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A Precautionary Approach - The Way Forward Anne-Sofie Andersson, Director ChemSec Kemien Dag, Copenhagen November 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "A Precautionary Approach - The Way Forward Anne-Sofie Andersson, Director ChemSec Kemien Dag, Copenhagen November 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Precautionary Approach - The Way Forward Anne-Sofie Andersson, Director ChemSec Kemien Dag, Copenhagen November 2014



4 Political processes  Effective chemicals regulations Business dialogue  Products free of hazardous chemicals Financial investors  Avoid investments in high concern chemicals

5 Key message Use the Precautionary Approach due to: ✗ health problems in society ✗ good reputation ✗ increased market advantages ✗ regulatory requirements Tools for chemicals management: SIN: identify the SVHC and stay ahead SINimilarity: a tool to avoid regrettable substitution

6 Jämförelse klimat och kemikalier Public concern and interest in chemicals Eurobarometer, May 2014 The impact on our health of chemicals used in everyday products 43%

7 What product content do the consumers prefer?

8 Benefits with precaution and less hazardous chemicals: - reduced costs for waste - avoid take back actions - avoid bad reputations Economical reasons for precaution

9 Benefits with precaution and less hazardous chemicals: - reduced costs for waste - avoid take back actions - avoid bad reputations

10 Mattel´s recall of lead in toys

11 Is it a financial risk to invest in companies with a large use of SVHC?

12 Global trend REACH, Korea-REACH, California, China, Taiwan…

13 The SIN List Staying ahead The SIN List: Staying ahead of regulation

14 Joint NGO initiative Identifies high concern chemicals Based on EU law: using criteria set up for Substances of Very High Concern in REACH.

15  Speed up REACH implementation and inspire other regulatory processes  Offer concrete guidance for companies to focus their substitution efforts Joint NGO initiative Identifies high concern chemicals Based on EU law: using criteria set up for Substances of Very High Concern in REACH


17 The Precautionary Approach will remain:  setup an internal chemicals management Tools to use: SIN: identify the SVHC and stay ahead SINimilarity: a tool to avoid regrettable substitution Conclusions


19 Health problems in the Society “ …up to 40% of the health costs (in the Nordic Countries) associated with several serious male reproductive problems may be due to exposure to hormone disrupting chemicals…”* *The Costs of Inaction, The Nordic Council, 17 th of November 2014

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