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~Losing isn’t an option. Airadaki By: Subhan Chaudry, Hesham Atoui, and Yazan Abdolkarim.

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Presentation on theme: "~Losing isn’t an option. Airadaki By: Subhan Chaudry, Hesham Atoui, and Yazan Abdolkarim."— Presentation transcript:

1 ~Losing isn’t an option. Airadaki By: Subhan Chaudry, Hesham Atoui, and Yazan Abdolkarim

2 ~The logo and slogan were developed by the creativity of the Airadaki design team. ~The logo and slogan symbolizes the dedication of the team and their strive to succeed and win. The team kept on trying even when they were behind and created this logo and slogan to show their true colors. Developing the Team... Logo: Losing Isn’t an option Slogan:

3 Project Leader: Subhan Chaudry Construction Manager: Subhan Chaudry Equipment Manager: Yazan Abdolkarim Design Manager: Hesham Atoui Recorder: Hesham Atoui Roles

4 Subhan: Construction of Car, Management of Group, and Presentation Hesham: Survey, Design of Car, Notes, and Proposal Yazan: Management of Equipment, Editing, and Assisting in Design Contributions

5 We were able to meet the RFP Challenge by: Working in a team Focusing on the work Surveying Asking different student Putting it up to the challange RFP Challenge

6 With every Trial there is an error. So at first when we started we began to play with the gear ratios, to make a moving car. However after a while they got the jest of it but still had errors They also learned many things through experience. They learned about the amount of friction but on and how to reduce. The amount of weight to slow it down, and much more. Problems with Solutions

7 There were many improvements that they needed to make. They needed to make there car faster, how to reduce the friction. Last but not least they had to make the car actually move. They fixed there mistakes by trial and error. So they tried several designs and choose the one that worked the best. Improvements

8 Circle or write answers that apply to you 1. Are you a boy or girl? Boy Girl 2. What type of car would you want? Racecar Truck 3. What is your favorite candy? Jolly Rancher Dum Dums Blow Pops Hershey’s Crunch TwixSour Patch 4. What type of design would you like? Animals Movie CharactersOther 5. How old are you? ________ 6. What is a good price for a car?$5-10$10-15$15+ 7. What is your favorite color? BlueRedPinkPurpleOrangeYellowGreenOther __________ 8. Do you want your car to go fast or go up a hill? Go fastClimb a hill 9. What type of car design would you like? CarBoatAirplane Survey

9 - Our customers are children that range from the ages 6-10. The product is for both boys and girls. - We learned that our customers would mostly likely buy our car if it was blue and decorated with different designs. Also because of the we made a color combination of blue, red and orange. Customers

10 Data Gender BoyGirl Number of People2119 Candy Jolly Rancher Dum Dums Blow Pops Hershey’sCrunchTwix Sour Patch Number of People 8031046 ColorsBlueRedPinkPurpleOrangeYellowGreenOther Number of People 182042195 DesignCarBoatAirplane Number of People21713 DesignRacecarTruck Number of People383

11 Data(con.) Design of car AnimalMovie CharacterOther Numbe r of People 15817 Ages678910 Number of People 0761115 SpeedGo FastClimb a Hill Number of People319 Prices$5-10$10-15$15+ Number Of People3523

12 Data(con.)


14 Data

15 ~Our vehicle meets the challenge of travelling 3 meters in 3 seconds according to our table. ~Also according to our research from our survey the car should appeal to children ages 6-10. Vehicle Performance TrialSeconds 12.9 22.5 32.7

16 ~The customers would be most happy with our vehicle, because it fills the needs of the kids and not us. ~Evidence to this can be shown through the graphs. ~Also look on the next slide for the opinion of a customer. Sales Pitch


18 Losing isn’t an option. (At least not for us) Airadaki ~Subhan Chaudry, Hesham Atoui, and Yazan Abdolkarim

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