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+ Reproductive Technologies. Reproductive Ethics  You’re the Counselor!!—Case 6.1  How would you counsel a couple who had come to you for advice on.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Reproductive Technologies. Reproductive Ethics  You’re the Counselor!!—Case 6.1  How would you counsel a couple who had come to you for advice on."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Reproductive Technologies


3 Reproductive Ethics  You’re the Counselor!!—Case 6.1  How would you counsel a couple who had come to you for advice on dealing with infertility?  Emotional Factors  Moral Issues  You’re the Counselor!!—Case 6.1  How would you counsel a couple who had come to you for advice on dealing with infertility?  Emotional Factors  Moral Issues

4 Different Technologies to Make a Baby  Inter-Uterine Insemination  By Husband  By Donor (also egg donation)  In Vitro Fertilization Family  GIFT (Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer), Z(zygote)IFT, IVF  Surrogate Motherhood  ICSI (Sperm Injection)  Inter-Uterine Insemination  By Husband  By Donor (also egg donation)  In Vitro Fertilization Family  GIFT (Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer), Z(zygote)IFT, IVF  Surrogate Motherhood  ICSI (Sperm Injection)

5 Types of Surrogate Motherhood  Genetic--surrogate provides egg and womb  Gestational--surrogate only provides womb  Commercial--done for a $10,000- 50,000 fee plus expenses  Altruistic--done for expenses only  Genetic--surrogate provides egg and womb  Gestational--surrogate only provides womb  Commercial--done for a $10,000- 50,000 fee plus expenses  Altruistic--done for expenses only

6 Theological Foundations  Medical Technology in Theological Perspective  Dominion Mandate (Gen. 1-2)  Impact of the Entrance of Sin  Stewardship over Creation  Place of General Revelation and Common Grace  Must Evaluate the Uses of Technology  Medical Technology in Theological Perspective  Dominion Mandate (Gen. 1-2)  Impact of the Entrance of Sin  Stewardship over Creation  Place of General Revelation and Common Grace  Must Evaluate the Uses of Technology

7 Theological Foundations  Genesis 1-2--The Context for Procreation  Permanent, monogamous, heterosexual marriage  Novel ways of procreation in the OT  Surrogacy  Levirate Marriage  Polygamy  Other “violations” of the norm in Genesis 1-2  Divorce  Genesis 1-2--The Context for Procreation  Permanent, monogamous, heterosexual marriage  Novel ways of procreation in the OT  Surrogacy  Levirate Marriage  Polygamy  Other “violations” of the norm in Genesis 1-2  Divorce

8 Theological Foundations  Use of Gen. 1-2 by NT Authors  Romans 1  I Timothy 2  I Cor. 11  Matt. 19  Conclusion---Genesis account of creation carries great weight with NT authors.  Use of Gen. 1-2 by NT Authors  Romans 1  I Timothy 2  I Cor. 11  Matt. 19  Conclusion---Genesis account of creation carries great weight with NT authors.

9 Theological Foundations  Sacredness of Human Life--Being in the Image of God  Continuity of Personal Identity from Earliest Points of one’s life  Psalm 139, Psalm 51 (Exodus 21: 22-25)  Doctrine of the Incarnation  Embryos and Biblical Teaching  Sacredness of Human Life--Being in the Image of God  Continuity of Personal Identity from Earliest Points of one’s life  Psalm 139, Psalm 51 (Exodus 21: 22-25)  Doctrine of the Incarnation  Embryos and Biblical Teaching

10 Moral Status of Fetuses and Embryos  Thesis: Personhood begins at conception  Common views of a person assume a continuity of personal identity from the earliest points of pregnancy  Personhood is a matter of essence, not function. Personhood is not a degreed property.  The difference between an embryo in the lab and and fetus in the womb is one of location  Thesis: Personhood begins at conception  Common views of a person assume a continuity of personal identity from the earliest points of pregnancy  Personhood is a matter of essence, not function. Personhood is not a degreed property.  The difference between an embryo in the lab and and fetus in the womb is one of location

11 Moral Status of Fetuses and Embryos  All adult persons are the result of a continuous process of development that begins at conception.  There is no ontologically or morally relevant break in the process from conception to birth.  Thus, one is a person from conception forward.  All adult persons are the result of a continuous process of development that begins at conception.  There is no ontologically or morally relevant break in the process from conception to birth.  Thus, one is a person from conception forward.

12 Theological Parameters-- Summary  Sanctity of Marriage  Sacredness of life from conception onward  “Be fruitful and multiply”  Rescuing the vulnerable  Adoption as the metaphor for our relationship with God  Technology a qualified good  Sanctity of Marriage  Sacredness of life from conception onward  “Be fruitful and multiply”  Rescuing the vulnerable  Adoption as the metaphor for our relationship with God  Technology a qualified good

13 Catholic Reproductive Ethics  Key distinction: assisting vs. replacing normal sex in marriage  Inseparable connection between the “unitive” and “procreative” aspects of sex  “it is never permitted to separate these different aspects so such a degree as positively to exclude either the procreative intention or the conjugal relation.”  Key distinction: assisting vs. replacing normal sex in marriage  Inseparable connection between the “unitive” and “procreative” aspects of sex  “it is never permitted to separate these different aspects so such a degree as positively to exclude either the procreative intention or the conjugal relation.”

14 Catholic Reproductive Ethics  Menopause??  Scripture treats the unitive element of sex as a sufficient end (I Corinthians 7, Song of Solomon)  Rhythm Method of birth control could compromise this separation.  Genesis 1-2 require procreation in the sphere of marriage, not sexual relations.  Menopause??  Scripture treats the unitive element of sex as a sufficient end (I Corinthians 7, Song of Solomon)  Rhythm Method of birth control could compromise this separation.  Genesis 1-2 require procreation in the sphere of marriage, not sexual relations.



17 Case 6.2--for Discussion  Couple married 4 years.  Man infertile due to untreated mumps as a kid.  Wife wants a sperm donor so she can “have her own child.”  Husband is uneasy about having a procreative “pinch hitter.”  Couple married 4 years.  Man infertile due to untreated mumps as a kid.  Wife wants a sperm donor so she can “have her own child.”  Husband is uneasy about having a procreative “pinch hitter.”

18 Cases for Discussion  Couple married for 6 years.  Married when older so started trying to conceive immediately  Trying for 4 years.  Physician recommends an egg donor since wife is in her early 40’s.  Couple married for 6 years.  Married when older so started trying to conceive immediately  Trying for 4 years.  Physician recommends an egg donor since wife is in her early 40’s.

19 Questions About Specific Technologies  Problems with the IVF Family  Disposition of Leftover Embryos  Selective Termination of Pregnancies  Problems with Surrogate Motherhood  Is it the sale of children?  In gestational surrogacy, who is the mother?  Potential legal problems  Contested Custody  Genetic Abnormality  Problems with the IVF Family  Disposition of Leftover Embryos  Selective Termination of Pregnancies  Problems with Surrogate Motherhood  Is it the sale of children?  In gestational surrogacy, who is the mother?  Potential legal problems  Contested Custody  Genetic Abnormality

20 Surrogacy Case-Case 6.3  Couple married for 10 years, trying for 6 years  Conceived through IVF--triplets.  Miscarried the triplets and had massive uterine hemorrhage.  Underwent emergency hysterectomy  They have 5 embryos left in storage from IVF  They want to hire a surrogate to carry them  Couple married for 10 years, trying for 6 years  Conceived through IVF--triplets.  Miscarried the triplets and had massive uterine hemorrhage.  Underwent emergency hysterectomy  They have 5 embryos left in storage from IVF  They want to hire a surrogate to carry them


22 The Brave New World  Human Procreative Cloning  Artificial Wombs  Fetal Egg Donors  Gender Selection  Designer Embryos  Postmenopausal Pregnancies  Brain Death and Pregnancy  Posthumous Procreation  Human Procreative Cloning  Artificial Wombs  Fetal Egg Donors  Gender Selection  Designer Embryos  Postmenopausal Pregnancies  Brain Death and Pregnancy  Posthumous Procreation

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