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STANDARD C Laura Adams, Literacy Consultant, CCSSI Team.

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1 STANDARD C Laura Adams, Literacy Consultant, CCSSI Team

2 Reading Interventions and Wisconsin Law Overview of Standard (c) Intent of the standard – Identify students with weaknesses in language and background experiences that may result in reading failure. – Prevent and remedy reading failures by providing instruction appropriate to the developmental stage of the child. – Provide instruction in grades K-4 that builds upon the child's oral language, reading, and writing.

3 The Law 121.02 (c) Provide interventions or remedial reading services for a pupil in grades kindergarten to 4 if any ONE of the following occurs: 1. The student fails to meet district grade level objectives in reading as identified in required curriculum plans;

4 The Law 121.02 (c) OR 2. The student scores minimal on the WKCE AND EITHER the district and parent/guardian agree that the student’s test performance accurately reflects her/his reading ability OR a teacher in the district determines, based on other objective evidence of the pupil’s reading comprehension, that her/his test performance accurately reflects her/his reading ability;

5 The Law 121.02 (c) OR 3. The student’s kindergarten reading screener (PALS) scores indicates that she/he is at risk of reading difficulty.

6 The Law 121.02 (c) These interventions must: – Be scientifically based s. 121.02 (1)(c) – Address all areas of need s. 121.02 (1)(c) – Be consistent with state standards for reading and Language Arts s. 121.02 (1)(c) – Be coordinated with all other reading instruction PI 8.01 (2)(c)3.

7 The Administrative Rule 121(c) If 20% or more of district/school students score below proficient on the state assessment, the district shall develop a written plan which includes the following:

8 The Administrative Rule 121(c) – A description of how the district will provide remedial reading services. – A description of how the district intends to evaluate the effectiveness of efforts to remove reading deficiencies. – An assessment of the school district or individual school's reading program.

9 Questions What should this documentation look like? How should districts record this? How does this change in light of RtI? Would documentation of RtI interventions suffice?

10 Some Answers Interventions not leading towards SLD identification: Evidence-based Documented baseline data Progress monitoring Evidence of effectiveness

11 Some Answers Interventions leading towards SLD identification: Scientifically-based Documented baseline data Documented progress monitoring Documented evidence of effectiveness Two such interventions are required

12 Resources Three-part webinar series on Standard (c) specialist-corner specialist-corner SLD criteria criteria-implementation-overview-2011.pdf criteria-implementation-overview-2011.pdf SLD FAQ’s Link to RtI Center brief on SLD/RTI: %205-11-11.pdf %205-11-11.pdf Laura Adams

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