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BOE Presentation Assessment Update Trend Data for USD261 SOE.

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2 BOE Presentation Assessment Update

3 Trend Data for USD261 SOE

4 District Reading Trend Data

5 District Math Trend Data

6 AYP Eliminated! Now…Measureable Objectives AMO and API

7 Status – Why the changes? NCLB (ESEA) Assessments 2002 - 2014 100% proficient by 2014 ESEA Waiver – AMO API Continuous student improvement College Career Ready Standards 2014 ELA/Math Transitional Assessments 2015 ELA/ MATHSummative Assessments

8 AMO Annual Measureable Objective ESEA Waiver 4 Criteria based on State Assessment Results Achievement Results (building API scores) Growth Results Gap Reduction Results Reducing Non-Proficient

9 AMO District Report

10 District Reading Achievement District State

11 District Math Achievement District State

12 AMO/API Comparison Report

13 Spring 2014 Transitional State Assessments Science no changes (same format, etc.) Transitional Year – New Test for ELA and Math! Aligned to CCRS Fewer Test Type choices No Sped ALT now DLM More Technology Fewer Accommodations

14 Individual Schools Reading and Math Achievement AMO Reports

15 High School Reading

16 High School Math

17 CHS AMO Report

18 Haysville Middle Reading

19 Haysville Middle Math


21 Haysville West Middle School Reading

22 Haysville West Middle School Math


24 Freeman Reading

25 Freeman Math


27 Nelson Reading

28 Nelson Math


30 Oatville Reading

31 Oatville Math


33 Prairie Reading

34 Prairie Math


36 Rex Reading

37 Rex Math


39 Ruth Clark Reading

40 Ruth Clark Math


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