the audience as the victims and the government as the culprits. Consequently expressions such as “battlers” and “pour into” is used.

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