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Vehicle-to-grid Power Amardeep Dhanju & Dr. Willett Kempton April 14, 2009 Center for Carbon-free Power Integration University of Delaware Amardeep Dhanju.

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Presentation on theme: "Vehicle-to-grid Power Amardeep Dhanju & Dr. Willett Kempton April 14, 2009 Center for Carbon-free Power Integration University of Delaware Amardeep Dhanju."— Presentation transcript:

1 vehicle-to-grid Power Amardeep Dhanju & Dr. Willett Kempton April 14, 2009 Center for Carbon-free Power Integration University of Delaware Amardeep Dhanju & Dr. Willett Kempton April 14, 2009 Center for Carbon-free Power Integration University of Delaware

2 Plug-in for charging

3 V2G with ISO Control

4 V2G taps an underutilized resource US car used 1 hour/day, parked 23 h/d Average daily travel = 32 miles, thus most storage unused most days Practical power draw from car: 10 - 20 kW US power: generation=978 GW; load=436 GW avg (EIA 2005) US 241 million cars (FHWA 2005) x 15 kW = 3,615 GW, thus...

5 V2G taps an underutilized resource US car used 1 hour/day, parked 23 h/d Average daily travel = 32 miles, thus most storage unused most days Practical power draw from car: 10 - 20 kW US power: generation=978 GW; load=436 GW avg (EIA 2005) US 241 million cars (FHWA 2005) x 15 kW = 3,615 GW, thus... Power of fleet is >3x generation; >8x load!

6 Energy Markets

7 Value of regulation Average Annual Market Clearing Price ($/MW-h) 200420052006 PJM $42.75$49.73$32.69 RTO-NE $28.92$30.22$24.02 NY ISO $22.59$39.21$51.26 ERCOT $22.66$38.07n/a CA ISO $29.00n/a$36.04

8 Basic per-Vehicle Values 10 –Year Present Value V2G Revenue Potential Assumptions: 80% availability, Reg. $40/MW-h, Spin. $10/MW-h, 7% discount rate, example calculations

9 Business case To sell V2G, need ISO wholesale contract – 1 MW minimum 1 MW, with extra vehicles for reliability margin, requires 200 high power vehicles (eBox, 16-19 kW) or 1,000 - 2,000 low power (e.g. GM Volt, 20 Amp or ~3 kW) Minimum 200 for ISO trial

10 Sequence of Markets Initial, high-value markets, are A/S Regulation Spinning reserves Later, larger markets with lower value per kW: Defer upgrades to distribution feeders, transformers Peak load reduction, valley filling Power factor correction Balancing wind, shifting solar peak

11 MAGICC: Mid-Atlantic Grid- Interactive Cars Consortium

12 Mid-Atlantic Grid-Interactive Car Consortium (MAGICC) Partners Univ. of Delaware PHI: Delmarva Power, Atlantic Electric, PEPCO, etc. PJM Interconnect AC Propulsion ACUA Comverge Observers Tesla Motors A123 AES Corporation State of Delaware (PSC, Energy Office) Anon

13 Current status One vehicle working, 6 planned and funded Procedure for utility interconnect approval- Done Assembler is ready to build vehicles with high power and bi-directional flow capabilities

14 AGC from ISO to Vehicle via PLC

15 Move ISO link to server

16 80 AMP, 240 VAC, with Power- line carrier for IP

17 What the ISO sees


19 EVs providing regulation

20 V2G Aggregator (No Car Plugged-in)

21 V2G Aggregator (Car Plugged-in)

22 V2G Aggregator (in V2G mode)

23 Wind and V2G

24 Simple model of V2G for wind leveling 220 MW offshore wind power (modelled from buoy 44009 offshore Delaware) Leveling target at 88 MW (40% of nameplate or 14% of average DE load), equal to 8760 average output Use storage of 1000 MWh (1 GWh) to level Storage from just under 30,000 EVs (28,571 eBoxes), about 4% of DE fleet Simplifying assumptions: no other end use storage, no distribution power limits, driving compromised during a few long wind lulls/year Equivalently, 3,250 MW capacity (100% of DE electricity) and 58% of fleet

25 January Wind

26 January wind + V2G

27 July Wind

28 July wind + V2G

29 V2G as wind leveling Good to reduce ramp rate, fill short gaps (up to 6 hours? one day?) Multi-day wind lulls in this model Still need fossil or some other backup, but runs rarely Long term solutions, non-surface or inherent storage Half of fleet serves very roughly 100% electric -- needs model with load, etc

30 Marketing research

31 Ongoing marketing survey Web-based survey Sampling biased but close to early target market Allows more complex tradeoffs and customization Respondents will be chosen randomly from within the PJM service area. Target of 1,000 respondents needed due to complex interdependencies of vehicle and V2G contract attributes

32 Potential attributes to test: –Recharging time –Range with a full charge –Range when participating in V2G contract –Purchase price –Annual fuel cost –Annual income from V2G contract –Compensate by hours plugged in, versus value to grid –Trade off between V2G revenue and being guaranteed a certain level of charge Ongoing marketing survey

33 Building a Fleet

34 Current Fleet AC Propulsion eBoxes (one in DE, one in CA) UD Fuel Cell Bus

35 Fleet expansion


37 To test aggregator, need multiple vehicles OEMs not building grid-oriented cars DOE award cost-share matched with 2 Delaware agencies + utility Add 4 cars in state fleet, V2G dispatch Test software on real vehicle use V2G market test: 200 cars (several possible partners)

38 Summary Large-scale CO 2 -free power fluctuates Now doing individual vehicle dispatch under AGC; simple model of wind fill-in and providing regulation services Work underway Software for aggregator & vehicle Market research for V2G contracts Dispatch on small fleet (~6 cars) Fleet for A/S contract (~200)

39 End more info:

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